The Last Judgment

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The Last Judgment

Post by theirishsea » November 24th, 2014, 9:31 am

nature's wet breath on the morning's windows
day rising from its pillow with a crick in the neck
eyes glazed like a stale doughnut
morning's tongues wagging with each swish of car
each grumble of truck on the road out front
I hope a squirrel or a hawk mugged the woodpecker
I never disliked a bird so much
puddles in the driveway shivering
I swear they are shivering
an infinitesimal earth tremor?
cornflakes hanging from trees
or on the ground
not enough sugar to make such dead things sweet
I heard a sermon yesterday about the Last Judgment
so damn much judgment, punishment, etc.
Righteous? Hate the word "righteous"
synonymous with smug, judgmental, intolerant
I don't like cruel, heartless sinners
or those that take joy in others' pain
but I like indulging sinners
that prefer a beach to a desert
love to a celibate tryst with old age
I like sinners that love too much
over those that don't love enough
however winter is neither Eden's nor heaven's season
"The Last Judgment"?
does that mean it is the last time
we have to go through this crap
The Irish Sea Is Always In Turmoil, Even When Calm.

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Re: The Last Judgment

Post by revolutionR » November 24th, 2014, 12:01 pm

I don't know if Irish say this, but spot on.

also I heard a little of a new album that came out by John Zorn
on iTunes, called The Last Judgement, I really liked the forth
piece called, Le' Tombeau d Jaques de Molay, (the last head of the
Knights Templars from the 12th to the 13th century.)

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Re: The Last Judgment

Post by saw » November 25th, 2014, 10:58 am

it seems most religions warn of the judgement day, perhaps as a way to convince people to live moral lives or be sent to some hellish place for eternity....Michelangelo has his famous fresco by that name hanging in the Sistine Chapel perhaps an ominous reminder of that possibility....i like the way you move through this piece, asking questions, making observations and ultimately seemingly at peace with the philosophy from Billy Joel's iconic song, Only the Good Die Young ,

" I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
The sinners are much more fun
You know that only the good die young "

people often muse about whether our time on earth is our punishment...many like to belief that all the good stuff comes in the afterlife, but that's a big gamble i think, to roll the dice by living your life afraid and controlled, because you want to get to some kind of heavenly world,
that keeps you forever in "God's" light

I'm with you Danno, live with passion, not fear
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: The Last Judgment

Post by 68degrees » November 25th, 2014, 11:21 am

"puddles in the driveway shivering" is a great line. The image of the woodpecker getting mugged gave me a snort (I was drinking coffee).

Don't mind your editorializing...a bit "judgmental"...goes both ways, I guess. Was wondering why you were there listening to the sermon. A waste of your time, I would think. I don't care much for "righteous" either. Except for the Brothers. :lol:

Enjoyed your thoughts. No one really knows what God is thinking, do they? That would spoil everything.


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