The Eye

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The Eye

Post by mnaz » May 13th, 2017, 11:04 am

Nothing new under a savage sun, just
louder, quicker and time accelerating.
Can you hear silence without ringing?
Megatons, trillions, numbing magnitude
come at us in the boom, and everyone
owes everyone, stacked ever higher,
faster, accelerating, teetering at times,
until it explodes in all directions at once
and passes through the Eye
into something else.

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Re: The Eye

Post by dadio » May 13th, 2017, 11:10 am

Very good poem and theme. 8)

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Re: The Eye

Post by cmoore » May 13th, 2017, 2:10 pm

This reminds me of the way things feel in the world with the news media
on the other hand it also reminds me of Cern.

It also reminds me of the late sixties, the psychedelic explosion.

the line, everyone owes everyone....

this demands to be looked at from all directions.

the sun use to be yellow.

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Re: The Eye

Post by mnaz » May 13th, 2017, 3:59 pm

Mckenna's ideas fascinate me-- the "end of history"... but what's next?
Funny how his time wave program crunched all the numbers on (accelerating) fractal pattern cycles of information between major timeline events and came up with something close to 2012 (Mayan-style) as "The End" ... But what does that mean?

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Re: The Eye

Post by cmoore » May 13th, 2017, 4:51 pm

What I mostly got from Terence because I was a poet and liked to read philosophers
was how he kinda of patched his ideas through a kinda poetic flow of linking
his psychedelic experiences through his stream of thought, like the object
at the end of history. His time-wave thing seemed to be based on James Joyce, like Finnegan's Wake, so he actually made a program out of it, it also included his ideas of the I Ching. This system to me was more a literary thing then science. But it was an attempt to also see the Mayan calendar as a signal of this transcendental object thing at the end. The end which is a transition.The cycles of time, timelines moving in and out of one another, the collapse of the state vector through novelty. A kind of implosion.

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Re: The Eye

Post by mnaz » May 14th, 2017, 3:50 pm

Yes, the transcendent object at the end of history- I think you have a little better handle on this idea than I do. But it's fascinating to think about. And scary as hell in some ways- religion is all over this too, but too often claims "heaven" as the only transcendence..

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Re: The Eye

Post by cmoore » May 14th, 2017, 4:51 pm

I don't really have any handle on it, I liked Terence when he was alive, because he was saying stuff that nobody else was saying at the time, he was coming from a psychedelic perspective, and he strung together concepts of philosophy and added some poetry. At the time it seemed revolutionary because he seemed to pick up where Tim Leary left off. Terence was very creative in his thinking, but I have a sense that he was effected by fame, he had a message to pass on, but he also had to deal with the fame he got trying to deliver it. Terence was there trying to warn humanity that the outcome of humanity was coming to finality, the object at the end of time, which is a fancy way of saying that everything that we know everything that we have been and seen and experienced is coming to a point when history as we know ends. And this could be a war, it could be the actual end of humans on this planet, or we could pass into another plain of existence all together. The way things are going with alien technology which Terence seemed to have some notion of but did not go into exact detail about except to reference it in his poetic philosophic way, and its difficult just how much he knew, but he seemed to sorta go along with some idea that the object at the end of time was a quantum computer. Which I don't have a handle on because, Terence was there in that rare moment before 9/11, he died before it happened, it seemed like he could see down the time lines, and he gave us signals, and I wonder if he knew too much, and he was targeted by some exotic technology. So to sum up, Terence was
trying to warn us, but he also was caught up in that. This is the human predicament.

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Re: The Eye

Post by mnaz » May 14th, 2017, 5:44 pm

That's the thing- no one knows just what the transition at "the end" is into... Into what? And what will it take to get there?..

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Re: The Eye

Post by cmoore » May 14th, 2017, 8:56 pm

History is the end of history, in so far as we tell stories that are about what we don't know.

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