locusts to lungs

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locusts to lungs

Post by saw » April 8th, 2020, 10:50 am

like locusts to lungs
they floated around the world
awakening arrogant giants
that fell asleep on guard duty
after many nights of drunken debauchery,
expensive hookers, and talk of jesus
from the corners of their mouths
still wet with the blood of the damned,
and the ogres shredded all the clothing
and laughed at their malnourished naked bodies
and the amoral-orange-king-with-a-comb-over said
I don't know, try hydroxychloroquine
if nothing else it will help you if you also get a case
of malaria, and it just might improve my portfolio
and if I'm satisfied I may give you some masks and gowns
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by sasha » April 8th, 2020, 1:42 pm

another staffer at my mom's home tested positive, & 2 residents have been hospitalized... meanwhile our disbelieving (and, in every sense of the word, unbelievable) Imbecile-in-Chief barricades himself behind platitudes, lies, urban mythology, and a phalanx of yes-men to ensure himself another TKO in November..... gahhhhhhhh.....

I hope all those who abstained from voting in 2016 because they didn't want to soil their hands by merely voting for the lesser of two evils are taking notes....
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by saw » April 9th, 2020, 10:02 am

yeah sasha , he is more of an existential threat than covid-19
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by jackofnightmares » April 9th, 2020, 4:12 pm

on a minor note, I don't care if the money is no good but they are also taking the very best
I can't get this number out of my head
Tя☭mp ires Inspector General Tasked with Overseeing $2 Trillion Stimulus
I try to see the other side—
What if I was a true believer in Tя☭mp?
He must be blessed, because— To those who have will be given.
I need an emoticon for "tears of rage"

thank you for the inspirational poem
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by mnaz » April 16th, 2020, 3:06 am

I keep coming back to, the problem is not Trump (or Obama or Bush), the problem is us. I could be wrong.

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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by saw » April 16th, 2020, 2:30 pm

there are many problems as I see but,Trump's denial and inaction to the virus is inexcusable ...the timeline is there for everyone to see....when he should have gone into action getting protective gear and ventilators ready, he was calling it a hoax....did he cause the virus ...?...of course not, but
He dismantled the pandemic response teams, he got rid of representatives in China that would normally alert us, he has waged war with governors that refuse to kiss his ass, he has misrepresented hydroxychloroquine as a cure, ( his family and he have stock in the French company that make it)....there is no data that even remotely suggests this may work and in fact in has killed some patients....and patients that need the drug for autoimmune diseases can't find it all the sudden ....he bailed out the billionaire class again, and threw some crumbs to the that's Trump

Now , if you want to talk about us, yes we are still polarized....instead of coming together to fight this deadly virus that does not discriminate who it infects...very little has changed....and there are still selfish people buying all the toilet paper....I watched a video of a guy in Florida filling the entire bed of his pickup truck...the store allowed him to do so....two wrongs......huge cardboard boxes of TP piled up in the bed of the truck....customers were angry....and the folks loading up were belligerent....with a fuck off, I've got mine yeah WE can demonstrate the most despicable human characteristics at times like this....

So....what if the leadership looked a little different....what if the White House was a shining beacon....a good example of cooperation, with clear messages....what if we felt like they had our back....this is by far the worst administration in the history of out none...and their great leader is a ruthless citizens we must resist this idea that this is OK....that this is normal....there are many inspiring stories of courageous people helping out....the brave medical folks....independent media getting out the truth....but as a population if we don't have a huge shift in consciousness, we are screwed
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by mnaz » April 16th, 2020, 2:44 pm

I agree with all of that. Still though, as you point out, "we" have issues. What I mean is, we put him in office (or maybe the voting machines did), and if we do it again, well, that's on us.

