i love

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i love

Post by creativesoul » July 30th, 2006, 2:33 am

i thought that maybe
i was going to be able to push you away,
find solice in my ability to be a sad and lonely poet, a painter that paints in dark morose blues and strong lines
but instead i found a tenderness
a willingness to compromise
i gave you a bathroom drawer
and told you that my mean bitch personality and reputation was at stake
your mother is dying, and i want to be the step mother to the boys now eight
there is a part of me that thinks this is all foolishness
that love given a bad name would never be able to surrvive me
i would kill her way before she had a chance to flourish
yet a softness billows in my sails
and i am on the open seas of your heart
dangerous and full of unknown unchartered islands
i cannot refuse those big brown eyes
those sweet kisses
tonight i was at a party at the Portland art museam
with a girlfriend
we were seperated and I was in the impressionest area looking at a renior
lost in an art world
my old drawing teacher from last semester
had two pieces displayed
i felt good for her
and felt a firm pat on my back
that i could do this too
sometimes love can carry you to a place that is light as a feather
wings that fly in your sleep
on top of the blankets
i float
when you come in the daylight
i smell you
intoxicated i want to lay next to you
so helpful and beautiful i see youin balck and white ink
and planes of color
your body
sometimes like sunshine on water
glistening refracted lights twinkling like stars inside of all my central air
nreve centers and meridians breathe all that escalates what once felt like a freedom
but now has become a cyclone of spinning energy
holding on and letting go
i can only promise to be for you and endless garden with seasons and growth spurts
i want you here with me whenever it is possible
is it now?
this love is not a terrorist, this love is all of the countries in this world banding together by radio wave
to wash us all clean of sepratism
i will bring my book, and pen and drawing book to draw you loving your mother
i have no other way to detach from the pain
i can be supportive
i love you my man

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hester prynne
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Post by hester prynne » July 30th, 2006, 3:38 pm

This is a beautiful piece of writing.
Raw and loose.

really enjoyed this...
H 8)
"I'm just a lucky so and so..."

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Post by Perdida » July 30th, 2006, 5:01 pm

you bowled me over with this magnificent write...creative soul....Thank you!

really beautiful

Perdida :)

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Post by lenny » July 31st, 2006, 9:20 am

And the rose bud opens to the beautiful flower it has always been. The thorns were only for protection. Nice and thank you for sharing.

None of us ever gets anything we don't either need or deserve. Dry those liquid emotions and move on.

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Ann Bingham
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Post by Ann Bingham » July 31st, 2006, 10:18 am

i guess love is a many splindered thing. Lovely write Creative.

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