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Post by K&D » September 14th, 2005, 11:25 am

we breifly joked about the astrology, my friend, steph is really into astrology. and we haven't gotten to the specifics quite yet, of Regean's Foreighn policy. i think were mainly talking about the changes he made in america in this course.

i'm also reading about postmodernism. a little bit more philosophical, which i love.

i knew about nancy regean. did you also know that during the first term regean had a cheif of staff who was named regan? thats kind of confusing.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 14th, 2005, 11:39 pm

Yeah Yeah I remember Dan Regan, isn't that amzing. Typical geezer memory. Ask me what I had for breakfas June 16, 1952 and I can probably tell you. But I got to feel my hair in the morning to see if it is wet. "Did I take a shower yet?"

I don't put astrology down since I read Mostly Harmless. A dam good description about the abrbitrary rules of astrology. The more rules the better, like thowing fine carby powder on a pad of paper to see the impressions on the page from the words written on the page above it. Going to find that bit and post it again because the above description is a mangled paraphrase from memory.
Not sure if yu got it.

You what shocked me most about the eighties, the twenty something so many young people crazy about Regan. They love their father figure I quess.

Nice read tonight on a texas two line. A Farm to Market road.
sea breeze coming from the gulf
moon lit
window down arm out the window
blissed out
but not zoned out
in the moment
turn left at my tree, straight away a coulpe miles to the stop sign,
turn right. Stuff like that, zenn driving, how can I be in two places at once when I am nowhere.

lets see what else did you say

post modernism
yeah what ever happened to that
since they kicked perezoso off there ain't been much talk of that on Studio 8. poor e doggy he must be lonely.

good night sparky talk at you later.
going to fix those intransitive verbs asap
edits in blue

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Post by K&D » September 15th, 2005, 1:10 am

i remember, my friend, the old guy, i sometimes talk about. he thought this one kid, who was a junior when i was a senior in highschool, was cool. this guy was a real jerk and i think i was jealous, because this guy, that MY mentor/friend/old man thought was cool was a total jerk to me.

i remember asking him, why he thought this kid, who was a real punk was so cool. he said, i don't know he's got "spunk" you calling me sparky rememinds me of that story.

its weird, i always get uncomfortable talking to him in person. i was worried back in the day that i had some fucked up crush on the old dude. but i determined that that wasn't true. definetly a lot of admiration and love for him, and people made me feel bad about that, which probably made me more uncomfortable around him. something about older people, i find them rather intresting, i'm told i was born in the wrong generation. maybe that explains it. but sometimes i get so intemidated, like i feel that in person i'm not the same with the old man as i am with others. we mostly write e-mails back and forth...a shit load of e-mails. i'm not use to having such strong feelings about someone thats not in my family, i was kind of very aleinated, and there was the old man and my theater teacher, who provided sanctuary for me.

its kind of fucked up i wish i could be my full self around him. i think its the difference in age, i look up to him, and he's quiet and i love him...all these thing lead to me not being able to be fully comfortable around him.

that was totally off subject. postmodernity i'ld have to write about that on these boards soon. see what people think.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 15th, 2005, 8:02 am

I tell KD I write emails to two women on this board. One for about a year now, and one Just recently. I don't think I would feel comfortable writing to you in private. I like these public discussions. I like the idea of SooZen and other women here reading over my shoulder. I can't remember what I said to you a couple years ago, but I remember SooZen jumped on the flames board and said she was not just farting in the wind. I wish I could remember what I said, it must have been bullshit. BUt I don't remember hitting on any high school kids, you or GHC. I called you sparky because your friends call you that sometimes. The jerk in hight school and your old friend, Spunk? man I tell I wish I had time to go into that now but I am running late for work, how the hell can man work at home and still show up late for work, must have been the traffic jam in the living room.

and I would like to talk about one world government.

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Post by K&D » September 15th, 2005, 10:45 am

i never thought you were hitting on me.

i use to be very utopian, but i don't knwo if its important or significagnt anymore to talk about universal government.

you ever had someone you admired and looked up to so much that it disabled you from being yourself around that person, or being your full self around that person. i get nervous around my mentor, the old dude. its weird. its not attraction, its just something about the combination of age difference and admiration that seems to make me nervous around him thats all.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 15th, 2005, 12:18 pm

the old
the jerk


I don't get that, does he mean it was cool that he acted like a jerk, not sure what acting like a jerk means, but it don't sound good to me. So what did the old dude say about the young dude other than he had spunk.

Does the old man has a double standard, it is okay for men to be jerks and women should accept it because ya know boys will be boys. sounds like bullshit to me

One world government kind of gives me the squirms. Suppose we had one government world wide and G W Bush was the leader?

