liminal space

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liminal space

Post by saw » November 6th, 2024, 1:02 pm

we are floating
like space junk
in that limbo that could
be called hope's ashes
the billionaire class
has no limits to its reach
and they doubled down
are invading every crevice
with think tanks of scholars
that design rhetoric for morons
and mainline it into every red cap
this is a mammoth leap for the fascists
who have been biding their time
waiting for the perfect puppet
does anyone believe the don is in charge
not me....does anyone think he can tell
them No ?
We know all about mob hits from television
and reading history books
you don't get to say No
the fix is in
So be kind
love hard
help those less fortuante than yourself
liminal space has just arrived
and we will embark on a deathly ride
soon enough
so buckle up
Last edited by saw on November 7th, 2024, 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: liminal space

Post by sasha » November 6th, 2024, 3:40 pm

I wanted to me-too this
tried to
started to
but I just couldn't
too tired
too sick of the noise
the bullshit
the crass displays of ignorance, cruelty, & smug self-righteousness
the babbling that passes for critical thought
I despair
I'm done
if this is where AI leads us
then we deserve whatever we get
might as well burn all the books
since no one else is going to read them
in the meantime
I think I'll just retreat to my ivory tower
and play with numbers for a while
"If one could deduce the nature of the Creator from a study of creation, it would appear that He has an inordinate fondness for beetles." -- evolutionary biologist J B S Haldane, (1892-1964)

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Re: liminal space

Post by stilltrucking » November 6th, 2024, 9:14 pm

re: liminal space
thank you for your poem, much appreciated.

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Re: liminal space

Post by winddance » November 7th, 2024, 2:25 pm

been in a state of stress
for months
been in a state of distress
since yesterday
looking for a state
to de-stress
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach 10,000 stars how not to dance.
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Re: liminal space

Post by mnaz » November 7th, 2024, 5:42 pm

It can only go on
for so long (so long!)
if my theory is correct.
The big ponzi pyramid scheme
only sustains for so long (so long!)
until it crumbles up from the base,
the sea of good little consumers runs dry
and chill winds approach the house of cards,
the house that greed and hubris built.

(I must be a lot of fun at parties, eh?)

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