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Posted: September 30th, 2007, 4:04 pm
by ~K

by any means despense
with the despensing of wisom
gathered in these shallow pools
Muses exsist
to please us
with nothing
but their shadows

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 4:27 pm
by Totenkopf
Ever read about Uncle Al?
Crowley that izz (azz in Crow).
One sick creepo
(--tho' also moutainneer,
cambridge linguist,
filosophe, poet maudit, and
occultist). But he
kicked the shit
out of his
foe Billy Butler
Yeats on the
Apollo usually
knocks out
What's more
Deity of Logos
even has
equal opportuni-tay
cosine and sine
waves on his storefront,
(unlike Dio's Cafe Aesthetique, with some
amorphic and so sexay blobs)

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 4:41 pm
by ~K

it is
only you
I read
& drift off
to foreign shores

to come back
for more of
this wild & tired

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 4:52 pm
by Totenkopf
Y thank ye. Dustdemons
Djinns. Dragons, Dying.
I prefer a good
episode of
Lippy the Lion
and Hardy Har har
to Ulysses;
David Lynch
flix to
oh Moby Dick.

Your s-name
I seem to recall
from the boards LK:
Chairperson of
the bored. Tastily
tossed & thrown.
For what? We
are being exploited,

Rand Ayn
was an "Oppressor"
in e-puplish.

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 7:21 pm
by Totenkopf
In ancient Tombs of pagan Kings,
sepulchres rife with starry jewels,
scribes may glimpse the darkened Things
that crawl beside the cavern'd pools....