boys i'd like to meet in college

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Post by stilltrucking » August 28th, 2005, 2:38 am

College life.


by Nancy Hunter Steiner

A lot of books about her in fact her daughter Frieda Hughes talks about the Sylvia Plath Suicide Doll industry that has grown up around her. That book above was written by her college roommate who was not trying to cash in on it..

One little digression, there is a book or a novel based on her marriage by a woman name of Kate Moses. Now there is on cold hard nasty money loving fame greedy bitch. Ok now that I got that out of my system.

I just don’t know princess. Just don’t know. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. I don’t think I can help you with this one. I don’t know if any man can.. Have you met buddabitch, or judih. You need to throw this at them. Judih was just on the GO board, man I wish I wasn’t so wasted tonight. When sister judih is boppin down the boulevard I want to be in that number. Coz it like the saints come marching in. I learned a lot about friendship between women from the Steiner book. Hard to find but worth buying if you can spare the cash.

Have you talked to your mother about it? Not a cop out. But I don't want to give you bad advice. I just don't think confronting her is the way to go. But this may be a guy thing. Everything is so much simpler for us it seems. Testosterone is easy, kill it or fuck it. Men are so boring. My night for Virginia Woolf quotes.

"Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women?"
Virginia Woolf

let me put a couple of these here because I am beat tired my head hurts and i can't remember what I just wrote.
:oops: :oops: :oops:

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Post by microbe » August 28th, 2005, 3:21 am

"Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women?"
Virginia Woolf
Because inquisitiveness is proportional to intellect? :)

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Post by stilltrucking » August 28th, 2005, 6:26 am

The Japanese word for thinking with your gut? Sinyo? sanyo? Women have more stuff in their gut to think with?

My gut feeling is to tread lightly when getting into issues between women. Only Solomon was wise enough for that.
She criticizes her room mate or running down other people while she is running her mate down too. My baby sister so angry one day ranting about how badly our sister in law talks about our brother. And she blurts out in anger, "She talks about him the way I do about Doug" Doug being my brother in law. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine cause when I laughed at her she smiled.

And "life is strange when you find you been living in your own dreams" K&D maybe some college kid, or she might be some old woman of thirty. This is the internet, this land of text based communication. We can all hide out here but we can't run.

Rambling rambling I am getting way off the subject of her string which I think was about boys she would like to meet.

Further afield ZATAOMM

Working through the Afterward Troubles me that he identifies his son's killers and black men. Not sure what inference I should draw from that? Clay asked if we have souls, have you met clay? He is as honest a black hearted pirate as I have ever met. Watching the evictions from Gaza I noticed a black man in an Israeli soldiers uniform. We used to have a saying back in baltimore, a Jew ain't nothing but a nigger truned inside out. This old country here has been a kind home to my tribe. Partly because we had our black brothers taking a lot of the heat for us. I am sure my soul is black as coal. I think of his son's murderers as Cro-Magnon killers. There but for the grace of ...
Dam I forgot to put these emoitcons in there some place let me think there was a couple of :) and a :wink: , and :D plus :lol:
I like your style microbe 8)

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Post by K&D » August 28th, 2005, 1:32 pm

Damn you can write a lot! an old women of 30? since when is a women of thirty old?

my roomie isn't that bad, its tough though because my friends can't stand her...and therefore no one wants to hang out with me in my room, because they are afraid she will be here...not to mention she use to hit on my best friends boyfriend...i know its just petty college issues...which is why its here in the trailerpark.

men aren't as intresting because they don't talk about stuff that women least if were looking at stereotypes here.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 28th, 2005, 5:29 pm

Dam I am glad to hear from you again. I was afraid i might have touched a nerve with my comments. KD have you noticed how much more women here seem to use emoticons? Of course a woman of thirty is not old. I should have used a winky. Personally if I had a girl friend under fifty or sixty I would feel like I was robbing the cradle. I worked in a truck stop in Virginia one of the women I worked with had a few years on me. I think I was about 60 at the time she about 63 or so. I would say to the guys, man she is beautiful. And the young guys would smirk. A touch of make up, gray hair and a breast cancer survivor.. Trim and agile, went dancing every Friday night at the American Legion. We were cashiers together. If I dropped a dime she would be down and pick it up and stand up again before i could make it half way down. She worked there twenty-eight years. Always on time, never missed a day. But she could never make employee of the month because our boss (another woman) did not like her. Our boss was a master of the batted eyelid and the flirt. She treated all us guys like gold and her women employees like dirt. Dam I am rambling. How you must have struggled with the dyslexia. You got it under control. I was worried about mentioning that.

