waiting for the second coming

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waiting for the second coming

Post by mnaz » August 20th, 2006, 8:12 pm

(with apologies to the good christian folk who come around these parts....)

the silo'd nukes and desert fire,
the rotting roofs and threadbare tires,
waiting for the second coming.
the verses roar, and mortars flare,
i hope someday to meet you there,
waiting for the second coming...
one day the vendors came callin'
with weapons hard to the sky,
and laser-guided scriptures,
like surgical strikes from on-high.
they lusted after new markets
in which to ply a new trade,
like death-sworn merchants of the almighty,
and his voice will be obeyed...
the pipeline rot, and junkie's oil,
the graft in speech and blackened soil,
waiting for the second coming.
the unpaid bills, and deadly toll,
the end-times play, and play the role,
waiting for the second coming.
one day the farmers went to breakfast,
studied the good book at length,
used the word 'truth' again and again,
over bacon and toast and eggs.
they said muslims are out to kill,
tho' christ will save us from the flood.
but it must get worse before it gets better,
o' rapturous river of blood...
the plastic flags, o' paper hawks,
the shooting first, and then we'll talk,
waiting for the second coming.
the buzz-bomb speech, all killin's fair,
o lord someday i'll meet you there,
waiting for the second coming....

I could go on....
Last edited by mnaz on August 23rd, 2006, 3:56 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by creativesoul » August 20th, 2006, 8:21 pm

building a new world requires the old one to step down
im ok with the changes
although i think conflict is a starnge way of doing it
somehow this piece describes it so well

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Post by mnaz » August 20th, 2006, 10:05 pm

thanks creative....

change is one thing.

trashing the earth because the whole thing is almost over anyway is quite another....

hmmm, just feels good to get it "off my chest".... Sometimes this place is like therapy for me....

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Post by lenny » August 20th, 2006, 11:20 pm

'All the world's a stage.' Act one, scene two. Act two, scene three. What real difference? Cycles. Step off the stage and be amazed. "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio." - Shakespeare. We were not meant to change the world, (we have no control over the march of cyclic events), but the world to change us. It is less important to worry about the ever changing - never changing - plots, props and ploys of the drama than how well you play your part in it.

my take,

None of us ever gets anything we don't either need or deserve. Dry those liquid emotions and move on.

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Post by mnaz » September 7th, 2006, 1:19 am

this one sucks.

but i still need to write it (or re-write it). it's coming down again.... yet another final kingdom shakedown.... so many virulent strains of religion up our ass, lately.... took the wind right out of my sails.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 7th, 2006, 9:48 am

"When the messiah gets here we will ask him if he is returning or coming for the first time." Paraphrase from memory of the Israeli ambassadors answer to a reporter who was interviewing him at a rally for Christian Zionist supporters of Israel.

I am so ignorant about poetry I thought it was pretty good but I have only read it once. And I am bleary eyed and just woke up with no coffee. So maybe you are right.

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Post by mnaz » September 7th, 2006, 12:59 pm

thanks jack...

the rhythm and rhymes are forced, by-the-numbers...

(but what a topic, tho...) ever since Reagan and James Watt and especially 9/11, the end is very near.... I read an article last year in Albuquerque's local weekly about the current crop of slash-and-burn end-timers in Congress and the antics of God-fearin' folk in the heartland who are trying to hasten Jesus' return.... one guy was trying to breed an orange calf or something like that on his Texas ranch to "fulfill" some obscure passage in Revelation.... I wish I'd kept the article.... The author's own parents refused to put a new roof on their house in the 1970s because they believed the second coming was at hand. The house rotted away and had to be torn down. Seems a fitting metaphor.

And why I'm telling you all this, I haven't a clue....

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Post by stilltrucking » September 7th, 2006, 1:22 pm

I don't know either. But I am glad you told me.

You have an ecconomy of words that makes me green.

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Post by ~K » September 10th, 2006, 9:43 am

a brillant
in verbal
what is
no more

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