Howling at the moon

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Doreen Peri
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Howling at the moon

Post by Doreen Peri » December 6th, 2010, 9:00 pm

He listens to her cry,
the weeping echoed
in waves, saves his
energy for an embrace,
traces beacons of light
with eye projectors,
inspects the timing
of possible miracles,
heals her with an ear,
hears her laughter clear
across distant miles,
somehow fascinated
with an obscure faint
whisper heard inside
his brain.

And the rain comes
after the thunder, the
wonder of melodies
him being one note,
her being another,
somehow creating
a dissonant heavenly

Why does it seem
so impossible, absurd?, she
asks, chameleon dreams,
totem reveries, a chance,
perhaps, an accidental
ration of hope shared?
Should she dare accept
the call, fall straight up
into love?

Above it all,
It's all so important to me,
he says, and she agrees.
Ahhh, the mysteries of
chemistry! Please, please
do not stop talking to me,
she replies, and yet behind
her eyes which shine amid
the flattery from genius taunts –
I am afraid, she says,
yet do not want to miss
even a tinge of momentary
bliss. This, she says,
perhaps, is a futile stargaze.

Play me like a youthful maiden,
she states, my heart is laden
with wonder and care.
I am scared, she says,
but blesses him and bows,
honored to accept the gift
of flattery and energy sent.

How shall the moments
coming up be spent?
With poetry? Imaginary arts?
Which parts of her should she share?
Is it love? Or is it just a dare to open
up a door? What lies beyond?
What is the purpose for?

Sun sets and rises, sets and
rises, tides come in, go out;
Love, the tease, waits for release,
and soon, a howling at the moon.


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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by .Lucy. » December 6th, 2010, 9:31 pm

Doreen, I wouldn't expect anything less delicate or beautiful from you.
The road to happiness: Perseverance, Endurance and a whole lot of Hope.

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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by judih » December 6th, 2010, 11:48 pm

when howl knocks at the door
by all means, open!

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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by weepingwillow » December 6th, 2010, 11:57 pm


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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by joel » December 7th, 2010, 12:21 am

Doreen Peri wrote:...beacons of light
with eye projectors...
Doreen Peri wrote:...the flattery from genius taunts...
Doreen Peri wrote:...the moon...
and most especially this:
Doreen Peri wrote:...dp....
Doreen, your openess and vulnerability is beautiful! And your howling is amazing...great chords...valuable beyond measure! Thank you!
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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by saw » December 7th, 2010, 10:14 am

one can't help become more cautious as they age...they know too much....
yet, beneath all that we still have the same core desires we had at a much younger age, before the cynicism began to creep, the vines entangling us
like an early warning system for the heart.....this is beautiful, honest work that is easy to relate to ( if you are human )....the meter and message are on spot .....( and it gets better, the more times you read it ).....take care
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by Doreen Peri » December 7th, 2010, 8:53 pm

Lucy... what a beautiful reply! thank you! :)

judih.... ya think? this dor's been locked tight for a loooong time! :)

joel .... thanks for selecting lines/words you liked... especially my dp signature.. LOL... and thx very much for your kind comments! :)

steve ... caution is advisable for all ages... but hey, whaddya get when you don't even take a chance? nothing! I sure hope this piece didn't come off as cynical. I've written a lot of cynical pieces, believe me... but I didn't intend to this time. THank you for your beautiful and kind words about my work. :)

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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by saw » December 8th, 2010, 7:21 am

No doreen, the piece does not come off as cynical, i should have chosen my words more carefully I did say, it's beautiful and honest....
though for many of us older folks cynicism can be like scar tissue ......we often become less ready to jump in because of it.....the piece to me is a
sincere conundrum.....heartfelt work that stimulates a heartfelt reaction.....
If you do not change your direction
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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by joel » December 8th, 2010, 8:47 am

Just playing with your beautiful words/thoughts/phrases, Doreen...thanks for rich images and good reflections...

The flattery of genius taunts the skies
that rise their thoughts triumphant on a buzz
of insect wings where arthropods exult
above the heights of Anthropos in flight;
the fluttery of somethings – small and light
and oftentimes ignored – pervades the world
with such a flattery of genius that
it leases love to be its diplomat
and founds its many embassies unfurled
on luna moths and knotted gnats and brightly
knitted butterflies and many-sighted
bees—be still—behold, my soul, this cult
of genius catapulted on your cousins’
compliments to intellects more wise.
"Every genuinely religious person is a heretic, and therefore a revolutionary" -- GBShaw

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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by Doreen Peri » December 8th, 2010, 11:12 am

Steve... yeah but I think at any age, people can tend to become bitter or jaded depending on their past experiences so it's not necessarily age that makes that happen, just bad experiences and losing your belief in love. I am a hopeless romantic, a true believer in love and the connection of spirits, and believe it or not, I still think I'm 28 in my heart. Thank you so much for replying so kindly and I feel honored that my poetry stirred such beautiful thoughts. I'm glad it didn't come off as cynical! I think at any age, people are a little scared to "jump in" but what the hell? Life is short. It's a conundrum (which is ironic in a way because that's the name of the style used for the software for Studio8... conundrum).... but maybe we should all dive right in head first? What's the worst that could happen? We can swim, can't we? ;)

Joel.... I LOVED your beautiful poetry. Will you be my pastor? Pray for me, OK? Thank you! You are one fine poet! :)

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Re: Howling at the moon

Post by mnaz » December 15th, 2010, 12:26 am

i've known a quiet howl or two. this is straight from the heart, the power of genuine. well said, doreen.

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