Mouse Droppings! Sounds bad but don't be dissuaded!

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2005, 1:56 am

mousey1 wrote:Indifference wears a coat of gray
It's shabby
And should never be taken
Out of the closet
It should be
Stuffed into a sack
Soaked with gas
Set to flames
And watched burn
Even then
It doesn't get excited
Just sits there
Poke it with a stick
Not one fucking ember
Indifference wears a coat of gray
I want to see it naked
I liked this one best.

So far.


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Post by mousey1 » May 12th, 2005, 12:54 pm


Thank-you for wandering through. I am happy you did not come up empty-handed. True....tis a scoop of mouse poop but throw it over your left shoulder, make a wish and who knows it may come true....stranger things have happened. :) you liked this one, there is hope in it.

Oh, and as I have sooooo much mouse poo to spare, I shall toss a handful over my shoulder on your behalf and wish for you all you so desire. :D


Thanks. :D It was a fun write and quite liberating! I said to myself, "Self, shuck off that coat and let 'em see you naked!" So I did!!!! There wasn't a dry eye in the place! :shock: I daresay it was akin to peeling a rather large onion....I can't say why the tears came so readily to them, why they were so moved, but once I donned the quickly proffered garments there seemed to be audible sounds of relief..... :roll: I was proud. 8)

I despise indifference! Could you tell?

Sometimes I'm indifferent but cannot tell the difference.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » May 21st, 2005, 2:13 pm

Sometimes I'll sit in the darkness

And wish for silence

This from one who appreciates


Crashing cymbals

More agreeable to me

Than your voice
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » May 21st, 2005, 2:19 pm

I made my life

I followed through on the noble thought

Waiting for gratitude

Sacrifices reward

All I got

Was a shit sandwich

Served up daily

On whole wheat

"Give me pumpernickle!", I cried

"Toasted to a turn."

To disguise

My reluctance

But no

A dish best served cold

Is this

I dine alone

The other patrons

Left long ago

Here's to life

And the door that

Swings both ways
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » May 21st, 2005, 2:25 pm



Self-effacing murder

Of spirit --

Born of hope

I slit it's throat

Long ago


Not the long suit of despair

Sutures half threaded

Partial repairs attempted

On sunny morns

Before dark clouds formed


Grinning wound


I smile
and sip tea
to the delicate drip drip
of steady rain

As Dylan and Cohen
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » May 21st, 2005, 2:34 pm

They welcome death

Those that have lived long enough to appreciate it

Those too weak to fight

Succumb gladly

To it's call

I watch the butterflies

And wonder

If tomorrow will be better
Last edited by mousey1 on September 22nd, 2005, 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse



Post by hester_prynne » May 22nd, 2005, 3:40 pm

Finally got a chance to read through this awesome thread.
Mousey, I too want to see indifference naked.
I love that.
Totally blown away by all of it....your words mousey, the way they inspire others.

Keep it going.
Keep us going.
And thank you
H 8)

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Post by iblieve » May 31st, 2005, 11:45 pm

I love the playful mouse, always a pleasure to be serenaded by a unique and beautiful muse that sings with such harmony and clarity. iblieve
DARC Poet's Society.

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Post by mousey1 » September 22nd, 2005, 1:34 pm

Thank-you so much Hesty and ibelieve.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.

I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » September 22nd, 2005, 1:40 pm

Larger than life sized

Depression circles round me and
it holds me in it's boundaries
and it fires broken arrows
while the dazed eyes scream

There is no hope of shelter
for the moths have eaten holes
in the blankets I erected
for protection from the cold

Fuckers unite
Gather your ranks
For the fight of your life
Gird your balls for the battle boys
You'll need em
Testosterone highballs
Laced with integrity
Spit in the face of regret
Gulp down, choke on, swallow hard
'Cause the shit is getting thick
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » September 22nd, 2005, 1:45 pm

So full of anger it
seeps out of me
pores down my skin and
puddles at my feet
There's nowhere to step
that I don't get a boot full

My face contorts greedily
at the distasteful morsels life
forkfeeds freely to all takers
who reach out innocently for a bite

Beware the milky white cream
of the fatted cow who bitches and
moans while hurling shit in smelly
gobs that land smack dab

"Behave", came the soft voice of the
dewy-eyed angel the words dripping
from a tongue that never felt hate
"Fuck off", I wanted to say
But rarely do I speak nowadays
So muzzled am I by my grief
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » September 22nd, 2005, 1:49 pm

And when drowning
Keep your demure
Panic is for fools
Who cling to life
In the belief
It actually holds
Some thing

I was swimming serenely
Moments before the brick hit
My surprised expression
Caught frozen in the camera lens -
A moment locked in time -
Amusement for the tourists
Who laughed volubly at
The stunned girl
Mouth agape
As she drowned
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » September 22nd, 2005, 1:52 pm

I'm too old for this shit

Too old to be kissing

The ass of some selfish prick

Who doesn't understand

The first thing about love
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mousey1 » September 22nd, 2005, 1:54 pm

Does mousey seem a little bitter?

Naw, it's just words

Words that seem to fit

Her mooed!

I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by stilltrucking » September 22nd, 2005, 2:54 pm

go mousey go
don't go gently

Do I welcome death? Have I lived long enough? Maybe not,
I have no fear of death left, only a fear of living too long.

"What would you do if all the holes in your body healed up?"

From a song I heard in Nashville about? thirty years ago i guess.

Do I sound suicidal? It is these god dam cigarettes. I say I love my life, and I do but why am I killing myself with cigarettes? Still hope for me. Just getting desperate. I told myself at sixty just give me five more years. Now I am looking at 70 and hoping I make that. But there is a quality of life to consider. Homeboy a doctor, seen plenty of death of all sorts. Now he takes good care of himself and races motorcycles at 150 mph on race tracks. He holds it down to 100 when he is on a highway. I wonder what he thinks about death these days. If I was a woman I suppose I would have a lot of anger against men too.

Glad to see you writing again.

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