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Post by K&D » August 28th, 2005, 5:49 pm

see here's the thing, if i can make observations as well. you call yourself a sick old man...but you know what i find, the older :wink: men i know/like to hang out with, tend to be extremely carefull as to where and what they say, but they still say what they want to. i don't know maybe when you're older you care more about how your words effect people.

i may not have taken things too bad because, you didn't say anything too bad...that thing about me complaining about my roomate complaining about me is correct.

i must admit, i didn't get the part where you seemed to be dramaticly responding to something i just said casually...that part where you said you didn't have any answers "fools rush in where angels fear to tread" was that in refrence to my relationship with my mentor or with my roomate troubles.

see you guys here on this board, forget what its like to be in college...last night my roomate didn't come home. i was kind of worried because she had disscussed how she met some older guy, who doesn't even go to college, were talking like 27, and how he was only going to be here for a couple of days. then she comes in this morning and kicked me out so she could spend time with this perfect stranger, who's house she slept in last night, where there were two other guys living who she didn't know at all...not sure i would have put myself in that possistion with a complete stranger...but the thing that really bugs me is that its a sunday, meaning school is i had to study in someone elses room....more college drama, you probably could care less about.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 29th, 2005, 3:38 am


When women owned my ass. I may look like a dirty little boy, but actually I was a very clean child. I was always getting baths. They could wind me up like a little toy robot. And when they got into arguments I had no idea what it was all about. Scared shitless, like being in cage full of tigers. I am just a spooky kid that turned into a word kook in his old age. I loved those women, still do.
Just coming off a bad experience with my sister and my niece. Long story about a cedar chest my mother left my sister and my niece has in her possession and does not want to give back. My oldest brother’s daughter and my sister. My sister has some sort of father complex about him. Rose left the cedar chest at his house when she died. He gave it to his daughter So each one of them is telling me her side of the story and I can see their point. They are coming at me like I am Solomon the wise, going to decide which is right. But too many times I have intervened between them, I have learned my lesson.. Like a cop responding to a domestic dispute. Now they got a common enemy and they turn on him.

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Post by microbe » August 29th, 2005, 7:02 am

Excellent photo stilltrucking. I know just what you mean about strong women. I have six sisters and a cage full of tigers is pretty accurate at times. Still, I wouldn't change my fortune for anything.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 29th, 2005, 8:12 am

College life.
There is one issue which may relate. I am thinking of the term "Dormrats" I never lived in a dorm, Just seems like a strange enviorment.

If I had my druthers I would not have taken so many baths, :)
"Is there anything a man don't stand to lose when he lets a woman hold him in her hands"
Thinking about the Afterward to ZATAOM. Probably a meaningless detail, just a simple observation. He notes that his son's murdrers were black men. That gives me the squirms. That woman holding the spoon came to america at the age of twelve, she brought ten younger children wtih her. Moved to a kibbutz in Woodbine New Jersey. She did not need no stinking Balfour Proclamation. So many people here putting down rock and roll, it is all america's fault, the Europeans such enlightened people. Certainly their imperialist history has nothing to do with Iraq. I can't help remembering how the British army got their ass kicked in Afghanistan. Then the rusians. And now US.

sorry microbe, I am an anglophile, a very typical thing in the american south. but I am also a southern Jew, which puts a slightly different spin on it. Very few jews were lynched in the south. We could always pass for white. but not so with my african american brothers. I wish tha guy had said two Cro-Magnon killers murdered his son.
This is sick I know but I am thinking about that book If You Meet Buddha on The Road Kill Him. .

