- JUNE-2010> -

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- JUNE-2010> -

Post by HaroHalola » June 8th, 2010, 6:33 pm

"Hiya, Jen!...Hiya
Jen, umm..." "Billy." "Yeah, It's me...
you ok, are you
sick?" "Well..." "Guess what? It's almost
Summer!, swimming & stuff...umm

you ok?" "Billy,
remember last Summer?" "Oh,
sure! We went to my
grandma's and grandpa's in umm
Florida, hahaheehee!

remember we said
'Pensicocacola' &
"Billy..." "It was great, we're gonn..."
"It's gone." "My mom just talked to

my grandma...and she
said..." "It's gone. It's really Pen-

I've been writing a Poem
about It, It's called 'Targobbled,

Globbtarred And Feathered'
...Billy, you ok? Bil..." "Jen
I gotta go, I'll,
I'll see ya, umm, tomorrow...
at school, ok?" "Sure. It's near

Summer..." (He turned &
ran, she turned back into her
Poem, the thoughts came

rapidly, the words
slowly she heard the dolphin
voicings, their birds b'peep

Humans do not deserve this Eden.


Note: For "Poems For The Children", for Anthology: A Hero's Journey (2008-2010, Ed: Erik Ekstrom; see also: http://iwvpa.net/mantelhe/index.php )
Last edited by HaroHalola on June 10th, 2010, 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by hester_prynne » June 9th, 2010, 12:15 am

Fantastic read.
Thank you
H 8)
"I am a victim of society, and, an entertainer"........DW

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 9th, 2010, 8:14 am

Humans do not deserve this Eden.
My favorite poem by you.

Easy to read like a story. No coined words except "Targobbled and Globbtarred" which are easy enough to figure out.

Not too difficult a puzzle... A story the reader can easily identify with.

Excellent use of language and stanza breaks.


I truly hope it ISN'T all gone! OMG could it be?

It's a scary time for the planet.

I can't even look at the photos of the birds. I cry .... and cry.

A well-written piece. Hope you'll consider writing some short stories.

If you already have, direct me to them, OK? Thanks.
Last edited by Doreen Peri on June 9th, 2010, 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by HaroHalola » June 9th, 2010, 9:29 am

h_p - TY, dear Theda, I am blessed by the few whom invest themselves for my Work, far-outweighing the detractors, poetasters, lazers, whom if they read "between the lines" might in their own lives profit, & by expression, the lives of all. I am humbled - H'H.

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Post by HaroHalola » June 9th, 2010, 9:58 am

My dear Dori - For you, as also spoken to hester; I am so very pleased to read, & read... your comments for this Work; It's been a while in the percolating - with spare, happy exceptions - for you to fully resonate, & not too untimely given the nature of this piece, indeed, of a piece, which is referenced in the "postscript" at the conclusion of the Poem, for your perusal & further reading (the prior-continuations of "Jen" & "Billy").

My Writing, as I know you might've gleaned by now, is multifold, not-the-least-of-which an assuage for my aching heart for Planete Morlde & her "birds." In the midst of a conversation with Terrianne, the epiphany hit: This is Biblical Prophecy, the waters which are darkened not black, rusty-red is Plague, not water but blood... my senses tell me It IS Revelations. And the apt, uncanny irony is the very "energy" substance which has been sought so vociferously for 100+ yrs. is our undoing ("The Sun [would not be] Our Undoing" - at least not for another 4B yrs.). I am not, by nature (apt no pun) a Fatalist, yet my Work is about "Realism," to help us become aware, as we turn 'round the corner of no return; what might you do? Wagner, girl... Debussy, then CSN "Love The One You're With!" - H'H.

P.S. - From a Poem of mine early-on, you may recall ("Stuyvesantowne"): "...and the waters of Verrazzano, slick like legislation", & Terrianne: "The water and the sky as black as the News!"
Last edited by HaroHalola on June 9th, 2010, 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 9th, 2010, 10:22 am

introductory remarks, riff* to follow:

I was going to reply when you first posted the piece
I was up when you posted it in the wee hours.
A good time for reading poetry
Thank you for another satisfying poetry experience.

This my riff to follow

Yes a story out of the deep past
sure it is biblical
been told in ancient languages
written down by many different hands
From the time of the beginning
to the end of the Holocene epoch

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 9th, 2010, 11:57 am


Since the bible is great literature, it's bound to include images of stuff that happens in real life.

Hopefully it's EVOLUTION... meaning the human race will learn its lessons and grow toward becoming a more earth-friendly creature which will respect its home and its fellow inhabitants by using wind and other less violent methods for energy sources, rather than raping Mother Earth.

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Post by HaroHalola » June 9th, 2010, 6:43 pm

D. - "Ya say ya want an E-VOH-OH-LUTIONNN' , we'hell we ALL want t' change the Morlde!..."

We're on the same Planete Page, girl, but being a realispessimoptimist I have my awareness-doubt-hopes for Morlde.

You might be interested in investigating Shining The Light - Book 1 - Robert Shapiro; The Book Of Urantia; & Moon: Outpost Of The Gods - Jean Sendy, for some other unique(?) perspectives on our 3rd. Millennium debacle...

I would welcome being wrong in my assessment of what's blowin' in the Wind -

Last edited by HaroHalola on June 9th, 2010, 8:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by HaroHalola » June 9th, 2010, 6:56 pm

Truckin' - 15,000 posts!? Man, I'm glad the Internet don't use paper! But...the other Morlde Pirates do (statistics prove-out Indoamnesia has deforested/decimated 75% of Its Rain Forest); TY for the comments attended to my Work, I am always pleased to read your responses.

By your own declamation, It's gonna be another Holocene Hell if HominidHumanoid Guy don't get his 3-Pak hitched-up mighty quick-like, stop favoring the most-favored, swap hegemony for home gardens & wind into the willows...Stay tuned... H'H.

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Post by WIREMAN » June 12th, 2010, 10:22 am

summer almost
they're on yer trail billy
head for old mexico
and to think he was your friend.......
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by stilltrucking » June 15th, 2010, 8:56 pm

Holocene Hell or Holocene Heaven
It is still now
What's next?
what will we call the next scene
the next epoch?
Ha, as if I will be here to see it.

I was thinking deep time.
Geo-logic logic
Maybe we are on different pages.
I think our brand of empire will not be as robust a brand as the Romans. I am surprised we lasted this long.
Hominid hooligans

Whatever happens
It is going to be lonely with out those walruses in the Gulf of Mexico. Or maybe BP knows something they ain't telling.

Speaking of scripture..
I am not sure what is the soul of a man.
Not sure what it matters
I think I will head to New Mexico.
But I am too broke to leave town
What matters to me is reading your poetry
Very satisfying experience
going to check out your links
thank you
please pardon the ramble and pardon the pardon

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