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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by sasha » April 16th, 2020, 5:32 pm

"We" did not put that imbecile behind the wheel. 63M out of 300+M did, about 20% of us by my reckoning. They were abetted by those too pure & self-righteous to vote for the lesser of two evils when they didn't get their first choice.
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by mnaz » April 16th, 2020, 5:36 pm

That's fair too. But that's also why we need to not repeat the same mistake(s). It's on us to reject what we've seen the last 3.5 years. Do what it takes. I think we'll do it, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by jackofnightmares » April 16th, 2020, 11:58 pm

Is it 1942, or Deja Vu? I am so scared you could not drive a ninepenny nail up my anal sphincter with a hammer. Is the human brain the most serious mistake ever created by a random universe? I am knocking at surrealism's door.
I wonder at the order and randomness and mystery of creation but I do my best not to make the ignorant mistake of anthropomorphizing a creator God. What I have seen of the last 3.5 billion years is; we were wondrously made to make mistakes and adapt to the consequences.
mnaz wrote:
That's fair too. But that's also why we need to not repeat the same mistake(s). It's on us to reject what we've seen for the last 3.5 years. Do what it takes. I think we'll do it, but I'll believe it when I see it.
I have not seen but I believe.
oh yes, I do believe in spooks I do I do. :lol:

if not for late not tv comedy I would go nuts
not to change the subject ...
So now we are putting mercury back in the atmosphere. How cool is that? :lol:
this a whole new world of bad and better
we are watched over by machines of loving grace, machines of destruction

(1942 and we were blessed to be eastern European refugee Jews living in Baltimore, and I was scared at night when all the street lights were turned off, and the blackout shades on windows were drawn.)

I appreciate your writing.
Last edited by jackofnightmares on April 17th, 2020, 1:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by mtmynd » April 17th, 2020, 1:15 am

If "The Don" was an honest man with scruples, he would not allow the biggest political mess the U.S. has ever been in. But that man has not balls and tries to push the blame on someone, hell anyone!

On the other hand I see him as a scared man... or a frightened kid who knows better than anyone of us that this job he was hired to do (elected) is a way too big of a task that he ever believed would fall in his lap... "Mommy! what can I do?" "What should I do???"

But no chance... he will continue turning the wheels of failure until he gets his ass so deep in his own shit, we'll still have to listen to the SOB eery goddamned day trying to wiggle his fat ass out of yet another mess hie made. No sirree, this failure needs to be fired... no constitutional twisted bull shit but "We the People" loud and clear with clarity and honesty SCREAM OUT "You're fucking fired!!!" and refuse to allow him to be heard until he no longer realizes his failure and is escorted out of our White House to his black helicopter where he can hide in his tower.
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by saw » April 17th, 2020, 11:32 am

all excellent comments....all have are a wise bunch, you studio 8 knuckleheads...haha....i include myself and say that with a great deal of affection..
where do we start ?....we have thousands of citizens that think the earth is girlfriend always sez, you can't can't fix dyed-in-the-wool stooopid
So how can we raise the awareness ? there a way to get roughly half of the population to believe in facts and science again ?

we have the distinction of a record-breaking number of conspiracy theories floating around....Trevor Noah covered this last night on the Daily Show

there are folks that actually believe 5G is causing all this illness and doctors are pretending this is a virus.....holy fuck

what if devolution is inevitable when a planet is overpopulated ......

there are some that believe this virus was created in a lab to kill off all the old people on social security....yowser

All of this is far more scary that any an age where a broad array of info is available at the touch of a finger we are going backwards

Anyone that understood cross referencing at all.....would do a thorough search....but No we are in love with soundbites , and memes

I spend most of my time in the woods....trees make sense.... birds make sense....muskrats are far more appealing...I hate the news....i get all i need by osmosis and
unintended social media .....and even that is too much

mnaz, your point is well taken.....modern man ( and women ) has had much to do with much that has happened.....but I am hesitant to blame them given the brilliance of advertising....given the ease of was a slow clever subtle, few knew it had happened...and all the population knows, comes from the institutions that have failed them....the diabolical forces that conditioned them imperceptibly with small doses of contrived bullshit.....they rise up with arms, when a Bernie S. comes along......preferring the safety of how they were indoctrinated....determined to stay the course that lead to their demise.....I have heard that asses are stubborn....don't like to be lead in another direction.....even when there might be a cool new spring to drink from.....I feel a poem coming on....I hope it's not covid......just kidding

well, there you have electronic morning dissertation on nothing...ha ha...........Luna, Help us !
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Re: locusts to lungs

Post by mnaz » April 18th, 2020, 1:59 am

Well said. Morning always seems to bring more clarity than where we left off. Humanity needs a little morning clarity. Ah who am I kidding? Humanity just needs more stuff and jobs jobs jobs. More more more. Houses of cards. Don't breathe too hard...

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