Mouse Droppings! Sounds bad but don't be dissuaded!

Post your poetry, any style.
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Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2005, 7:10 am

what is good enough to share?

what do you have to lose?


float it out on the stream
Show the world
Show yourself
Who you are
and if the world loves what you write
well you done a kind deed

chances are
someone somewhere will not think it good enough
so what are supposed to do
please everyone?

write on man just write
its a drug for me
I wonder how it works
stirs that electro-biochemical stew I call my brain
and right now my brain is stewed on pass over wine.

sorry we have no bananas today and no criticism either
wish I could help, but I can't

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Post by mousey1 » April 25th, 2005, 12:19 pm

Hi still
Thanks for the nice words. I appreciate them. :)
Good wisdom in there. Good insight.

I plop my poetry in this safe place
My mousey conclave
Because it's easier
Than seeing it
standing alone.

Heh's not mouse shit at's chicken shit!!!! :D
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » April 25th, 2005, 12:28 pm

Every half-assed decent thing I've written
Has come in a stream
A natural flow

When I try

When I really try

When I strain to grasp hold

Of something


It goes

Or becomes contrived

A lifeless thing

Best to go

With the flow
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » April 25th, 2005, 12:38 pm

The mind of an Oxymoron
by mousey1

Don't read shit into my shit

Just read please

While it must mean something

After all

It came from my head

And no word is dead

Just read

It's the closest you'll get

To being me

To seeing inside

The closest you'll get

To nothing
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » April 25th, 2005, 12:40 pm

Laughing out loud

Laughing in my head

Always laughing

The laughing dead
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » April 25th, 2005, 12:51 pm


You like words

That's why you're here

Just like me

All of us


We let them twirl and spin

Inside our heads

We trip the light fantastic

Dancing in our minds

Dancing on the page

Dancing alone in a room

It's an empty stage

I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by Trevor » April 26th, 2005, 8:02 am

Hiya Mousey :)

"Okay, please let her rip....any advise or suggestions would be greatly and muchly appreciated I assure you. "

Oh oh, be careful what'cha wish for ;) Okay here goes nutt'n.

Robbers of innocence
Fogging the mind of otherwise brilliance
Sweet poet lost
Eloquence run amok"

I found the general tone of this poem was kinda preachy and too laid out...for example. You need go no further to explain the theme then the second laid it out too blatantly in my opinion. Consider chopping away some of the obvious viewpoints and describe to the reader why, instead of just telling them. It's usually more interesting to tell a story of a violent man falling victim to his life's choices then it is to simply state, violence begets violence, or violence is bad. In this section, I would consider removing the second line and perhaps "run" in the fifth line - amok usually refers to a situation running astray so it might be a redundant word to describe amok...or you could rework it the whole section...don't take this rewrite literally and I hope you won't be offended, but just to help illustrate a point, I'd like to fiddle with some of the words...

"Innocent drugs
fog the mind of brilliance
Sweet poet lost in
Eloquence amok"

By taking out the second line you stick more closely to the effects of drugs rather than perhaps a moral statement as in line two, thereby allowing the reader to form an opinion of why drugs may be bad instead of you simply stating why you think so....what I'm getting at is show why drugs steals innocence rather than just state, drugs are the robbers of innocence.

"Nonsensical gibberish that sounds music
To the ears of blurred, slurred friends
Great author
Wanting only to stretch the mind
With the great experience
Of mind-altering drugs"

I liked the first two lines but then it kinda goes flat. I think its because you chose to repeat "great" twice in three sentences and then use "mind" and "drugs" - which was used in the first few lines. Almost like saying the same thing with the last four lines of this section, as you did with the opening. Perhaps consider condensing the the first ten lines or so into one central thought rather than two thoughts that are very similar. Also perhaps "that" in the first line could be chopped and change "music" to "musical" maybe smoothing out the heavy stresses of that line by reducing the length....NoSeNSiCAL GiBBeriSH thAT SounDS muSIC

"Where are your epics
Your stories yet untold
I see only your wordless, blank stare
Great teacher
Teaching nothing
Learning nothing
Giving nothing
Just your own precious life to the grave "

I kinda liked this section, though I would suggest tightening up the wording a bit and also consider a different word for "great", very noticeable the number of times used in the poem..Also, consider rewording the last sentence, "just your own" is apparent so perhaps a more subtle line with the same meaning could be substituted...As far as the repetition of "teacher - teaching" goes, I think it worked for this's an example...

