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Post by izeveryboyin » August 8th, 2013, 11:03 am

He wants to talk about the pain and the struggle
But I'm like "Naw, babe."
Just trying to watch an episode of Girls and have a glass of wine.
Violence all I hear is violence
Whatever he fucking says sounds violent
His very saying "I love you"... sounds violent.
So I sound silent.
Listening to cracks in walls; cheap ceiling paint
Dealing crank to mind dying to rewind then erase any trace of his fucking...
Our love is better in the silence.
Our love is better minus every time you open your mouth to speak.
I eat with you. Sleep next to you at night and it's magic.
So beautiful is that calm before the storm
My heart warm with you wrapped around me, tucked deep inside,
Alive with you in every silent moment there is.
Even the awkward kisses.
Even after the hits and misses trying to take me to bed.
But it's those petty arguments that fuck up my head.
It's that back and forth.
That tit for tat.
Love spats and bullshit we drag back through the same petty dirt
Now the same petty hurts drive wedges between our wedges...
Builds hedges around our heart strings blocking our view
Me and you are so much more than just one moment!
And in silence we own it.
Relying on pure connection to drive our driving force.
The source of the other's light.
I'm brighter with you.
Can't you see...
Can't you see I'm right with you?
Tighter with you...
More whole
More soul in my step
So I wept with every night we slept with our backs turned
Creating barriers with our fucking body posture
Not stopping to breathe through the deep, entangling, hate-filled air
Aware of the void but unable to avoid it.
Sick off love.
Toyed with.
I just wanna be overjoyed with you, man.
I just wanna be overjoyed.
So I whisper in the darkness
Compromising with our highs and lows
Lord knows we need more of this sort of compromise.
Saying yes with my eyes but no with heart
We start again
And again.
We fucking end.
Lord knows I hope my soul can mend.
sometimes I just like to breathe.

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silent woman
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Re: Silent

Post by silent woman » August 8th, 2013, 11:28 am

love stinks

But that was the best love poem I have read in a long time 8)
If you can't give me love and peace, Then give me bitter fame. — Akhmatova.

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Re: Silent

Post by dadio » August 9th, 2013, 1:55 am

Darn tough love & more. Fine gritty poem.

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