New Mental Toys 4 U

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New Mental Toys 4 U

Post by palephx » August 5th, 2006, 1:37 am

evade destruction

Planes, silver missles, rise
above the nicotine-stained atmosphere.
You are here, and all
your friends, too. The nothings
we have to do for money
are fatal in their mediocrity,
killing us slowly
with the thousand Songs of Myself
we hear in our ears, pieces
of themselves that they strew like so many
audio piñatas of the damned.
We want the same thing,
and it should be cheaper.

Bodies, warm collections, sink
below the beige-fabricked cubicles.
We are here, and all
our enemies, too. The too-good-for-you
set what strangely makes less
and the fatalists of analysis,
killing us slowly
with the uncountable New Rules
we need to memorize, lest-
for ourselves--we have no meaning.
Fleshbags fitted with headsets,
we want what we deserve
and it is so much more than this.

Phoenix, amateur incarnation, brings us
back to the bare-essentialed ideas
of who we are; and all
the people we know, enemies.
The cleansings among the Great Unwashed,
like powerlines strung across invisibility,
will be the last death of me.
Killing me slowly
with a shitstorm of stupidity is
enough of them to destroy all
audible objections to the status quo.
I want more
and am too accustomed to getting it.

NB: See here for "eve of destruction."
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by palephx » August 5th, 2006, 1:42 am


Where angry aesthetes won't tread
barbers barricade themselves in
between walls of washing products
and glittery semens of less specific nature.
A rainbow battlement of bottles,
tubes, tubs, and tankards
designed not to keep the demimonde out,
but the inner demons in
a state of flux
somewhere between self-loathing
...and fabulous.

Where common creatures such as I
blithely baby ourselves with
strange scents of weaponized talcum,
and befitting haircuts of a less costly kind,
a pride march of time stampedes.
Tinctures, philters, and topical
poisons not to keep the impotence down
but the nether parts up
in a state of panic
somewhere between self-assured
...and manic.

Where secondhand clothes are sold,
low cholesterol wraps roll off
counters cleansed with caustics
and other truths diluted to suit
a gay parade of fools.
Toejobs, Pop-Tarts, and thongs,
distractions not meant to be overdone
nonetheless bespeak our simplicity;
a state of distress
somwhere between designer genes
...and being undressed.
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by palephx » August 5th, 2006, 1:48 am


Suspecting the time has come
another lizardskin shed
growing metaphysically bigger-
never about size, but what I
needed to inhabit
with my unburdened self.
Some dream in sepia
as I mull invented worlds
the deep-gashed shade of Japanese maple.

Secret spectrum come undone
by other wavelengths, messages sent
owing their literality to better
mediums outside what I
wanted to discover
with my newfoundsense.
So few see flowers
as more than egocentric scents.
The best among them are garden geisha.

Supposing the sublime in everyone
has grown tiresome.
Overblown metapersonalities, dead
from the quest to be better,
come to relieve themselves.
Some speak of dreams, dark
as husks of rice
the brown of city ice and factory streams.

Suffuming a submarine is dumb,
yet it's the
cause celebre of therapy.
Ownerless bodies ebb to me, barely
breathing for the fear of living.
Come to reduce themselves
to ash, sparks from which to start
a burlesque of spite,
Gone when volcanic vapors part
they'll show you what they're made of.
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by palephx » August 5th, 2006, 1:49 am

Loxosceles Later

Mating birds, filthy things,
the beautiful pestilence
they bring ironically
absconds with children
and the elderly.
It is clearly meant for me.
Bones and spirits
like twigs, theirs should be
the disease of pigs. Against
fervid infections I mount
petitions and protestations,
secretly expecting infestation
from those I ask to lunch,
the ladies who protest too much.

Demonic curses, and poison,
one should know enough
to enjoy them. They are
the strangers in an open car.
They remind us who we are.

Mute swans, paddling, wet,
sound the silent baritone
of death. They trumpet
with insects in their wings;
like pigeons, usher the inmost
of hellish rings. Like ashes
on baby's breath, like turpentine
and crystal meth, these
ignorant vectors fly-
carving their patterns,
their tattoos in my sky. Why

fleets of hearses, and venom
found in their blood?
They want only to be loved;
and I, to retire. Would that
I had been born a spider.
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by lenny » August 5th, 2006, 4:57 am

palephx...Now THIS is substance. I wish you would have posted them separately as there is so much to digest in each that they each need a few days to fully digest. I feel as if I have overeaten of a delicious meal I could not stop from consuming. Please, more, but in smaller portions.

You don't drip of talent and substance, you ooze it. I leave for Calif. today for nine days but will read these again upon my return. It is four-thirty a.m. here in Virginia and I am very happy I decided to log on. A person who walks with eyes open! How refreshing. I wanted to do a line by line with these but have not the time at present. I wanted to highlight a few lines, but there are too many. These words are pregnant with perspective and vision.

All too many 'poets' write just to sound like poets and it is so transparent. Your words, however, keep resonating deep within. That is what good poetry does for me. When I return from Cali I will do a search for more of your work. How refreshing, even in its, at times, brutalness. "They remind us who we are." Yes they do...and so do you. Thank you. Within these veins of seeming coal lie many diamonds. Thank you so much for sharing these with us. I love depth in poetry.

None of us ever gets anything we don't either need or deserve. Dry those liquid emotions and move on.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2006, 8:27 am

Congratulations lenny
You have have the one person on studio eight that uses more user names than me. But he deserves them.

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Post by abstroint » August 5th, 2006, 9:18 am

cool toys

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2006, 9:32 am

Brilliant writer

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Post by Arcadia » August 5th, 2006, 9:56 am

"Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but feel disco. Your day will rock": I just woke up, maybe it's a bit complex at this moment, but I'll try it!!!

audio piñatas of the damned. I love that line!



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Post by mnaz » August 5th, 2006, 10:18 am

Outstanding. Especially the first one. Nice to get knocked on my ass, first thing outta bed.

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Post by ~K » August 6th, 2006, 3:55 am

Very nice. This is some mind blowing material & I love it.

What other user names does this cat have still trucking?

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Post by mousey1 » August 6th, 2006, 12:07 pm

Palephx where you been! Great reads, the mind can really wrap it's teeth around these!
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by hester prynne » August 6th, 2006, 7:12 pm

Indeed a satisfying barrage of depth, i must say I could live here for days and daze, thank you very much.....

h 8)
"I'm just a lucky so and so..."

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Post by lenny » August 14th, 2006, 9:42 pm

stilltrucking wrote:Congratulations lenny
You have have the one person on studio eight that uses more user names than me. But he deserves them.
##What?! One person. One user name. lenny. And that's more than enough for me as it is. I've never understood the need for more than one name. But I'm starting to get the feeling that it's time for me to check out of here anyway. I really don't think I fit here somehow. Ah well, what the hell. Be well everyone. Linear thinking was never my thing anyway.

Be well and take care,

lenny, the one, the only, the gone
None of us ever gets anything we don't either need or deserve. Dry those liquid emotions and move on.

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Post by mnaz » August 15th, 2006, 4:11 am

lenny, I hope you stay.... (or come back, sometimes).

and i'm not sure what you mean when you dismiss this entire endeavor as having to do with "linear thinking". what is that? put yourself in my place, after pouring my heart out here for awhile, and having interacted with you before, only to read your summary dismissal today. it doesn't seem to add up.

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