"Where are your epics
Your stories untold?
I see only wordless, blank stares
mighty teacher -
giving -
but precious life to a grave."

"Leader King
Who reigns in the alley
Silver spoon, silver tip, silver-tongued devil
Who utters not a word in defense"

Again, pretty good section in my opinion, really liked the silver spoon - silver tip - silver tongued part...has excellent double meanings in this poem and thought it was a smart choice...however, I felt you could possibly tighten the wording and slip in an extra line break or two to keep the meter more steady...for example:

"Our leader
King of the alley
Silver spoon, silver tip,
silver-tongue devil
who utters not
a word in defense"

"Mother, wife, lover, friend
Huddled alone
Seeking relief, the bottled kind
Or smoke, or huff, or mainline
A trip to oblivion for awhile "

Personally, I thought the poem could live without this section, or perhaps solely focus and develop the last line. Or maybe just chop out all those lines except for the last one and then leave it as a line on its own, giving space between two sections as a dramatic statement of being in oblivion away from everything else:

"Then hit the ground
And off to the corner for more
Wake up
Wake up to your reality "

I liked the first two lines but the next two were too blantent of a statement in my opinion.

"Clear your mind
You have a gift, use it
You have a skill, contribute
Show the world
Show yourself
Who you are"

Personally, this ending is way to preachy...not meant in a harsh way - but is this a sermon or a poem, are you a poet or a priest? :wink: Personally I would have preferred if you either directed the reader back metaphorically to drugs to summerize the poem or perhaps just ended it with "wake up to reality"...for example:

"Then hit the ground
And off to the corner for more
Wake up to your reality
Wake up to -
every letter
of the alphabet
swims the stream
in your arm."

---Or something similar juxtaposing what's important to a writer vs. what's important to a junkie and how the two fit inside one life to show the reader of the plight, rather than telling them or preaching to them.

But of course all of this is just my opinion and should be taken with a grain of salt...hope none of it came off as harsh, but I'm a big believer in honest opinions, I think its a great way to use feedback in a positive way. Also I hope you didn't mind me tinkering with your wording, none of it should be taken as a literal suggestion for change but rather was trying to give examples to the ideas I presented.

Anyways, hope some of my thoughts helped out - if not, tough shit, that was my :P Thanks for read, take care,


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Post by stilltrucking » April 26th, 2005, 7:22 pm

I think if you changed the drugs to white port wine you would have a hit country song.
An' he's old: years beyond his time,
No thanks to the world, and the white port wine

a lot of writers have done a lot of drugs and done some good work, I read to0 much into it as usual, I wonder is this someone you know or is it someone you saw on the street...

but poetry is much more then making sense, I thought it sounded pretty good.
Last edited by stilltrucking on April 26th, 2005, 8:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 26th, 2005, 8:43 pm

have you ever seen a bum sitting on the curb and envied him

He had a huge bandage on his foot. His crutches on the sidewalk beside him.

I was sitting in a ragged out truck, the matress in the sleeper smelled like urine. The brakes were bad, the tires were showing steel, but the motor was good, it could do a hundred miles an hour on the flats.

I was spider bit again, this time by an actual spider, not fucking some drug crazed hallucination of one. My foot swollen like a purple foot ball

I had a huge bandage on my foot too

But I also had that stinking truck i had to drive 1500 miles back to to Texas. We looked at each other and I was thinking

You lucky bastard, you are free, and I am a prisoner of the highway. You will spend the night at the mission and I got to make it down El Cahon with this bitch truck.

