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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 16th, 2015, 7:44 pm

I watched the presidential candidates´s debate yesterday ... so uncomfortably awake, damn...! :shock: Well, at least I discovered what really disgust me more about Macri: I simply can´t stand his owner plus CEO of the whole enterprise´s ways, mood & face when he talks ... just too much for me...! 8)

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 22nd, 2015, 11:15 am

I saw most of the films in this cinema´s cycle on the public televisión this year, films so hard and difficult to watch & slighty different from the war films I had already seen before:

http://www.encuentro.gov.ar/sitios/encu ... _id=127443

the atmosphere right now (plus a big ammount of parody & local history) feels a bit like if we were in 1945 & also in 1955 instead of 2015: what you can listen these days from the opposite media & the people who (it seems) couldn´t stand anything at all of the still actual government is the relato of an already defeated and running away 12 years´s tiranny ... I just wonder about the dimensión of the whole thing (not remember such personalized hate at the end of last dictatorship...) & why we still have to have such adrenaline and heaviness at the end of someone´s government after more than 30 years of democracy (I know is a burguesa and limited democracy but hey, it could be easier... :roll: )

If each situation is a learning itself, a ballotage with two not at all desiderable options is a pretty oportunity to let go the illusion that you can control things and that reality is a solid block of something... so I already voted today for the first time in my voting life for the peronismo in a moment that they are already portrated as running away nazis ... :lol: ommmmmmmmmmm :arrow:

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 22nd, 2015, 8:26 pm

Oh well..., numbers already say that Macri´s the new president... :? Inside the oficialism they are talking about the media complot specially during the last years, about stylistic vote, social humor & reagrupation. I guess it´s time of resilience & being more awake than usual trying at the same time to not fall into a too much stress zone.... :shock:

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 24th, 2015, 9:09 pm

renewed classic highclass cosmovision-right wing-enterpreneurstyle-eficientism-rawpopulism seem to just begun...! :shock: And hey, we are told to stay positive ... damn , I wish I could but right now I´m in a disonance period, sorry...! :roll: :twisted:

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/n ... dent-goals

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-24.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-24.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-24.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-24.html

(I guess I need time and not to see TV or listen to the radio during some weeks or months to start laughing at least a little about all these ...)

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 27th, 2015, 3:06 pm

one week from politics A or B & things are slowly getting more or less porous as usual... :lol:

Listening to the radio & doing papers-end-the year writing, reading & reciclying


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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » December 14th, 2015, 8:58 pm

Here´s the most transitable text I read after the elections...! ( I´ve been thinking a lot about Cambalache & Little Red Hood during last week but I like the Mano a Mano and Hammelin references in this waterfall ... :lol: ) (Bravo, Juan! :) )

Avatares del Otario

Por Juan Sasturain

Y si alguna deuda chica / sin querer se me ha olvidado /
en la cuenta del otario / que tenés, se la cargás.
Celedonio Flores, Mano a mano.


In illo tempore / había una vez / allá lejos y hace tiempo /
empezó todo:
Rivadavia - Baring Brothers / Roca chico - Royal Runciman /
Prebisch / Krieger
y siguió:
el modesto Rodrigo (no el Potro, el otro) ejecutor de la infamia
el mosaico Martínez Dios –fina oreja del mandato financiero universal–
portador de La Receta:
The Ten Liberal Commitments
grabados a fuego en The Wall Street Mount /
deletreados en Campo de Mayo por cobayos sin nombre /
por cipayos uniformes /
por estúpidos vasallos del Imperio /
por la reputísima madre que los parió.
Quiero decir
que la historia de este Otario atormentado
de estos cantos maltratados
por la infamia
tiene siglos de vergüenza y verso ajeno recitado como propio.
Pero vamos a los hechos que recuerda el lector nuevo,
el que sólo mal conoce
(medio preso / del miedo / de los medios)
las dos últimas paradas de La Historia del Otario/
su seguro servidor.


