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I'm glad that this is a gentlemanly place...

Posted: February 4th, 2005, 3:54 am
by Scootertrash
..and that certain riff raff and uncouth individuals, (who shall remain nameless lest I dare sully the good name of this fine institution that serves as our host), aren't allowed. We are refined and like to discuss lofty intellectual ideas and exchange bon mots with our fellows--not grovel like ill bred swine in a filthy sty, like certain insects that infest a dung heap!

I say, anyone read any good poetry lately?

Posted: February 4th, 2005, 1:55 pm
by stilltrucking
I like this one a lot scooter, I can't figure out how to use the html tags in these boxes, so I had to post it to my website to get the formating right.. It is about the time Ferlinghetti met Neruda in Havana 1959.

also this one was so good I can't think of anything to say about it.

Hey, did I ever tell the the joke about The Jew and The Pizza?
Yeah that was a time, what is amazing is how many people have no memory of flaming me on litkicks about that, god knows had it coming I guess. I posted it to litkicks because I was angry about some shit I read about on an Egyptian News paper that was posted by a litkicker, about how this Nazi General was only obeying the orders of the legitamate government of Germany at the time. One thing we can say about our government, it sure is legit._

It is a horrible joke, but sometimes all I got left is my sense of humor. I got a friend, a sibling actualy, who tells me I have a sick sense of humor. I tend to use it as self defense, it has got me in and out of Hunts Point on a few occasions.
I don't know if you remember Pink Flamingos, one of the people I met who was associated with that picture told me that joke. I found it very useful when I was fixing the computers at a flea market where the owner had tons of Nazi memorobillia, and for some reason I had to tell him my family is Jewish
The one guy I remember from that most of all was tete_offensive, now there is an interesting user name, i always remembered thinking it was curious.

Speaking of user names and good poetry what ever happened to rain______________________________________

A poem is an event and makes no attempt to record an event.--Robert Lowell

Posted: February 4th, 2005, 5:40 pm
by Scootertrash
Yeah, Jack..I kind'a remember the person posting all the pro Palestinian propaganda there a couple of years was well written stuff----Don't recall the Pizza joke, though, care to refresh my cheesecloth memory?

Posted: February 5th, 2005, 6:41 am
by stilltrucking
brooklyn took no offense at the joke, I got deleted for something else I said. Not sure what it was. No, sorry scooter I can only tell that joke as a weapon. Why are we as a species so quick to pick up a weapon. Fear, anger, hunger
sorry I didn't mean to hit you with a physical anthropology pop quiz this morning. I have no problem with being pro palestinian, I have more of a problem with the Neo-Con Messianic American Jews, Hoyland Experience people. I think I am pro Palestinian in that it is their Holy Land too. There are extreme wacko factions on both sides, those tale ends of the bell curve again. Jewish Americans who have converted to some weird form of christianity that murders the meaning of the bible, for example- there can be no Palestinian State because Israel is the only country in the world whose borders are set by G-d. How do I know the bible? My bible tells me so. Then The Palestinians have the wacko's who refuse to accept the existence of Israel, they still think the final solution was a good answer.

talking trash,
the Virginia Gentleman