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Bush signs bill: Wild horses lose protection from slaughter

Posted: January 25th, 2005, 5:57 pm
by whimsicaldeb ... 727889.htm
A provision slipped into a federal appropriations bill, signed by President Bush in December, silently killed a 1971 law that kept feral horses from being sold to slaughterhouses.
Posted on Tue, Jan. 25, 2005

Wild horses lose protection from slaughter
Feds debate mustangs' best interests

By Rebecca Rosen Lum

He's the star of this mountain ballet: Mustang No. 04217347, a yearling pinto with one blue eye, one brown.

Graceful, young, charged, oblivious to the frigid temperatures, he gallops in a five-acre pen with about 20 other wild horses who form a racing collage of rich browns and auburns against a snow-white background.

He was brought to the Litchfield Bureau of Land Management compound outside Susanville as part of a regular roundup, designed to keep down the wild horse population on public grazing lands.

In California, the agency brings in "excess" mustangs and sells them at auctions either at Litchfield, Ridgecrest, outside Bakersfield or through independent "satellite" adoptions, such as annual ones in Brentwood and Livermore.

"How would you like to see that on your dinner plate?" asked a grim Willis Lamm, who trains horses on a ranch outside Oakley.

Far-fetched? Not really. (see related link: American horse meat coveted in Europe)

A provision slipped into a federal appropriations bill, signed by President Bush in December, silently killed a 1971 law that kept feral horses from being sold to slaughterhouses.

Without that protection, horses less attractive than Mustang No. 04217347 could join the lucrative U.S. horse meat export market.

The legislative language, crafted by Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Montana, with the help of Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., and Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., targets mustangs more than 10 years old, past the age of likely adoption, and any young horse that has been to three sales and not adopted.

Burns says his goal was to keep the mustangs from overpopulating, then starving to death. But backers, primarily cattle ranchers who hold leases on public lands, say the horses interfere in their operations.

Rachel Buzzetti, executive director of the Nevada Cattlemen's Association, defended the industry's support of the repeal.

"Water, springs, forage -- they pretty much stomp the springs out," she said. "A lot of ranchers are showing 65 percent (less) forage. If you were to turn 50 goats onto somebody's back lawn, you can imagine what would happen."

But activists wanting to protect wild horses from slaughter are having none of it. After a recent strategizing session, they say a million-horse march on Washington, D.C., is not out of the question.

The crux of the whole problem is competition over the last blade of grass on the 200 public herd areas that the BLM provides in 10 states, said Karen Sussman, president of the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros.

"Public land ranching is a welfare program. For every dollar a rancher spends on leasing the land, he gets $3 back in subsidies," she said.

Leases to BLM grazing land are renewed automatically every 10 years and are hard to get, because many leaseholders hold onto them for many years. While private ranch lands go for up to $50 an acre, public lands cost $1.49.

In sparsely populated Montana, oil and gas, livestock, mining and forest products interests carry major influence, combining to donate $400,000 to Burns' campaign in 2002, public records show.

Leases on many public grazing lands are held by corporations, including banking interests and oil companies.

Opponents of Burns' rider complain the action was taken without any public discussion.

Not even Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, which oversees the wild horse program, knew Burns had inserted the language into the appropriations bill.

But it came as no surprise to the cattle industry. In fact, the language is nearly identical to a National Cattlemen's Beef Association policy statement dated November 2003.

It calls for legislation to command the BLM to sell unadopted horses and burros and keep the profits.

"This ends 33 years of protection," said Renee Been, a Richmond-area equine sports massage therapist who has owned two mustangs, one of whom she adopted from a BLM facility in Kingman, Ariz.

Contra Costa County is home to about 100 adopted mustangs, one of the largest concentrations in the state.

"California did pass an anti-slaughter law, but that doesn't really help, since the mustangs can be bought here and transported to other states," said Suzi Kicker, a Pittsburg woman who has adopted BLM horses.

Burns' office reacted angrily to the criticism.

"Right now we run the risk of these horses starving to death or being rounded up and kept in feedlots" due to overpopulation, said Burns' communications chief, J.P. Pendleton.

"The BLM was not taking the adoption process seriously. Do any of these people who claim to love the wild horse want to see them starve to death?"