Allá tiempo y hace lejos,
tuerto el cuerpo / ciega el alma
malheridos / malparidos /
malparados en las ruinas /
arruinados / abrochados
–sagrada sangre salada / regalada en la chapuza
en el chapuzón austral
por las islas irredentas–
Allá abajo y hace tanto, digo
–nos dijeron–
tan después de tanta arenga
tras habernos secuestrado / fusilado / regalado en el mercado
nos dijeron y escuchamos
el discurso civil / civilizado
por cadena nacional y en otro tono:
Con la democracia –Alfonso El Joven dixit, demócrata,
subido al púlpito desierto
de soberbios milicos desertores–
Con la democracia –perdonando la palabra–
Con la democracia –digo que dijo con la boca (de urna) llena–
Con la democracia –me acuerdo bien–
se come / se cura / y se educa.
Un aplauso –a la izquierda, por favor– un guiño
–a la derecha, por si acaso– y un comido acá
un curado ahí
un educado más allá
Creamos en / creemos a / criemos al
Elector en Democracia
pensó Alfonso (que no era necesariamente) El Sabio:
Un Educado bien Comido y Sano que Vote Bien:
un Golem, bah,
imaginó y dijo
el chasco honesto de Chascomús:
Vamos a ver si nos sale / mientras duerman sin frazada / la casa está en orden.
Y Alfonso sopló –acaso demasiado fuerte o acaso
demasiado débil– sobre el
muñeco de barro democrático y todo
se fue
al mismísimo carajo.
Y entonces
Alfonso (repentinamente) El Rápido
se fue también
pero sólo a baraja
inaugurando la fila (india) de demócratas borrados y eso sí:
bien comido (por los piojos)
bien curado (de espanto)
desnucado sin / la menor educación.
Se fue, apagó la luz y dejó
la puerta
Todo un programa / todo un gesto / todo un pronóstico (reservado).


Ahora lo sabemos pero entonces –se supone–
no se supo.
No supimos detectar la anomalía /
ni mirar Animal Planet /
ni revisar los gringos Grimm / sus añejas moralejas.
Ahora (al pedo) lo sabemos:
como lemmings / como lauchas encantadas /
de Hammelin o de Miami /
los demócratas
roedores argentinos solían / suelen
votar al Flautista persuasivo /
botarse sin pudor por el Abismo
tras los cantos de sirena
tras los pitos y las flautas
del mercado encantador.
Ahora lo sabemos pero entonces –se supone–
no se supo.
Fue allá tiempo y no hace tanto
los veinte años de apertura del comercio /
de los bancos /
de los cantos /
Hace tiempo y duele mucho
allá poco y cuesta tanto –digo ahora–
los noventa (los no-venta) le vendieron
(deme dos) a la gilada /
al boludaje viajao
que mira / vota / importa
(no le importa lo importado)
sin comprender.
A veinte años gardelianos
que no son nada –dicen
Lepera y sus cantores / Cavallo y su ballet–
que no son poco –dicen
esas pilas de pavadas / esos soretes a pila / esas chinas chucherías–
los paraguas / paragolpes / de dos pesos
que no sirven / que no paran
ni la lluvia / ni los vientos / la tormenta /
la conquista / renovada / del desierto /
del Estado desertor.

Dice el Turco sincerado /
(Los morlacos del Otario / los tiraba a la marchanta)
Dice el Turco sin pudores / en directo y por pantalla /
por si acaso /
por las suyas:
sacame / Bernardo / esos raros
ramales ralos / sin tren
sacame / Mariano / esas chapas
de cachuzas chimeneas / sin humo
sáquenme / ese Estado / en mal estado /
dice el Turco /
que no quiero verlo / Bernardo /
que no quiero verlo / Mariano /
Es la Hora Clave /
y la clave es que apostemos al empate:
Uno a Uno es negocio de local / dice el técnico Cavallo
–o mejor–
liquidemos el local / es negocio / dice el Turco
y sin aviso
pone el texto en Clarín / La Nación Clasificados
(Amp. Loc. t/ instal. / apto negociado / Inquil. vende / liquida ya)
Y de remate / con martillo de Taiwán / nos clavaron
/ nos garparon
en especias / carnales /
hoyo en uno /
Pegame y batime Charlie
dice el Turco / da la última vuelta / de tuerca /
de ajuste /
y muerde el polvo que levanta /
la Ferrari / la Patria /


