FLASHBACK : Poems/Haiku from 9/11/01

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FLASHBACK : Poems/Haiku from 9/11/01

Post by mtmynd » September 11th, 2006, 10:59 am

[These poems/haiku were written on September 11, 2001 by various writers, some of whom you may recognize. The following have been lifted from Litkicks without permission... but thank you, Levi. for keeping the old boards alive.]

There’s nothing...
[poem: Doreen Peri]

there's nothing that will ever
be the same there's nothing
that will ever be the same
there's nothing that
will ever be
the same
that will
ever be

the same........

there's nothing

that will
ever be



Lovesweep undeterred
[poem: mark kuhar aka markk]

in the ash-covered new york streets,
lovesweep, the response
to titantic death & heartache,
lovesweep offered up without
judgement, to hearts hardening
in honest reaction i call upon
lovesweep, in the ruins of the
world trade centers i offer
the suture of my soul in perfect
lovesweep, in washinton d.c.
i give birth to lovesweep undeterred,
in the skies above this nation
i implore lovesweep, on nervous
borders lovesweep, souls hovering
over flaming ruins, in jet wreckage
laying on pennsylvania's fields
the perfection of lovesweep,
the response you can't kill,
lovesweep open & unresisting,
& where sinister minds planned
vulturous attacks they would
welcome the hate in return,
but i can offer only lovesweep
in great cosmic waves that
no one can burn, bury, blow-up
the om of lovesweep the WE


Ignorance Breeds Fear
[poem: mtmynd]

world trade center
you stood proud for so long
now you have fallen into rubble
bringing down thousands of innocent lives
thru no fault of your own...

what ignorant beings
could possibly conceive
of such a horrible scenario?
this was no military retaliation
against uniformed personnel
only uniformed police (58
and uniformed firefighters (200+)
not to mention the possible
50,000 innocent workers inside
add to that the thousands that visit
and we have tragedy of enormous magnitude
that boggles anyones very minds.

and let us not forget the pentagon
with hundreds dying for what?

terrorism is a terrible sickness
that begs for recognition of stupidity
that begs for redemption from a religion
that answers to make believe gods
that must lie puzzled at what has happened

new world, new times
must change behaviors
of fear and ignorance
or madness will not end.

Collapse of Security
[haiku: Buddhabitch (SooZen)]

a sad day in deed
makes you wonder about lives
lost and found karma

Clouds Flames Ashes
[haiku: Judih]

again and again
we watch human explosion
how can it happen?

faces in wonder
no, not here, not now, why me
ashes fall on streets

thoughts crash in wonder
fighting for reality
are relatives safe?

Glass Shower
[haiku: Dr.Proteus]

like a sand castle
broken by the rising tide
fell before my eyes

[haiku: mtmynd]

twin towers collapse
pentagon under attack
watch the dust settle

mad american
lashing out at cruelty
the world is so small

September 11, 2001
[poem by Joshuagriffin]

Smoke-plumed monster
rises up over the Hudson
spreading its arms--
wide reaching bear hug of destruction,
attack on capitalism,
The face,
stoic and cold,
smiles and slams down in debris--
God cries today,
an end of freedom--
beginning of fear.

Airplanes Falling From the Skies
[poem: jotadavida]

American skies burn today full of fire falling burning planes
The sky's on fire today and rubbing out the ruins
From our eyes we ask these little questions of bigger lies
What ruined the sparkling morning of that place?
Airplanes falling from angry skies
I have been to New York City
Once I even took a trip to the top of skyswept towers
Gone now, two shining flowers in the morning
I have lived in Washington city before
I know right where that plane fell from our American sky, an evil angry sky
Jets patrol the skies today
No more planes will fall today I pray
When the sirens come
What to tell my children?
What does the new century hold for them
except that they are targets?
What is the fate of the earth for them?

All I see are burning planes
Falling from an American sky


These were written during the events on the very day...