BLM spokeswoman Celia Boddington said the agency actively encourages adoption.

"We have 10 sanctuaries, and the horses receive a high level of care in them," she said. "We're doubling our efforts to find them good homes."

Government roundups have reduced the wild horse population to less than 37,000, most in California, Nevada, Oregon and Wyoming. Boddington said there are another 14,000 in agency facilities.

The Bureau of Land Management is aiming to get the number down to 26,000 by 2006.

Mustangs are technically feral -- there are no native wild horses in the U.S. -- but some strains have been wild since they escaped Spanish conquistadors in the 16th and 17th centuries and are nearly pure Spanish stock.

For many, the horses are an important vestige of America's past.

In repealing the Wild and Free Ranging Horse and Burro Protection Act of 1971, the provision orders the BLM to sell its captured horses and -- in an irresistible lure to an agency whose costs have been rising at a rate of 45 percent -- to keep the profits.

But critics say the order ensures the slaughter of the equines.

Since hoof and mouth disease surfaced in 2001, demand for U.S. horse meat overseas has risen dramatically, and individual small ranchers with hope of adopting a horse say they can't compete with slaughterhouses in price.

There are three horse slaughterhouses in America: two in Texas, one in DeKalb, Ill. All are European-owned.

Ray Field, director of the Wild Horse Foundation of Franklin, Texas, is a neighbor. Field's WHF contracts with the BLM to adopt horses. His organization found homes for 880 horses and burros last year alone.

He accused the BLM, which is drowning under its soaring costs, of pushing for the change.

"Their adoption program is a mish-mash and their marketing sucks," he said. "But instead of saying, 'Your marketing sucks. You're fired.' They said, 'Let's kill us some horses.'"

A high-ranking BLM manager agreed that the agency would save hundreds of thousands of dollars on boarding costs by selling the animals to what he called "kill buyers" in lots.

The U.S. Humane Society Web site says 55,776 horses were slaughtered last year in the U.S. and thousands more transported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter there. The meat is exported to Belgium, France, Italy, Japan and Switzerland, where it is considered a delicacy.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Belgium imported nearly $20 million in horse meat in 2001, much of it for distribution to other European nations.

Meanwhile, no one has told the BLM how it is expected to change its practices, said Videll Retterath, who manages the Litchfield ranch.

As snowflakes fell on the green steel dash of her Kawasaki tractor cab, she said, "We're always the last to know."

Inches away, mustangs chomped at "cob," a treat that mixes corn, oats and barley together with molasses.

"We don't have any guidance whatsoever."
Reach Rebecca Rosen Lum at 510-262-2713 or

Posted: January 25th, 2005, 6:00 pm
by whimsicaldeb
My heart aches ....

It took years to get that law passed. Even if we should be lucky enough that in 4 years we'll have a president that's willing to undo this; it will take years again, to put it back. And in the mean time, the horses will be sold, and slaughtered. And we have so few left ….

my heart aches ....

Posted: January 25th, 2005, 11:51 pm
by judih
i was hoping to see this here.
(i'm more awake now than i was 10 minutes ago when i was at the garden)

Once protection is lost, how can it be recovered?
Might as well destroy now and get it over with, right bush?

oh, wait a minute. When they killed the horses, i didn't care cause i wasn't a horse. When they killed the environment, i didn't care cause i wasn't the environment. When they killed the men, i didn't care cause i wasn't a man. But when they came to kill the women, there was no one left to care....(a free take-off of the famous protestant minister's quote)


Posted: January 26th, 2005, 12:17 pm
by whimsicaldeb
Thank you for replying, J - and for caring, and for the sad, but true re:write.

There's an interview, on San Diego CityBEAT with investigative journalist Greg Palast titled "Something is wrong in America" It's primarily about the non-counted votes, but he nails it when he states it's beyond that ...

...And they have gotten us to the point where we actually accept this stuff. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, we don’t count those votes because someone didn’t check a box. Get into the goddamn streets! Close down the 405!

If Americans want to have elections where all the votes are counted, they have got to stop thinking that they can change the future by hitting that remote-control button. That’s one thing the Ukrainians did—they went out into the street in below-freezing weather and shut the country down. The Yugoslavs, the Peruvians, the Nigerians all went out into the street at gunpoint and said, “We aren’t tolerating this.”

