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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 9th, 2011, 2:36 pm

yeah, we are living (for moments & mostly when we allow that to happen) really rough times. I like very much this article I recived by mail today "Kindness is society", it made me smile, enjoy!:


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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 14th, 2011, 2:43 pm

"Il cavaliere is out, a technician is in..." :shock: (well, not at all, I´ve seen that before...) resilience, Italia...!!!! :)

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 11-14.html

while reading the news images of Baaria mixed with Novecento crossed my mind...

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 14th, 2011, 10:07 pm

"Baaria mixed with Novecento crossed my mind..." ?

I caught the news about Italy, still not sure why,
I should read the article, something to do with money I think?
I guess I should have read the article first before posting, gone to read it now.
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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 14th, 2011, 10:23 pm

this I thought was interesting
The President of the Republic, the former communist Giorgio Napolitano, at 86 years was the only one able to rise above partisan interests and that, aware of the seriousness of the situation, he pushed for that Berlusconi was made to one side and accept a government that is technical and that Monti is known to be formed.
I met a guy from Belgium on the bus, he called Belgium the country without a government. He seemed pretty happy about it.

We are so locked into our national government, it takes four years to change anything

Strange news from Syria tonight on the nightly news hour. Arab spring, a bloody spring, reminds me of the IRA for some reason

An american spring, a north american spring, why can't we be like our neighbors up north, or down south too.

I wish we had a parlimentary system sometimes, but I wonder if it would be worse, as bad as it seems I wonder if it could even be worse?

Boy I could choose a topic now that has nothing to do with nothing.

I wish I was a technocrat sometimes, a neuro-theologian.

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 16th, 2011, 8:20 pm

some time ago I saw a documentary film made by syrians about education in Syria ... as they portrated it, educational stuff was very-very ideologizado in an explicit way and also had an efficiency-heavy side (it was about High School)... maybe interbeing can be a serious thing in some moments & places, who knows! :roll: ... and now it seems also the arab-league is against Bahar-al Assad government-regime? (the word régimen is used in spanish for dictatorships, I was surprised some months ago to listen the proliferation of this word in the media, although used in a suspicious way... for example they don´t use "régimen" for Arabia Saudita but they easily use "régimen" for Syria) ... I don´t know ...

Boy I could choose a topic now that has nothing to do with nothing.

I wish I was a technocrat sometimes, a neuro-theologian.


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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 19th, 2011, 7:02 pm

In Chavez´s words: "No podemos morir ni ser derrotados" (We can´t die or being defeated)... at some level maybe it´s true, Chávez, but where´s dialectics in that?? ... :roll:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-19.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 21st, 2011, 1:46 pm

what will happen with the Spanish´s indignados with an explicit right-wing government now in power...? :shock:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 11-21.html

Eduardo Aliverti (Partido Comunista cuadro & now in line with Kirchner gobierno) talking about the local Right-wing "corriendo por izquierda al gobierno" (it´s a very local expression it´s like to make pressure accusing the govermnent to make right-wing decisions) and about the cut of subsidios to services to citizens that don´t need them (second step to the cut of subsidios to some empresas announced some weeks ago).

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-21.html

Mr. Aliverti:

I don´t consider myself Right-wing but I see inflation increasing and the government simply denying it so I can´t trust at first sight in everything the government is doing and saying (I can´t do it at all , even putting something like civic effort in it...! :shock: ). So, Mr. Aliverti I´m afraid I´m not so sure as you are about our government final intentions , maybe I´m already a caso perdido for you as a reader... I have to confess you that I made myself the questions you wrote at the beggining of your article... :roll: :lol:

Se duda de que la tarjeta del SUBE sea una buena credencial para la detección de quién merece estar subsidiado? ¿O se duda de si el Gobierno no habrá pegado un volantazo a derecha? ¿Se duda de cómo harán la declaración jurada para encontrar a los que deben seguir cobrando el subsidio? ¿O se duda de si los K no estarán pegándole un sacudón al bolsillo multitudinario? ¿Se duda de qué deben hacer los inquilinos? ¿O se duda de si estos recortes, bajo pantalla de afectar a los que más tienen, no van a caer sobre los que tienen menos? ¿Se duda de qué pasa si uno renuncia al subsidio del servicio público y después resulta que vuelve a necesitarlo? ¿O se duda de si el oficialismo no estará retrancando hacia correcciones impopulares? ¿Se duda de qué ocurrirá con los que no respondan el formulario adjunto a la factura del gas, la luz, el agua? ¿O se duda de que avanzar sobre Puerto Madero y Barrio Parque no es más que una movida para la gilada?

No idea what will happen in Santa Fe, though. We already have increase in the water (130%) and electricity bills (23?) and as long as I know we already have diferencial tarifas according localization in the city.

yeah, let´s wish the best for the mayority and the ones who are most in need! :)
(I have to return to work now, keep writing & good luck!)

