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Disabled Vultures! conceiving can be fun

Posted: March 22nd, 2005, 9:51 am
by judih
There's an interesting article in today's Ha'aretz about a disabled vulture with a new egg to hatch.

Here's the link. Read it to the end. It starts off with last year's egg-miracle and this year's more humane approach.


Posted: March 23rd, 2005, 10:52 am
by sooZen
very interesting article judih. It also shows that even the disabled can have a life and loves! Thanks (I just saw this, hence my slow reply.)

Good luck to the little egghead.


Posted: March 26th, 2005, 5:11 pm
by whimsicaldeb
I have an even later reply .... none the less….

Best wished to the brooding pair; may their egg be fertile and little guy grow & prosper.

Poisoning has always been an irresponsible way of handling unwanted vermin. Trapping, while slower and more costly, and sometimes painful (when the trap doesn't kill it's prey immediately), is still the better procedure overall for removing unwanted pests.

Our lives intertwine with all of life; and what we do and how we do things effects others/things. This article can help people see the interconnection of all things. Putting out poisoned bait and walking away to “let nature take its course” is a common idea … and this article show how nature truly does ‘takes its course’ … and puts a face on "nature" as it flowed it course. No escaping seeing the interconnectedness of actions with this article.

Judih, would you please keep us updated on the outcome of this newest egg/miracle? Thanks!

Posted: March 27th, 2005, 12:08 am
by judih
Soo and deb

hello! thanks for taking a look at the vulture mama situation. I've been checking out the paper, but no news yet.

I'll keep my eyes open for updates.
May the circle be unbroken!