If you want to have a regime determined by manipulation and games, then you deserve it. It isn’t good enough to vote and say, “Well, if you feel like counting it, that’s OK.” Get fucking mad. Get angry because if you don’t stop them on this, it builds. When the Democratic Party didn’t take a stand in Florida, they were asking for Ohio—they were begging for it. And we see it in San Diego and Washington State. It’s the same thing.

I think, personally, I'm trying to see, understand just how big, how far this has gone. They have been so effective at their deceptions. All these ‘revelations’ ~ they shock my system and that works to keep me off balance …and of course that’s why it’s done the way it is.

It’s abuse, pure & simple; and abusers always attack/kill and threaten the things the one they are abusing, loves. Ask any abused woman in a shelter from domestic violence … and they’ll tell you. They’ll also tell you how they completely understand the ‘tactics’ being used by our US Government … both at home, and away.

The more I see, the more I realize that the people in the US right now are at that point in a abusive relationship where they’re asking themselves … do I give it up, or give it one more try.

But this is more than just a relationship ~ it’s our country. Michael Moore wrote “Dude, Where’s my Country” …. Well right now, it’s ‘wife’ is having the shit beat out of it, in the darkness of night by its ‘husband.’

And in the morning, we are waking up and seeing all the bruises inflicted from the night before.

Standing up and facing down our abuser is the most dangerous time. Ask any battered woman and they will tell you that you can get killed in the process, but then again, you can get killed if you – or even if you go.

Last night, in looking for a little solace while thinking about all this … I randomly pulled a book off my shelf, and opened it … and this is what I opened to and read:

Don’t look down on death, but welcome it. It too is one of the things required by nature. Like youth and old age. Like growth and maturity. Like a new set of teeth, a beard, the first gray hair. Like sex and pregnancy and childbirth. Like all the other physical changes at each stage of life, our dissolution is no different.

So this is how a thoughtful person should await death: not with indifference, not with impatience, not with disdain, but simply viewing it as one of the things that happen to us. Now you anticipate the child’s emergence from its mother’s womb; that’s how you should await the hour when your soul will emerge from its compartment.

Or perhaps you need some tidy aphorism to tuck away in the back of your mind. Well, consider two things that should reconcile you to death: the nature of the things you’ll leave behind you, and the kind of people you’ll no longer be mixed up with. There is no need to feel resentment towards them – in fact, you should look out for their well-being, and be gentle with them – but keep in mind that everything you believe is meaningless to those you leave behind. Because that’s all that could restrain us (if anything could) – the only thing that could make us want to stay here: the chance to live with those who share our vision. But now? Look how tiring it is – this cacophony we live in. Enough to make you say to death, “Come quickly. Before I start to forget myself, like them.” – Marcus Aurelius; Meditations: Book 9:3

what we can do to help ...

Posted: January 26th, 2005, 7:36 pm
by whimsicaldeb
Please join me in the surrport of HR297, thank you. - Deb


The following press release and information was provided by the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

January 25, 2005


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Wild horses roaming across our public lands, a symbol of the American West, would no longer be doomed to certain slaughter under legislation introduced today by U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV). Rahall is the Ranking Democrat on the House Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over wild horse policy on federal lands.

"Very few icons of the West remain, and wild horses are certainly a symbol of the frontier era and our nation’s spirit. To allow them to be slaughtered without exhausting all other options, such as adoption, is an affront to our history," declared Rahall.

Rahall’s legislation addresses a provision inserted in a must-pass appropriations bill last year that allows the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service to essentially turn a blind eye to individuals or corporations who buy these animals with the clear intention of cruelly slaughtering them for profit. The Rahall legislation would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros.

"It has been illegal for the past 33 years to sell or transfer wild horses and burros for processing into commercial products because many Americans abhor the thought. They would be aghast to know that these animals now can and will be slaughtered so their meat can be offered on menus in France, Belgium and Japan," stated Rahall.

The current slaughter policy does not acknowledge the fact that humane alternatives exist and federal agencies have the authority to carry out such actions as adoption, sterilization, relocation, and placement with qualified individuals and organizations.

