speaking the language

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speaking the language

Post by saw » July 25th, 2011, 10:49 am

can't always pen those
upbeat rhythms
sometimes a writer likes
to get down and dirty

like a bluesman
telling his truth in a gravel voice
altered by an austere biography
from the other side of the tracks

it's us and them !
ahh, the romance
you gotta love
the simplicity

the vietnamese know
what terrorists look like
so do the elders
in nagasaki

but these didn't match
any of the neo-definitions
man, who should have the authority
to decide all this

what nation, group, sect
organization has the final say
to send out the all-points bulletins
to nail up the wanted posters

on every protruding telephone pole,
shit, industrial slaughter alone
is so sophisticated it puts a three piece suit
on barbarism

makes the psychopath
not seem like such a bad guy
the language of war
is the king's english
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: speaking the language

Post by ButterflyKiss » July 25th, 2011, 11:09 am

Why is it I love everything you write? Is it because you have my voice..? The words, the expressions I cannot find..I wonder...for things that cloud my mind. What robs my slumber, at the ceiling all nite I stare. Thoughts I cannot bring myself to share. I secretly have a crush on your mind.

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Re: speaking the language

Post by dadio » July 25th, 2011, 2:52 pm

Strong poem & theme and done well.

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Re: speaking the language

Post by revolutionrabbit » July 26th, 2011, 3:47 am

i liked this it had a kind of stack up

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