Blame It On The Nigger

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Blame It On The Nigger

Post by iblieve » June 21st, 2006, 5:19 pm

Okay I must admit, this piece if read wrong is pretty offensive but I have been troubled by the latest spin put on a prominent rape case. The rapists were all rich white kids at a prominent university and the girl raped was a black stripper working to put herself through another smaller college. Let’s get something fucking straight, stripper does not mean hooker or whore, it means that a poor girl is trying to better herself. I have watched this case from the start and it was a brilliant twisting of truth and perceptions. Being an old game player and dope dealer I spotted the hook the first day and knew the story was going to twist soon. The anchor that did the daily spin on this case was promoted to run the entire station last week, MSNBC. Coincidence? Don’t fucking kid yourself he is an alumni of this university and one of those successful good ol boys. So know that I wrote this with nasty sarcasm for a reason. Fuck them dick-less rich white boys.

Them good ol’ boys at Puke U
just doing what spoilt white boys do.
It was only nigger pussy
let them be.

The prosecutor, a traitor to his race
now we spend big bucks to save face.
Justice is expensive to protect the guilty
worth it to let them walk free.
We’ll buy the popular legal expert on the news.
He’ll reveal shattering new false clues.
Then promote him to run the network
he’s another sell out jerk
but worth every penny.
Then make sure the witnesses are many
all saying the same lie
while we make that loud mouth nigger cry.

Them good ol’ boys will have to learn
when that dick starts to yearn
fuck a white girl instead
never take a nigger to bed.
DARC Poet's Society.

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Post by firsty » June 22nd, 2006, 11:11 am

didnt the other stripper say that the accuser was full of shit?

i like how you say "the rapists were..." but you say "stripper does not mean hooker or whore." actually, the fact is, "alleged rapists" doesnt actually mean "rapists." and many strippers are, actually, whores. just ask any guy who's gotten his dick sucked by the stripper at a bachelor party.

i believe that all rapists should go to jail for a very long time. i also despise anyone of privilege who abuses it or anything or anyone else. but lets not start villifying the unconvicted or deifying ("the poor girl," aw) the alleged victims just for the sake of making poetic points. we dont need absolutes to define this situation. it's ok for us to say that the stripper isnt perfect just like we can say that the accused arent perfect, whether they are guilty or not.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by iblieve » June 22nd, 2006, 12:39 pm

The truth of the matter is the good ol' boys have brought out the big guns and made a lot of statements inflamatory to the alleged victim (Is that better?) and my poem was meant to show support for the other side. Anybody who actually lives and breathes in this world knows money talks. Every word I wrote was my opinion based on watching this particuliar program that won't shut the fuck up and uses street game tactics to contaminate the jury pool. It is my right to take a strong stand in what I feel is the truth, and if not and I am wrong then that's cool too because always the poor and hadicapped get fucked by them good ol' boys. Thank you for your opinion it is appreciated, but still I stand by my opening statement, fuck them good ol boys and that I'm better than thou because my dad has money and can buy me injustice attitude.
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Post by stilltrucking » June 22nd, 2006, 12:47 pm

Why stop at niggah's
blame it on the queers
blame it on the Jews
Blame it on Eve
Blame it on the democrats
or republicans

Plenty of blame to go around

I blame it on the moon
But I know it is nobodies fault
it's ass fault.

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Post by firsty » June 22nd, 2006, 12:48 pm

i blame the parents.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by firsty » June 22nd, 2006, 12:54 pm

if the stripper was white, the boys at duke would still have bigtime lawyers.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by iblieve » June 22nd, 2006, 12:59 pm

I'm with Stilltrucking lets blame it on the ass-phaults and leave it be.

if the stripper was white, the boys at duke would still have bigtime lawyers.

Yes they would but the media (MSNBC) wouldn't be as quick to slander her especially if her dad had hired a big time lawyer too. Money talks poor people bend over. "C"
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hooker whore stripper

Post by creativesoul » June 24th, 2006, 4:58 am

the whole justice system is a complete problem
a joke, a hoax
for starters the articles of confederation were stolen from the iriquios indians and then made as a constituional heresy to better organize an international genoside which is still going on today
there were many people living here when the europeons got here
guess what?
they stole the country ! which is still going on to today
if you read further in to our white mans history books, you will discover that the us prison system is also another form of share cropping, free labor
the kings law?
what the fuck is that shit?
all of these laws were created as a method to get more- more labor, more natural resources, etc
women do not have rights to thier bodies, an a black woman a stripper? now you are joking
see the way the law is wriitn because she is a dancer
she is asking for it! yep
the truth is stealing is a national past time
and stealing pussy instead of paying for it which is looked upon as a "not cool" practice among prideful young stud muffin men, is often justified by lawyers and coaches of big squads of sport playing lads,which are fighting for thier schools, their honor thier hormones
and then if they are really lucky they can go to war and steal oil and food and women that are of another race so they are not to be respected
then they become christains and repent
and do it all over again
gee what a system
funny maybe ya ought to read up on slave owner presidents,and the treaties that were written but not honored by our countries leaders if ya really want to get mad?
because it is not a pretty sight
i am sorry for this woman, and i am sorry for emmet til
but the truth is, this system is a fixed fight.

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Post by iblieve » June 24th, 2006, 7:55 pm

Thanks creative soul and I agree with you, we stole this country and was brutal doing it, small pox blankets, trail of tears, lies, torture and genocide is what this country was built on. I have read history without the blinders on. That's why I don't pledge allegiance to the flag or rally around the mother fucker to make myself an easy target. In life though we have to pick our fights and make our stand. At this time I am pointing out the injustice in this case. I can go into my personal archives of poetry and pull up a few about the subject of the Native American people destroyed by the white man or I can pull up many on the useless war we are fighting. Like I said I am always finding something to inspire me to write. It's easy with all the injustice going on daily, hell if I went to the history books to look for it I'd be writing nasty shit all the time. Love ya my friend and your radical but caring heart.
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Post by mnaz » June 25th, 2006, 2:30 am

No one on these boards can say just what went on. This is one of those rare threads when people argue from every angle, and I have no solid footing on which to disagree with any of them.

And I really hate that, because I'm spoiling for another good fight.


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picking your battles

Post by creativesoul » June 25th, 2006, 4:28 am

yeah it is a real deal when you have to decide where you want to argue for a person place or thing
i urge you to continue to remain inspired
release yourself from the battle when you have given all you can

i love your writing - responsive and endearing!!!!!!

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Post by Dave The Dov » June 25th, 2006, 7:28 am

First what the hell are a bunch of college kids doing with a stripper anyway???? If I was on that team and heard about this I would have said WRONNNNGGGG!!!! Maybe at a bachelor where everyone is older and out of college and hopefully knows the difference that she the stripper is working and that's it. But these dumb spoiled rotten kids who think that the lawyer is going to save them and they'll keep on going being the same way always. Sorry guys but this "out spot out" isn't going away forever. They have been marked for life.
BMW 507

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