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rubber dux

Posted: July 26th, 2007, 11:26 pm
by creativesoul
self care has not been at the top of my list, unless i go to the beauty parlor where poulya, the russian woman with very strong hands, cleans my feet and gives me a facial. i leave with beautiful hands and feet and hair sort of floating above the earth.
tonight it is the yellow and the pink rubber ducks in a bath tub of minerals and bubbles. i want to melt in the hottest water i can muster.
this summer has been full, and it is not over yet. i leave for Seattle on the earliest light, and then off to Mexico without a fight for three weeks.
I am astounded that this is my life, and that I share it with a man that sends me, in a big way. I love him deeply.
i love the way he walks, talks and moves. i love his face, his lips. his smell. i love the way he snuggles me in the night. I will miss him, but he knows I have to do this. That i have to be happy. What can you say when you recieve total acceptance and understanding?
no housework for three weeks Y ippeeee-mid wives and grass roots organizations,women all over the world. Oh yes i love my life and the rubber dux

Posted: July 27th, 2007, 12:56 am
by hester_prynne
Wow! Bon Voyage to Mexico CS! I think you will have a mindbending time. I mean, I can feel it.
Enjoy it, become it. Stroll out of the boxes.
Post us a travelogue! Really, I'd like that.

H 8)

way you went

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 7:55 pm
by wannabeguru
Thank you for going, for seeing, for working.
For cleaning to go. For coming back...still whole.