"To suggest that an acceptable solution to a federal agency’s management dilemma is commercial slaughter is an irresponsible approach to our public lands and the wildlife that roam them," said Rahall.

The federal government has a mediocre record in enforcing wild horse and burro protection laws. But instead of addressing these long-term and widespread management problems, the recent change is simply a quick and dirty fix. Under the guise of "managing" these living symbols of the American West, the agency is now permitted to allow the slaughter of animals that they had been previously charged with their protection. "A public outcry has again begun across the United States over the change in law that now allows this disgraceful deed. We need to act before it is too late for thousands of these animals," concluded Rahall.


Legislation has been introduced to reverse the Burns Amendment to the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act. As you know, the Burns Amendment opens the door to the slaughter of thousands of our wild horses. Please write your U.S. Representative urging them to co-sponsor H.R. 297, introduced by Reps. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY), which would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros.

Letters should be addressed to: The Honorable [Name Here], U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515.

Visit to identify your Representative. Please note that letters sent via physical mail make a stronger statement than emails, which are too easily dismissed. It is also more effective to personalize your letter with your own words.

Below is a sample letter provided by the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

Dear Honorable ______________:

I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor H.R. 297 introduced by Representatives Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY). This Bill reverses the amendment to the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act stealthily introduced by Senator Conrad Burns as a rider to the 2005 Appropriations Bill. If allowed to stand, the Burns provision will lead to the slaughter of thousands of wild horses for human consumption abroad.

Our wild horses are a vital part of our national heritage. The law that was enacted for their protection thirty years ago was the result of a greater public outcry than over any issue except the Vietnam War, and was passed without a single dissenting vote. I am extremely distressed over the fact that this law enacted by the people for the people was eviscerated without so much as a hearing or opportunity for public review.

I respectfully request a prompt response from you stating your position with regard to H.R. 297 which would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros.




Please contact ALL your legislators in Washington and let them know you support H.R. 297. Here is a web page that lists all the U.S. Senators with their addresses, phone numbers and even email links. This makes it very convenient for you to take immediate action. Link to U.S. Senators



American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act

There is currently legislation in Congress regarding the sales of horses, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, S.2352. This legislation was introduced by Senator Ensign on April 27, 2004. The measure would prohibit the slaughter of horses for human consumption. It also would prohibit the trade and transport of horseflesh and live horses intended for human consumption. It is pending in the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee. A similar bill (H.R. 857) is pending in the House of Representatives.

Again, please contact your Senators and Congressmen and ask them to support this legislation.

Send donations to: Lifesavers, Inc., 23809 East Avenue J, Lancaster, California 93535

Phone for more information: 661-727-0049 or email

© 1997 Lifesavers, Inc.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 9:28 am
by sooZen
Hi Deb....I mosyied on over here to write about this very issue but it seems you have it covered. This action, like many that the Bushie anti-environmentalists (I made that word up) have taken is undoing years and years of protection. Our old growth forests, the wolves, the mountain lions, wild salmon, hundreds of native plant species,etc. . and now, the last bastion of the old west, the wild horse are in danger of being wiped off the face of this planet within a few very short years.

Now granted, horses are not native to the west. They are an introduced species that has reverted to their wild style. But, they have been there for many, many years and as a symbol of freedom, beauty, family values (yeah folks, horses are family types), and just plain ole' let 'em be, I am appalled at what is happening to them. Horses are very sensitive creatures and have been quite willing to suffer and love us humans far beyond what they should endure. Is this how we should pay them back?

One of the arguments for repealing this protection is that the horses that will be culled are older, stallions, or some such and are unable to be gentled or trained. That is just bunk! Pure and simple bullshit. Any horse, if you know how to talk horse, can come around and be trained. Part of this mentality of course, is the holier than thou attitude of many humans that animals are not thinking, feeling, spiritual beings...that too is bunk. Every species on this planet has its own language and customs and all of them feel fear, pain, loss, etc...and that goes for plants too! You just have to tune in...that's all, and you will see and understand but of course, that has nothing to do with the bottom line. Does it?

Thanks Deb for posting this information and bless you babe!