Code: Select all

According to witnesses, a car stopped on the street beside him and two men, black, jumped out. One came from behind him so that Chris couldn't escape, and grabbed his arms. The one in front of him emptied his pockets and found nothing and became angry. He threatened Chris with a large kitchen knife. Chris said something which the witnesses could not hear. His assailant became angrier. Chris then said something that made him even more furious. He jammed the knife into Chris's chest. Then the two jumped into their car and left. 
It does not get any worse than to lose a child. Hell I am still haunted by an abortion. I am only glad she is not. At least I hope not

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Post by K&D » August 29th, 2005, 9:40 pm

i'm not sure what to say now...sometimes its hard to connect your thoughts together into an easily understood way...words are only 7% of how we communicate as humans. is there an undertone that because of what has happened to you in the past that some how you will not be able to connect with women? is it true that you can't teafch an old dog new tricks...i really don't think its as bad as you say it, i mean you seem to be fine at communicating with me.

you and i have one thing in common, self deprecation...your kind sometimes seems to be more sad, where as my is sort of a self depricating humor, which isn't much better, but i've been using it in my film ideas. i couls be wrong it my statements, if i am, no big deal, i'm not trying to critize only understand and relate.

i told my roomate my issues with her tonight, she started to tear up a bit...but i was very polight about it.

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Post by K&D » August 29th, 2005, 9:45 pm

my mother had seven miscarages before she conceived me...i can't imagine that. she says that the birth control she used for years messed her up. ever since hearing this i think "wow, she must have really wanted children" and that even though they claim birthcontrol is different now, i'm totaly turned off by it because everytime i think about it i think about my mom having to go threw seven miscarages, three of them were really groosum.

some people don't recover from one miscarage...much less seven.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 30th, 2005, 5:41 am

will not be able to connect with women?
I can't connect the dots there myself. But let us not go there.

Something strange about this birth control issue. Why women, why not men? Seems like the male reproductive system is so simple why deal with the complexities of a woman's? Probably a good reason but I not phsyiologist.

Speaking of childbirth this is a picture of my great grand father. 13 children by five wives. Childbirth in 19th century Poland was a dangerous bussiness. One would die in childbirth and he would marry again and again.


PS I used have a nose like that. Nice and straight. Now it kind of looks like a cork screw from all the times it has been broken in fights. Maybe that is my problem. I am punch drunk.

Please remind me to send seven roses to your mom next mother's day.

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Post by K&D » August 30th, 2005, 10:39 am

did i tell this story already?

a couple of days ago i got a letter from my mother...she told me that evveryone in baton Rouge was o.k. she asked how my day was, i was having the worst day ever, but not feeling close enought to explain every detail i just wrote "i kind of had a bad day yesterday, no big deal...just felt like i was there for my friends and that they weren't really reciprical...kind of got tired of being there humor and support all the time...but i'm over it. going to class soon, just eating early lunch because today my classes run through lunch time." and she replied this long supportive paragraph full of advice and good thoughts...kind of made me tear up a little bit, college really is differently when you live so far away from your family. i think i may have cried though because it remeinded me i hadn't talked to my father in a long time, and that he was always the good cop and my mom was always the over worked working mother who didn't understand me...but where is dad now? litterally, feels like i don't even know him anymore.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 30th, 2005, 11:49 am

1959 to 1972 span of my college career. Unfortuneately the period form 1960 to 1972 was my sophomore year. I remember every one saying that the sophomere year is the toughest. Not sure why, but I think it is true. Professor Zlatko would most likely have a good answer to that. Not sure if he ever goes slumming down here in the trailer park. Have you tried writing your dad? Even if you don't mail it, it still might help. talk at you later. Friendship, you never have as many friends as you think you do. But you never know where a kind word will come from. Sometimes from the person who you least expect. Scooterash the moderator of this board for example. He tossed me one a couple of years ago. Still grateful.

I hope you have a better day tomorrow. I got pot of soup going. Send you a bowl.

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