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Post by K&D » September 15th, 2005, 12:28 pm

i'm more into going the other way, lots of small what rousseau was into. you can't really manage a large group, but small groups will provide for more unity and people helping eachother out.

i think there might have been a double standart, i mean the guys old, thats a very old school way of thinking. he got over it and realized that this kid was a jerk. being a jerk, meaning being an ass hole to people and acting like he was the coolest all the time.

see i think what happened is the old man felt like he had a bond with this kid, and that made him feel like he was cool/students confidend in him. but then he had a falling out with this guy and his friend because the old man sort of had to report that he found the kids fake ID...he didn't want to but enough people found out that he knew so he had to tell. after that the kids didn't abandon him. so they sort of only liked him because they felt like he would let them get away with things? i don't know. see both me and the "jerk kid" were having parental problems and we both went to the old man for some sort of guidence i quess. but i got to the point where it really was friendship, i wouldn't have just driped him because he had to do something.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 16th, 2005, 5:42 am

but small groups will provide for more unity and people helping eachother out.
a big ten four.

i think there might have been a double standart, i mean the guys old, thats a very old school way of thinking
No excuse, you are busy being born or busy dieing, as the poet said. Or else we are living fossils.
Ah, to be a fossil in my own time ... highlight=

Back to the eighties for a minute.
Started out with my San Antonio paralized and speechless. My oldest brother a doctor training to be a psychiatrist said she was brain dead. Wanted her in an institutionalized i a nursing home. My sister could not see it. That mother daughter bond so much stronger than sons. She insisted that we bring her home. So my sister and I got apartment and we all moved in together. I remember rose's first words. This about the time the Hunt brothers from Texas were trying to corner the world market on silver drove the price up over fifty dollars and ounce. Rose was an antique/junk dealer before her stroke. She had accumulated a couple of pounds of scrap silver. Her words were, "Sell the silver." That seemed to convince our brother that she was still pretty aware of what was going on. He moved her down to texas and into his house. Where she had a good death four years later.

ramble ramble

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Post by K&D » September 16th, 2005, 11:45 am

the 1980's for Aly-

We lived in San Antonio, my mother worked a lot out of the country and often left me, my dad and my little sister to our own devices. i remember those times well. i had a greater connection to my dad back then, he was a goof, i was a goof. my mother struggled with my dyslexia more then i did back then.

so my mother would leave, dad and I would set up the little plastic basketball goal in the livingroom. we'd go out for burger king or some crappy junk food, driving down the highway listening to classic rock, or some 1980's rock song. we'd head back and dad back in those days would put on the Bryan Adams Album and we'd air guitar to Summer of '69. then we'd play basketball in the house.

my favorite memories are of things like that, mostly i remember singing rock songs in the car with my dad. tell you the truth i have no real memories of my mom in my early childhood...which is funny because now with the whole situation its like a complete reversal of that.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 16th, 2005, 7:43 pm

That is peculiar
Family history is so interesting. I just witnessed some adoption papers for a young friend. A lot of questions about family medical history, people long dead that he never knew. No idea of his roots, I would like to write a family history for him. It would go back to the 19th century and my avatar.

got to go talk more later, maybe see you on the jam later?

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Post by K&D » September 17th, 2005, 5:33 pm

so its saturday, i could be doing homework...but i don't feel so good, feeling better then when i first woke up...and my roomate is in the room, i did find my keys, still need to clean room up a bit...maybe i should read some plato...i always love plato.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 17th, 2005, 11:37 pm

So it is saturday night and I hope you are feeling better. Clean up your room? Man you ought to see my crib. No you don't want to see it. Chaos. Plato intimades me. Always felt he was over my head. I need to straighten up to, hard to sit and read in this mess.

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Post by K&D » September 18th, 2005, 11:14 am

i saw, "the 40 year old virgin" i didn't think it was very good but i felt kind of shitty the whol way through the movie.

went to bed ealy but my roomate was still up, then she had to get up at 4:00 in the morning and came back at 9:00...i'm not getting that weird nauseaus feeling this morning but i'm still bery congested...i quess some point today i should read my world cinema reading...i really don't want to, and technically i don't have to, but next weekend were having birthday parties, you know what that means, the potential for trouble, which means i should study this weekend.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 18th, 2005, 12:29 pm

I have never heard of that movie. Have you seen a movie called Pi?

You got me thinking about the eighties a lot. That was the decade I got into the road big time, my first million miles. I suppose that was the decade you were born? Is thay genreation X or Y I forget. All I remember was those very earnest twenty somethings voting for Regan with dollar signs in both their eyes. My generation was the forties, not a baby boomer though, because I was born before the war.

Yes I figured you were a cat. I love them too, I love to watch them hunt rodents. But those wharf rats back in baltimore in the alley behind my grandmotherer's house which was two or three blocks from the water front. They were too big for a cat. It took a rat terrier to kill one of those.

Trying to place your parents in a time line. I think I am old enough to have been a father to them.

sorry you are not feeling well, I hope it passes off soon. going to send you a bowl of chicken soup. My mother's own recipe. I got it down better than my sister. The secret is to get every bit of blood out of the chicken, soak it in a bowl of salt water for awhile..
crystal clear broth, with beautiful orange carots to give it color, never put the noodles in until you serve it, they cloud things up.
god such a cliche now, i have nerver read any of those chicken soup for the soul books. Have you. All I know is that when I have felt so sick that I could not eat I always managed to swall some of her chicken soup.
take care.


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Post by K&D » September 18th, 2005, 1:07 pm

i've forgotten your name, is it jim? why am i thinking jim.

my parents are about to turn 50, i think one of them is in there 50's. i don't know maybe your a good ten + years older then them? i think thats how old my parents are. shit. my mom's birthday is the day before mine, i haven't really gotten her anything yet for the big 5o.

i was born sept 23 1985, my mom pretty much went through a whole day of labor, so i missed her birthday. i always joked that i was her belated birthday present, one day too late.

there certainly is a whole life time between our ages, no biggie though.

i read a couple stories back in the day, from chicken soup for the teenage soul...pretty cheesey stuff.


i am a peanut butter and jelly kid. thats my comfort food. just eat a small one, with out too much peanut butter or dad use to make those all the time.

edited second time:
you know why we get along....we both love to the fuck do you spell that.

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