Estas Tres-lecciones-Tres / de Historia Antigua y Medioigual /
que reprobamos en diciembre /
son Asignatura Pendiente / pendencia necesaria /
que rindamos / sin rendirnos
http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/contr ... 12-14.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » February 9th, 2016, 11:36 pm

the people of the "Almacén Ambulante" of my city sent to us this article with the delivery schedule of february ... I read it and I answered to them: " lamentable pero esperable" ... what it really sounds lamentable.... :roll: , but it´s the only thing that I have to say at the moment.... :? (I guess I´ll re-act or do/feel something more creative or alternative to that sooner or later... :?: :!: )

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/socie ... 02-01.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » February 18th, 2016, 9:12 pm

Obama in Argentina on March 24th ...? Damn, didn´t he & his consultants find a better day in the gregorian calendar for that....? :shock: :roll:

http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1872166-bara ... a-en-marzo

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 02-18.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » March 13th, 2016, 10:37 pm


http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/m ... itary-coup

hey, Barack..., Bariloche is still inside the country limits despite the old nazis, the tourists, the Pacific at some kilometres & Ted Turner as an ocasional neighbour ... , didn´t you find a better place in the world to spend the Holy Week with your family & play golf....? :roll: :arrow:

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » March 14th, 2016, 1:37 pm

Barack, never mind ...relax & enjoy your trip in the far south...!!!!! :roll: we have to see your face here only some days (we know that to see you is not the real problem, but you know, "ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente"...). In fact, despite your global, economic, political, militar & regional influence , we have another problema: it´s legally local, it´s all our fault & it will last four years...:

http://www.infobae.com/2016/03/14/17969 ... rinflacion

(I never saw the street where I live so full of green & blue people since the seventies... damn, Macri... why your sudden federalism??, why not the UBA instead of the UNR??? :evil: :roll: :? )

http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1879582-macr ... -seguridad

(I promise next post will be less cathartic)

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » March 14th, 2016, 2:40 pm

Once a familiar told us that the aliados knew that to bomb the Sicilian cemeteries were worst for the locals rather than to know they were bombing their towns and cities (I never believed that at all, but the humor hipérbole sure has some truth behind... & his remark made me also wonder about another countries and cultures -my own included-....). Yesterday I read that USA is pressuring Italy to bomb (beyond drones) Libia in order to stop ISIS ... they are so close (in history and kilometres), that it sounds really dangerous if it happens.... hey, I want Sicily to stay there for at least thirty more years... :lol: :roll: , damn Hillary too...!!! :!: :evil:

(what I said in the previous post will have validation in the next one... :mrgreen: )

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » March 14th, 2016, 10:24 pm

this one is just funny: so an ex-victim & a believer in a new age...? (those kind of statements sound so old here.... really! & thanks, I´ll meditate in the mirror... :shock: :roll: :wink:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 03-14.html

I read today this interesting article!:

http://www.tricycle.com/feature/being-s ... -307248525

Yeah, maybe too much plot with not enough co-emergence appreciation ... or we are just in the middle of a war of literary tales géneros .... :roll: (I think the fantástico still fit us well... :lol: )

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » March 25th, 2016, 10:22 am

I´ll buy & read this book as soon as I can (it´s my generation of writers) & maybe I´ll also try to find in internet or in a second hand book store some Jauretche book ...it´s time to try our own exorcisms.... 8) :wink:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/suple ... 03-25.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » March 27th, 2016, 7:28 pm

who said we wanted surprises inside the Easter chocolate eggs...? :evil:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 03-27.html

at least we had good weather in the long weekend... & tomorrow will be another day...! :roll: :lol:

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by WIREMAN » March 27th, 2016, 7:43 pm

No chocolate for me...... :lol:
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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