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Post by ButterflyKiss » August 23rd, 2011, 11:28 am

Creativity, emotions, thought
pour out.
Don't even know what all the words mean
they just need set free.

For years I been taught to shut-up,
keep it all bottled-up.

Some days words just come
they don't stop, they race out FAST...

OH SNAP! If only I could RAP!

Every dude I've ever been with, was WHACK!
How many of 'em ya think smoked CRACK?
Yeah, CRACK!

Generally, I tend to attract only dudes that exude CRAZY
don't forget 'bout LAZY!

Y'all struggle to find
somethin' that impress me.
There aint much that I find AMAZIN'.
You be lucky if somethin' even PHASE me.

I'm tellin' ya that I've truly had a life that been CRAZY!

For some reason,
that tends to intimidate people,
It's like they can't relate.
Fear they can't occupy me,
as if I get bored EZ.

Been told I was high maintenance,
can ya relate to this?
Dude didn't think his lifestyle could afford me.

Why is it every man got LUST FOR ME?
Yet, not one is remotely WORTHY of me?

Y'all seem to want to fuck me
but yo too intimidated to just step to me,
be real with me....

And when one of ya eventually get the balls
to SPEAK to me....

Ya open yo mouth and ignorance fall out.
Then, I get a look at yo TEETH!

As if ya weren't already BENEATH me,
could ya really see YOU and ME...together,
in something more than just yo FANTASY?

You're fuckin' killin' me!

Don't ya believe someone like me

Yeah, rhymes with SLANDER?

Slander, it's what my X did BEST.
Not sure exactly why he be so OBSESSED.

Especially ,
when he couldn't keep his dick outta everyone else

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Re: O-Snap!

Post by saw » August 24th, 2011, 2:38 am

unfortunately as a culture the masses have been dumbed down, groomed by the idiot box lectures to love reality TV, and few seem to read and write for the sheer joy leaving us with a big batch of Boring......I think our mind craves art and music that hasn't been corrupted by the commercial hands of greed....I think our brain cries out to be challenged by things, like the NY Times crossword puzzle, instead of anesthetized by the trite call of the beer commercial....hence fewer men of substance to go around for a woman that's really alive and breathing......enjoyed the stark honesty of this.....it puts it out there in clear terms.....
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: O-Snap!

Post by ButterflyKiss » August 24th, 2011, 2:19 pm

My gift? My curse?...such lucid candor

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