is it fair? is it right?

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is it fair? is it right?

Post by Doreen Peri » November 1st, 2005, 5:09 am

when the sun goes down before you planned it,
is it fair? is it right? when the damned weather
changes before you have time to gather together
appropriate clothing to layer or rid yourself of them
like onion skin, is it right? is it fair? when the blare
of the sun opens your eyes with too bright a glare,
is it right or fair? do you dare to question the timing
of a moon? do you have rights which you dare enlighten
yourself with when second hands seem askew? what
view do you consider as your particular view when you
decide it is time to fall out of rhythm with a day? which
way do you think the world should take your decision?
should you continually be in revision of your heartbeat
in order to keep up or balance with the way the axis
turns the globe? is it fair or right when night comes?
is it right or fair when the air sneaks in between blind
slats when the window was left slightly ajar, necessary
securities not in place, traces of drafts seeping in? when
do you begin to judge what time is right for the close
or opening of minds or eyes? how do you steal your time
away from second hands when minutes demand your
breath? what happens when death makes the decision
to take yours away? will you pant? will you complain?
when rain swells clouds, will you allow it to fall? how
can you stall sleep? when you are ready to open your
legs to passion, do you rationally or irrationally assume
there will be a stiff metronome or a slick stream of wet
voice welcoming? when is it fair? when is it right? when
is it right? when is it fair? how dare you or i attempt
to distinguish between the two? when the sun comes up
before you planned it to or the moon descends behind
the horizon, how do you determine the rising of a miracle?
when is the time for fronts of feet to backs of feat? how
do you know when the arch of your back can blend with
the sleep of a belly or chest? when or how is it fair or right
if it's so hard to figure out? i doubt i know. so, when or where
or do you even care about dawns, dusks and such messy
material as a pastel watercolor wash painted with the wrong
brush on the halo of a lover's kiss? this is just what this is
just and what is just? is it right? or fair? who can decide
what air you need to breathe and when except for you
yourself? when is night supposed to be day? day supposed
to be night? what is fair? what is right?

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 1st, 2005, 10:22 am

"Life is trouble, only death is no trouble." from my faulty memory quoting Zorba The Greek.

I can't say I read this piece D. More like I inhaled it.
its the right stuff for me this morning
Free Rice
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Post by Doreen Peri » November 2nd, 2005, 7:33 am

nothing is fair and right
when daylight comes with
scorn, when the morn
greets with bittersweet
adorn, the purpose of
a ray of sun to blind
or otherwise disable.
nothing is right and fair
when air is so thick with
the blame of zero accusation,
doors slammed mid-dream
to awaken.

i have taken
my heart and hung
it out on a clothesline
only to have it replaced by
a vacant blank stairway.

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 2nd, 2005, 12:09 pm

music some stringy thingy on the classical station in Sanato. Got a beat I can write to.

pissed off little black girl?
getting on the bus in B'more
quotting Langston Hughes
"my life has been no crystal staircase"

a time for anger?
do we always have to be cool cats
so take those words sister
sharp edged like obsidian glass
cut me
cause only women bleed
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Post by Dixie » November 3rd, 2005, 9:28 am

I say we have a little fun and just say we aren't celebrating daylight savings time


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Post by gypsyjoker » November 3rd, 2005, 10:56 am

jet lag
took me four days to make an adjustment
every day at five
where the hell did the daylight go
finally got all my clocks set right

Blue skies, a warm breezem laundry flapping in the line.

funny I guess it was the stairwell that reminded me of that little girl getting on the yellow bus so many years ago. I wonder how she is now. Must be around forty now.
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 4th, 2005, 2:08 am

thanks so much, dixie & gypsy, for reading ...

i think i have jet lag myself... and i've been trying to save daylight for years.... i put it in a jar... like hester does on a full moon... only i do it daily but the problem is, i keep hiding the jar because it's such a precious commodity and then when i want to find it, i forget where i put it... ;)

I just recorded this...
(with a few edits in the text)

If you'd like to listen, click this link

>> Is it Fair? Is it Right?

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 4th, 2005, 9:54 am

I can't remember the quote from LR world head qutaters or maybe it was studio eight, about it is not only what you say, but what is not said, to say just enough.

Twenty five years is a long time, if nothing else it has enhanced my ears, I really listen to a woman's voice these days. Sounds so fine, doreen, not sure if modulation is the right word. You put a nice edge on it. Something so down home in your voice, sounds Maryland, almost baltimore. Nice work.

Speaking of voices, in the dog and pony show that will be the 2008 elections one voice i would like to hear more of is Barbara Boxer. She can put power behind it, I like the way she modulates her anger without sounding shrill. I wonder if she has had voice lessons?
Of course hester's voice leaves me gaga, I droll and my head kind of flops to one side after I listen to her sing.
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 5th, 2005, 1:54 am

hester should be a star... there is no doubt about it... her voice is the dream jazz voice every female jazz singer wants. I don't understand why she isn't. The world makes no sense.

Thank you for listening to my reading. it was something to do....

the poem is really pretty lame... but i just wanted to read something.. i wanted to go on stage... I love the stage. i miss the stage. I belong on stage.

