Everything That Shines...

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Everything That Shines...

Post by izeveryboyin » September 7th, 2011, 3:08 pm

I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know, everything that shines aint always gonna be golden. I’ll be fine once I get it…
I’ll be good.
I’m feeling like…
I’m feeling like my mindset has chained me to this disdainful state
Late on bills, hills of debtors calling me by my first and last name
The shame of yet another broken promise.
Lord I promise to be better if you give me one more shot at success
I know I’ve failed the test of time
And without rhyme or reason I have let my glory seasons pass by like summers in Chicago
Brief, fleeting
My heart beating for a world where I don’t have to follow some other guy’s rules
Feeling like one of many tools to make some other guy rich
On my knees with society, some other guy’s bitch
Putting bullets in my brothers
I dig myself in a ditch
I switch my white girl voice on and off, depending on the sitch
The situation is dire.
I follow dress codes and pay those I would just as soon call liar
But there’s fire in my heart
And sometimes I don’t know where to start so I sit back and be quiet will the revolution waits within me
And that hero’s spirit can’t be late within me
I’ve got a world to change
A societal structure to rearrange
A place where open minds meet up with open hearts and create magic
Sedate hatred,
Embrace the nonsense of the mind because it only needs to make sense to you
You are your own person.
You are living your own life
You choose to be dating, or somebody’s wife
You choose to be waiting, or being proactive
Get an activist mindset!
Fight for your right to be human
Steel yourself against the nonsense coming out of their mouths because it only makes sense to them.
Don’t let yourself be used just because it makes sense to him.
In a sense, to him, you’re just background noise
A distraction from the pain of everyday living
He doesn’t see how giving his life to you will change it
Rearrange your world
See it anew
Renew your love for yourself
Because though there’s not a wealth of time there’s a wealth of ways to use it
Equally, there’s a wealth of ways in which someone can lose it
Abuse the rules that hold you back from the latest you
The greatest you is yet to come
Become more alive, eyes wide to the world
See your successes down every road you take
Make a promise with yourself to let it shine
Embrace the harsh and the divine
Stimulate your senses and reinvigorate your mind
That is what makes life worth living
Worth giving your all too…
If I can’t see a million in my lifetime,
At least I died trying
At least I did more than lay in my bed dying
The cruelties of the world can leave you alone, crying
But it’s that rainbow after the storm that steels my faith
Kills my reluctance to embrace the beauty of breathing
Of my beating heart…
Of my open mind…
Of my warm soul…
So I’ll take the good with the bad.
I’ll take the sweet with the sour.
I’ll live life the way I choose.
We die to make life more important
But that doesn’t mean I won’t go out fighting…
I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shines aint always gonna be golden.
I’ll be fine once I get it.
I’ll be good.
sometimes I just like to breathe.


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Re: Everything That Shines...

Post by Atehequa » September 7th, 2011, 6:46 pm

I like this.
So much passion.

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Re: Everything That Shines...

Post by izeveryboyin » September 7th, 2011, 7:35 pm

Thank you so much Atehequa!
sometimes I just like to breathe.


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