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death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 9:51 am
by constantine
they swept across the northern steppes
hung a left and stomped on the bulgars
not that they didn't have it coming
the bulgars, by that point in time
had offended everyone in the peninsula
but that's besides the point
it had nothing to do with retribution,
poetic justice, or any of that crap
the samovars were just plain mean
surly too, ask anyone
but, even with their savage barbarism
their talent for rapine and plunder
they were but sunday schoolers
compared to the gratuitous and bloodthirsty
violence of the wandering tribes of mallomar
who would sell their own mother for a slab
of milk chocolate and graham cracker

Re: death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 11:20 am
by the mingo
i usually like to get at least one gulp of coffee before the first guffaw of the day but i can always count on you, Dino, to ensure that the laugh comes first
Thx, Dino & God bless ya

Re: death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 1:14 pm
by Arcadia
so beautiful word "samovar" ... I like how you let it dance as a barbarian under a tender milk wood sky here, gracias!!!!!! :lol: :D

Re: death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 1:43 pm
by stilltrucking
thanks for the poem :D 8)

"offended everyone"
we been in hot water since the git go

Re: death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 2:29 pm
by constantine

Re: death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 2:38 pm
by creativesoul
interesting write- thanks :twisted: :arrow: :|

Re: death to the samovars!

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 3:41 pm
by saw
you really can't trust those mallomars ....they're snacking fiends....what a riot, really cheered me up, dino