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Post by Arcadia » September 11th, 2006, 9:49 pm

I wasn't wandering in litkicks at that time so thanks for bring back poems from 2001!.

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 11th, 2006, 11:06 pm

wowowow! thank you, cecil!

what a day that was.. i'll never forget it..
you saved all these? geezz... (mine was just pure emotion.. not poetry... i was obviously scared to death and realized it would all be different afterward and it was and it is but hey, rather be awake than asleep, yanno?)

i've been in class today.. didn't have a chance to click 'til now...

lotsa news, lotsa traffic around here

firsty was here last night.. went downtown today.. hoping to read his reflections.. wish i went with him

on the way to class today, i listened to the loosechange people talking with the people from popular mechanics who wrote the new book "debunking the 911 myths" or something like that.. what a trip..

the loosechange people really sounded angry.. presenting viable questions and i've watched that video 2x and though i though it was a little overly-slick, it was definitely presenting questions i wanted answers to

the guys from popular mechanics practically dismissed them... shrugged them off..

i donno.. it was really weird

didn't have my moment of silence.. was listening to that fighting rush hour traffic on the way to school trying to get there on time

god i miss all those people...

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 11th, 2006, 11:10 pm

ps .. sorry for the winky avatar.. i know it's annoying to watch something moving on the screen when you're trying to read ... just fun stuff.. clay's creation... we're learning how to do animations...
love you

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Post by jimboloco » September 12th, 2006, 7:52 am

winky dori
clay's cosmic karmic thread
made her blink inside her head
now she's sorry
what me worry?
avatar by lightning rod

I really appreciate these poems
I don't believe I was into LitKicks at that time
but certainly was propelled into searching
wound up inside cyber Naropa
into Ginsberg's library
and Kerouac's disembodied poetics
and mercy
a link to Lit Kicks
then later the interim lost kids place
and Jack Tiles' invite into
Studio Eight


standing vigil 9-11-06
water bears no scars
giving back a little bit
left my feellings at th doors
of perception
we got a mixed reception
speak truth to power
100 years since Gandiji's hour
satyagraha not forgotten
as we mourn the fallen
all of them
not just us
that's still the problem
we're all blind and toothless
and just as ruthless
wars without ceasing
millenium's howling
yet a spirit of peace
carries on
hope for th hopeless
within us
within me
journey on
take heart
from th underground stream
bears no scars
Last edited by jimboloco on September 12th, 2006, 6:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by mtmynd » September 12th, 2006, 10:19 am

Hi, Dor'... I lifted those from the Litckicks archive yesterday after watching some re-runs on MSNBC of that day and thought of the posts that were made while the attack's repercussions were going on.

Five years ago, and I thought both Arcadia and J'Loco were around! So much for my own recollections. Good thing somebody archives stuff. :lol:

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Post by stilltrucking » September 15th, 2006, 7:05 am

I have ten or 15 hard drives laying around they go back to 1999 when I first stumbled on litkicks. On one of them is a post by you to litkicks about SooZen's father. I thank brooklyn for keeping the archives too. The action poetry and haiku boards are a national treasure.

But it is sure hard to find anything in those archives. I spent a frustrating morning trying to find that homage you wrote for SooZen's father. I used search terms like USS Ariziona, Pearl Harbor survivor, clown, but no luck.

They say the oil will not stop seeping from the Arizona until the last survivour dies.

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Post by firsty » September 15th, 2006, 3:38 pm

here is my haiku from 9/11:

what the
was THAT
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

[url=http://stealthiswiki.nine9pages.com]Steal This Book Vol 2[/url]

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Ann Bingham
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Post by Ann Bingham » September 18th, 2006, 6:24 pm

It was a very sad day, the buildings were younger then I when they were savagely attacked. Don't know why that aspect of their existence strikes me, but it does. This will be one of those incidences which will go down into history, something our grand children or great grand children will learn about.
I do hope the poems that were written that day and after are remembered as well...these poems immortalized those lost and the images in which they died.

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