Strange voice

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Strange voice

Post by hester_prynne » January 25th, 2009, 5:21 am

Dreamguide says to me,
"stop writing with pen and paper,
with screen and keyboard.
It's a childish form of hanging on."

Asleep, I cannot answer him.
But my thoughts race in anxious circles.
How will I tell us who I am
if I don't write these things to last?

These things that fall into my head
like seasonal leaves through ages.
Rebirths, lived, died, buried.
With no record, they will be forgotten.

He says to use the tip of my finger if I must.
That way I can write on anything,
with no burden of it to carry around,
keeping us prisoners.

His words wake me up.
I lie in bed in the echo of his strange voice.
I am tempted by it though I don't understand it.
(Notice I did not do as he said.)
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Post by judih » January 25th, 2009, 6:31 am

i listen with the tip of my ear
the fabric of my heart
and my third eye

interesting experience, experiencing this with you, hester

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Post by mtmynd » January 25th, 2009, 10:40 am

lucky you, Hes'... my dreams never question me but only take me along.

nicely done. me gusta! ;)
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Post by hester_prynne » January 26th, 2009, 12:58 am

Thank you Judih, Cec, for your responses.
I feel like I must tell you that I am reading Castanada again these days and his writings seem to open me up somehow, in a way that to be honest scares me, because I do start dreaming more, but the dreams are much more powerful, vivid, and memorable.
Currently I'm reading The Eagles Gift, and strangely enough today I read a passage in the book that haunts me because it almost makes this piece I wrote seem like plagerism and that troubles me...did I read it before sometime long ago? I don't know, I don't think i've read this before. Confusing. Beautifully confusing.
Castanada brings me such vitality. I read his books and a pure longing returns, a longing to leave this crazy life of society struggles, to go and study these things which are the most important, these powers that so evidently do exist and bring real freedom.
Thank you for reading me, I get a feeling you both understand better than I do....
H 8)
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Post by judih » January 26th, 2009, 10:19 am

ah, castaneda, yes, yes.
just recommended him to someone last week.
there's a time to reconnect with those experiences - reading him was one of those life-changing right time right place situations back when i was 18 or so.

One of those writers who (despite all the proof that there was no such man as Don Juan, etc) reaches into us and shakes us into seeing life anew.

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Post by mtmynd » January 26th, 2009, 12:59 pm

castaneda. i read the first 2 books and had to stop there - i had enough to digest in those books alone without od'ing. ;)

reading him now after, what? 35-40 years... is still a timeless message as it was then, i'm sure. maybe i should continue with book 3 and beyond... maybe i'm ready as you obviously were to read him (again?).

thanks Hes'... brought back some memories.
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Post by Lightning Rod » January 26th, 2009, 10:59 pm

castenada rivals the bible for creative fiction
stories like the parables
truth in layman's language
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Post by SmileGRL » January 27th, 2009, 5:30 pm

How will I tell us who I am
if I don't write these things to last?
we are the voice of the universe...the pen...the will we tell, without pen & paper...without screen & keyboard...indeed, hester. that would freak me out. not saying i tell, just...what if i could (tell), but i couldn't (write). even if i did understand this, i would resist. because i wake up at night, needing to write things down so i don't forget, so maybe someone else will remember...great poem. made me think.

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Post by alienpoet » January 28th, 2009, 10:17 pm

love your words and i really need and Want to read this multi-times!

His words wake me up.
I lie in bed in the echo of his strange voice.
I am tempted by it though I don't understand it.
(Notice I did not do as he said.)

great wordage!
read me, but don't play me backwards

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Post by justwalt » January 29th, 2009, 12:04 am

I haven't opened any of his books in years, like 15 years, but
I have a good memory for things I feel. Besides, opening one of
his books let's that spirit jump down my throat. I never shut my
eyes since then...

Love this poem, and now I know why
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Post by mindbum » January 30th, 2009, 11:05 pm

thanks hp. write light with the tip o yr finger.
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