slick on the water

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slick on the water

Post by creativesoul » September 28th, 2005, 5:52 pm

the red lipstick was on the edge of the cup, there were cigarettes piled high with little marks of red, the velevet lips were chattering in a low whiskey like voice, the coffee table seemed parked like the endless cars bordering the sidewalk, she had some fashionable outfit on and the black eyeliner lined the eyes that spooky and intensely looked right thru me to my bones. she took me hostage from the moment i met her,was it the victim dressed like daddy s little girl with rescue me wriiten in a tatoo like vapor over her angelic face, or was it the tight stomach, the pierced belly button, and the metal like tin heart that seemed so tainted with the echo of other lovers?
jealous, suspicious, i trusted her to open my drawers in my house, clean the bathroom, cook and burn food on my stove.
i watched her like a hawk waiting for her to steal all of what i thought was important at that time.
she never did, she was as aloof and detached from who i was, and what i did as i was. ...this implies that all of this has changed somehow she was what i wanted to be, and i could not make her be someone else for me, for you. i thought that i was in a society that had value, even spirituality. i was so wrong. communities everywhere were under going transformation, discussions around various kitchen tables everywhere seemed to go on under the assumption that this was speacil, but i would guess that this was all part of a pre-destined script, each of us acting out various parts that no one really knew their lines at all. it just happened.
what she presented as "herself" was an empty shell -- she said little about where she came from or where she would be going.
the doctors have all kinds of explainations as to why people are the way they are. but logic has eluded us on her altogether.
they had tried to teach her manners and how to catch a man, so she could have children and be married, but she refused to learn these subtle tricks. she just walked on water somehow, and managed to just slip out from the back door of contact on a regular basis.
i wanted her to be mine , see.
i know that she escaped a man like me.
whatever plan i had for her, it was not that she flourish and become a happy loving satisfied woman.
it was that i should become happy as the result of her sacrafice.
for me see, that is how it was supposed to go.
but stories like these are told all the time, backwards forwards and sideways.
i just thought i would save the time
details well, that would be trivial would nt it?

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Post by iblieve » September 28th, 2005, 8:11 pm

We cage a bird because of its beauty thinking only of the pleasure it gives us while its loss of freedom makes it miserable and its colors to fade. In the end we lose the beauty we so desired. Loved this story and the voice with which it was written. You do posess a creative soul ibleive
DARC Poet's Society.

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Post by ~K » October 4th, 2005, 8:01 am

Enchanted by your perspective. Truth is messy beautiful.

Posts: 13
Joined: April 12th, 2007, 6:53 pm


Post by wannabeguru » September 20th, 2007, 6:49 pm

If the post date is correct here we are ONLY eight days (like a studioeight!) from the 2 year anniversary of your first post!!
Congrats...thought I'd just add that reminder HERE for YOU.

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