Marginal man that I am I could identify with your piece, , one step away from the gutter my self, it don't have to be drugs or booze that puts us there. Love can do it too.

Sorry for the ramble mousey, you poem was just not ugly enough. I had to ugly it up some.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 29th, 2005, 8:55 am

To mousey1 - and all....

Are you seeing things? NO!

Are you not seeing things? YES!

Where did all the posts go?

I moved the debate about critique which took place on this thread to General Discussions and created a new thread for it.

So, all the seemingly missing posts are not really missing at all! Nope! They're all still here.... Just check the Discussions board if you'd like to access them to read or reply.

Mousey1 - carry on with your mouse droppings, little critter!

Thank you! ;)

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Post by mousey1 » May 8th, 2005, 4:23 pm

Indifference wears a coat of gray
It's shabby
And should never be taken
Out of the closet
It should be
Stuffed into a sack
Soaked with gas
Set to flames
And watched burn
Even then
It doesn't get excited
Just sits there
Poke it with a stick
Not one fucking ember
Indifference wears a coat of gray
I want to see it naked
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » May 8th, 2005, 4:38 pm

I want to write a brave little poem

Completely fearless

Achilles without the heel

Samson strong and bald

It will say what I dare not say

It will do what I dare not do

Scoffing at my weakness

Laughing derisively

It will indelicately spread itself

On the page

Taking on all comers


Take me as I am or fuck off

Phrasings precise

Intonation clear

No tongue-tied babble

No room for error

No error made

It will be the bravest of the brave

A proud poem

Small in stature

A Napoleon Bonaparte of words

In tenacity unflinching

Enduring cuts and slashes

That would see any lesser prose

Weakened and sniveling

Crumpled and cowering

Not my staunch contender

It will rewrite itself

Wilful in it's metamorphisis

Until finally, at the last

It becomes a shining example

Of what all poetry aspires to

The enigma

Truth in art

Then I will stand proudly at it's side

And smile
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Whitebird Sings
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Post by Whitebird Sings » May 8th, 2005, 6:34 pm

a grand poem
a towering poem

and as you stand there
next to it

i stand here and applaud you!

...can i quote you?

i promise to do so
with due regard and
deepest respect,
i promise
to try
to emulate
your candor
you courage



we are in darkness,
but only because the curtain is about to rise!

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Post by mousey1 » May 9th, 2005, 10:41 am

Geez girl!!!! You got a way with the compliments!!!! I'm blushing right down to my toes!!!!! :oops:

Quote me! Quote me! I wish someone would! I'm tired of quoting myself!

What would you say? How would you word it? Would I recognize myself flowering forth from your lips and fingertips?

'Course you can quote it with your obvious panache and style, and add some haruuummmmpppphhhhh for good measure!

As is plainly visible I am flattered to the nines! :D

Whitebird sings sing to me anytime!

Thank-you for taking the time to read. Time is precious and when someone spends a little on me I'm fairly tickled.

I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by AQuestion » May 11th, 2005, 11:13 pm

If I could just move
Not be frozen with fear
I'd step it out now
And be gone from here
I'd dance in the daylight
Turn my smile to the sun
I'd bask in the notion
Life has finally begun
I'd walk to the ocean
Stand on mountains high
My silhouette you'd see
Against a moonlit sky
I'd sleep in her glow
Make love in her light
I'd catch shooting stars
And release them each night
Every wish would come true
Every dream would be real
If I could just move
Not be frozen with fear
If I could just move
Not be frozen with fear

NOt that the others weren't well penned like this one, but damn

this one....

this one, I really had a conversation with this one

I suppose I could find things to nitpack about, but if you don't mind, I"m not going to because I liked what I read too much.

Everything is surreal and i'm still not sure which decision I'll make.

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