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 21st, 2011, 9:45 pm

I had a weird thought when I read that bit about Spain's ecconomic destiny lay in Europe. I wondered where the USA ecconomic destiny lay. Strang thought kind of leaves me blank, I don't where to look for our north american destiny

pardon the ramble

I read the first link, maybe because the translation got garbled i.e. "I used medical Mammals" that cant be write

so when he was talking about his own survival and that of his government I got confused

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 21st, 2011, 9:49 pm

the third link

"a dreadful cynicsm" is that a fair translation?

that is what Obama is facing i think

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 21st, 2011, 10:12 pm

I don´t know s-t ..., after the nineties I can´t avoid being a bit cynical concerning local politics but I´m doing an effort... :)

I returned to pagina12 later and found this Marc Augé entrevista, I heard some time ago someone quoting his "El viaje imposible" but I´ve never read him. Interesting view of nowadays´s world through the lentes of an anthropologist riding a bycicle!!!!!! :lol: Enjoy! :D

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/dialo ... 11-21.html

& "Shopping the Dharma" : the title of this trycicle´s article reminded me a Woody Allen´s film where, he, as a sort of confused, faded and alienated magician saca icons and objects belonging to different religions and credos from a paper-bag, so yeah, enough consumo & new computer for today, I´ll read it later! :wink:


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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Steve Plonk » November 22nd, 2011, 1:37 pm

Arcadia, Thanks for posting on my "Chat Spot". Howdy, howdy! Thought I'd touch base with you here, from time to time...! I appreciate your
tour photos & your sense of humor, & input from such an interesting perspective... 8) I gather from your writings that you are a teacher...
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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 22nd, 2011, 10:44 pm

hola Steve!, just wanting some music the other day, but I enjoy chatting here, there and everywhere, no problem at all!!!!! :wink: You are very kind & of course you are welcome here! :) . Yeah, five hours each day I´m a face-to-face children´s teacher, how you knew it...??? :lol:

at some point they look as good news: somehow, nobody has the last word, it´s a sort of relief sometimes... :roll:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-22.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-22.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-22.html

two months ago I bought a very interesting and revealing book edited by the MOCASE with its story and full of militantes´s moving entrevistas & life´s stories to some Santiago del Estero people from the organization participating in a Feria of Comercio Justo in Plaza San Martín in Rosario... last week I remembered too well that book ... soja world against everything or everyone in its path not matter the consequences ... sad that some things keep happening...!

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-22.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 26th, 2011, 10:53 am

Tucumán repressor ´s Bussi is dead... and it´s a sort of relief to somehow know that there will not be easy a "recambio generacional"...

also it´s shocking to re-realize that he was elected as governor of Tucumán after the democracy returned in 1983... some processes are slow & full of contradictions , it seems.

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-25.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-25.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-25.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-25.html

Yesterday, international day against the violence towards women .... we have a lot of work to do about it here ... I don´t know why (if there are more casos or the barrierrs in all the senses are more tenues), each year at school appear more casos of violence or abuse in relation to children and behind that the same regarding to the mothers ....

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/socie ... 11-26.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/socie ... 11-25.html

Rosario´s campaña & marcha:

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/la-ciudad/R ... -0017.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 27th, 2011, 9:16 pm

Gelman on "Obama Imperator"

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/contr ... 11-27.html

there´s a paragraph or the article that called my attention: it shows the complex way economies are related, in this caso the chinese and the USA ones:

La técnica de desestabilización que EE.UU. suele aplicar, en este caso sería un arma de dos filos. China es casi el único cliente de los bonos del Tesoro, es decir, de la deuda estadounidense que hoy se eleva a 15 billones de dólares. ¿Y si Pekín dejara de comprarla y se perdiera la confianza en el dólar? Para el economista Richard Maybury, la desconfianza en el billete verde conduciría a su venta indiscriminada en todo el mundo, caería su valor de cambio, produciría una brutal inflación en EE.UU. y desembocaría en un caos económico generalizado (//webcache.googleusercontente.com, 8-9-11) que también perjudicaría a China. Sería un fenómeno de mutua destrucción.

it would be great that fenómenos of mutual construction, help and solidarity could rise in the world, instead of mutual destruction or sick continuation (mutual destruction in a maybe more long term).

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 28th, 2011, 10:52 am

Toni Negri´s writings caused enardecidos debates here ten years ago between local marxists and also philo-amateurs like me... his critical postulations against the nation-state and the almost? dilematic representation/participation ideas were not easy to digest by a more or less nationalist left in the middle of a globalization context and a painful local raw neoliberalism recent past: can democracy (or something like that) be possible without the idea and mecanisms of representation?, in 2002 words: "can we live in estado de asamblea permanente"?, is the actual presidentialist system the only way for representation people can have?, how we want to participate and what for? ...
While reading the following entrevista I also listened to the echoes of those years and it seems Toni keeps talking & writing...! :lol:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/dialo ... 11-28.html

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