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Posted: August 15th, 2006, 10:50 am
by stilltrucking
"you always get what's coming you never have to ask"
no idea what you are talking about. I think you are right though. I don't think I belong here either.

He used a lot of user names. I got no problem with that. I think everyone should use as many as they need.

Don't go lenny. I like reading your stuff.

glad you made it home okay, I was thinlking you picked a hell of a time to fly. But of course for me any time I get into an airplane it is pretty much like what my worst imaginings of hell are like. Claustrophobic as hell. I once spent ten years in jail one july fourth week end in Atoka Oklahoma.

but like you say we always seem to get what we need or deserve.

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 12:17 pm
by Doreen Peri
lenny wrote:
##What?! One person. One user name. lenny. And that's more than enough for me as it is. I've never understood the need for more than one name. But I'm starting to get the feeling that it's time for me to check out of here anyway. I really don't think I fit here somehow. Ah well, what the hell. Be well everyone. Linear thinking was never my thing anyway.

Be well and take care,

lenny, the one, the only, the gone
Hey stilltrucking... why in the heck did you think Lenny uses more than one user name?

YOU are the one who uses multiple user names!!!

Most everybody else here just uses one name, including Lenny!

Hey Lenny... Missed you at the Cabaradio! It was a big show... lots of people .... I did my very best to organize it ... it was a lot of work... I'm soooo sorry I didn't get on the phone and call you and make sure you could come out to join us!!! We would have loved to have you here, Lenny!

About fitting in on this website... sure you do! I don't know what the problem is other than the fact that the web is a crazy place since all we have is text so it's tough for ALL of us to feel like we fit in anywhere on the web, in my opinion.

I know it's tough for me!

I have a hard time fitting in in real life... the web is much more difficult than that. Sometimes I wonder why I created this place. Maybe so I could feel like I fit in? I donno.

I haven't written a darn thing in months and months.

Well, except a few pieces of fluff.

Love ya, Lenny!

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 1:50 pm
by stilltrucking
Is that what I meant Doreen?
Hells bells I only write this drivel
Do I have to read it too?

Ok I will go read what I wrote again and see if I can figure out what I meant.


Posted: August 15th, 2006, 1:54 pm
by stilltrucking
Congratulations lenny
You have have the one person on studio eight that uses more user names than me. But he deserves them
So I said you (lenny) and he (palepalx)

I thought lenny and palepalx were two people

But I was :shock:
I suppose I offended lenny :oops:
I suppose I should have :)
cause I was joking
you know I never use enough emoticons :twisted:

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 2:16 pm
by Diana Moon Glampers
I know it's tough for me!

I have a hard time fitting in in real life... the web is much more difficult than that. Sometimes I wonder why I created this place. Maybe so I could feel like I fit in? I donno.

I haven't written a darn thing in months and months.

Well, except a few pieces of fluff.
I can't stop writting Doreen. I am gratefull for this oasis in my topsy turvy life. you know I am crazy, certified by selective service.

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 2:35 pm
by stilltrucking
Sorry lenny maybe my meaning would have been clearer is i had not left the word "picked" out of that sentence. There is was never any doubt in my mind that you are lenny and he is he.

I will think it about all this. I have to decide if I can continue here. My over use of member ID's seems to cause so many problems for people I may have to leave..

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 2:37 pm
by stilltrucking

I appologize for spelling your name wrong above. Did not mean to hijack your post.

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 9:57 pm
by palephx
mousey1 wrote:Palephx where you been! Great reads, the mind can really wrap it's teeth around these!
Thank you, all. Enough kvetching about usernames, folks, tho. It's enough to have someone swing thru and comment, no matter who they are at the moment. I can't stop to consider who someone's "supposed" to be. I'm glad ALL of you have found something you can enjoy.

Things Seen from Below

Sound and sensation surges,
a black from the past--the upwelling
of a void--it is the cistern sides
as you pass them, falling.
The scratch-and-sniff patches of memory
are cool and dank. They feel like concrete
to the touch, and the fluorescence
around is fading, drawing away
into the seamless composite of
things seen from below.

Sorrow and sentience oozes,
an ichor of life--the swelling
of a tumor--it is the cancerous mass
that you remember, calling.
The connect-the-dots of new events
is abrupt and raw. It sneaks like a truant teen
into church, and the spotlights
around are pointing, casting all
into the harsh contrast of
things seen from below.

Sex and symmetry slip,
a stain on the fabric of space-time--the melding
of a mosaic--it is in the cracked tiles
that you see yourself, reflecting.
The crash-and-burn artistry of old mistakes,
it is obscene and cheap. It conceals like collage
over ego--and the scented post-it notes
of memory are joining--recreating you
in dim shades, once neon, colored like
things seen from below.