I'm having a terrible pity party tonight. My life makes no sense. I thought the bright red buds on the banner would brighten it up for me... it didn't work... They are beautiful. Ben Grader is a fine poet from Arcanum and he gave me permission to showcase this photo and another one which I'll put up tomorrow. I am honored to do it.

i am in such a slump... i can't find a spot for the cabaradio because I don't have time or energy ... i'm trying to be mother and artist and lover and i work for so many companies i can't keep up and so i bought a bunch of canvases and paint and started painting but it took so much time that i gave it up for a while to sit and stare and play scrabble online with strangers... for what?

there isn't enough time. .. there just isn't and I'm a lousy manager of whatever time i have and i just wanted to tell you that i thank you for listening to my recital.....

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Post by mnaz » November 5th, 2005, 6:07 am

some of the time.

some of the time, not.

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Post by mnaz » November 5th, 2005, 6:22 am

and you're right.

there never seems to be enough time,
or perhaps there's too much of it, depending on who you ask.

i won't get involved in that argument, if I can avoid it, though surely I will eventually bump into its consequences.

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Post by WIREMAN » November 5th, 2005, 9:59 am

Doreen word rager
yet a siren of peace
cyber-space explorer
yet a reality........
for I have seen her
speak these words
no, rather let em out
on the edge with
doreen feeling........
a privledge for all
to see.

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Post by mousey1 » November 5th, 2005, 1:42 pm

I CARE!!!!! :shock: I CARE!!!!! :shock: I CARE!!!!! :? I CARE!!!!! :shock:

But, ya, you're right, it's not fair!

If you open your legs to a metaphor how can you be sure of the true meaning?.... and moreover should I care? :wink:

Anyway Missy Do I love your voice, it is as welcoming as the flowers in a vast open is a delight, full of life and light.

Your poem also gave me a chuckle and a smirk, for I am a bad girl!

I listen to your readings when I have moments to spare and I enjoy and appreciate them.

Come out of your slump, square your shoulders, breasts out and pointing forward into another day of wonder and creativeness! (do you think I should write for Hallmark, this is good stuff, 'specially the breasts forward, that's a drawing card for sure!!!)

ps: I even listened to your AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHy screaming reading from awhile back, it was grand...but you did give me a're a good screamer, if a little stifled...I think you were holding back!!!! :D
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by gypsyjoker » November 5th, 2005, 1:58 pm

there isn't enough time. .. there just isn't and I'm a lousy manager of whatever time i have and i just wanted to tell you that i thank you for listening to my recital.....
was it about time, so easy when you are a woman
me, I got no cycles to keep up with
month bleeds into month and I never notice,
what gets me attention hypochondriac them I am is being on the thresh hold of a cold, or the flu. Malaise?
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 5th, 2005, 3:18 pm

gypsy, mnaz, wireman, mousey... :)

thanks much for reading and for your replies ... :D

I think the deal is that it IS fair and it IS right because there is nothing we can do about how quickly time passes. What right have we to complain? That's what I was trying to say anyway. I think this is one of my weaker pieces... nothing really tremendously literary about it or anything. I just felt like speaking into the mic and this one was on my screen so I did it. :)

But I really think that these days, people's lives are too cluttered. It's all too fast. It's important to slow down. Back up. STOP. Listen. Look. As cliche as that is. And not only that? If it isn't cliche, I'm not writing it! LOL! It's too hard to create my own words any more. ;)

WiredOne... would love to get on stage with you again some day! Thank you for your verse! :)

mnaz .... there is probably too much of it for those who are homeless, starving, suffering from disease. Recently someone described the internet as a place for people who had too much time on their hands. Maybe that's true, too. It devours my time like a snake swallows a rat. :)

mousey1 - No, not YOU! Not like a mouse, like a rat! lol ;) You could never be eaten up like that. Thanks for listening to my voice... I'm honored that you did. I wish I took that scream poem offline, though. I really hate that one. It's too long, for one thing ... way too long... and the scream sounds like a horror movie! ;) but you listened and I'm honored... I am working on putting together what i'm calling basement recordings, even though the house is on a slab. I could call it slab recordings, I guess. There's an idea. Slab recording. Yes! It's got some piano pieces of mine and a couple of spoken word pieces and a couple of songs... not professionally produced just recorded right here with my mic stuck in the back of the machine. Hell I live in the machine. I've become the box. Might as well stick something into me. :) I'm calling it "perimeters" .. if you want one, send me your address and i'll mail it out to you as soon as I design the darn cover.

Offered to all if anybody's interested. Hey, it's free! postage is on me. Whatchya got to lose except 50 minutes of time listening to it. Or just hang it on your christmas tree like an ornament... no time wasted at all! ;)

Anyway, thanks all.... much.

I need to write more often. I used to write 2-3 hours a day. Every day. These days, I'm working more on the craft of succinctness. So, I write a line or two every couple of weeks. I'm getting pretty good at getting this succinctness thing down. ;)

Peace, love and happy weekend. It's a gloriously beautiful autumn day here in virginia.

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