i sold richard gere popcorn

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Doreen Peri
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i sold richard gere popcorn

Post by Doreen Peri » February 2nd, 2008, 11:39 pm

working at the candy counter
when i was sixteen, richard gere
comes up, see, and orders a huge
cup, like the biggest cup we had,
tellin' me he wanted double butter
and there i was shakin in my shoes,
his big baby blues lookin' at me like
"what's the problem, chicky? where's
my corn? flick's gonna start in 5!"

those damn film giants can be fricking
impatient, but i was a star-struck teen
if yanno what i mean and i shook like
a damn tambourine when i handed him
the orville redenbachers so a few kernels
popped on out, landed on the glass

which made me profoundly apologize
but richard didn't really care, he looked at
me and laughed the type of laugh that makes
an entire theaterful of people laugh right along
with him and then he said,

"hey young lady, come watch the movie with me,
it's a scary one. you'll like it and i could use someone
to hold my hand."

yeah he really said that which made me say,
"you're kidding, right?" and pray a little
dear father, howard be thy name thing
which seemed to work, 'cause he just chuckled
and grabbed my hand and led me into the theater

where he sat down next to me and shared his
buttery pops and ever since then, i've never
been scared at a movie

thank god for richard
'cause i got fired that night, too,
for leaving the candy counter unattended
and had it not been for that incident
i wouldn't have the fame i have now
'cause i never would have had the
opportunity since i'd still be selling
candy prolly

oh and i forgot to tell you there
were a lotta people in the theater
that day and nobody even noticed
i was there which was why mom didn't
believe me when i told her the truth
about richard gere's eyes being really
brown after all, but he wears blue

no kidding.

oh yeah and hey, i went to church
after that and asked
for forgiveness for walking off the job
and i'm still waiting for an answer
'cause every time i hear god speak to me,
people tell me it isn't really him and that i'm
hearing voices and need meds so i'm not
gonna tell you what he said

i go in and light a candle for myself
every sunday and pray for richard gere, too,
'cause i heard he's having a hard time getting
work lately.

it's true, though.
i'm never scared at movies any more.
pass the popcorn.



Post by Totenkopf » February 3rd, 2008, 10:51 am

you're kidding, right?" and pray a little
dear father, howard be thy name thing
which seemed to work

I always enjoy your writing--- and your realism, DP. Reminds me of FS Fitzgerald (a writer few people seem to bother with anymore). This jazzy prose style like developed into novel--might work...................

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Post by Arcadia » February 3rd, 2008, 11:21 am

popcorn? too hot here for that, maybe I can pass you the icecream if you wait ten minutes (there´s a store next the building and I don´t have freezer!) :wink:

beautiful, funny telescopic-microscopic poem!!!!!!!! :)

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Post by mnaz » February 4th, 2008, 4:53 am

That's show business.

Quite a story, Doreen. Thank you.

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Post by e_dog » February 5th, 2008, 4:16 am

melikes the paul newman brand butta, personally.
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Post by stilltrucking » February 5th, 2008, 7:21 am

Good story Doreen. It got me thinking about a hundred irrelvant thoughts that I will spare you.
But I can't help wondering if Gere was a Buddhist when this happen and why we like to be scared?

I enjoyed reading it
thank you.

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Good Story? Or good reporting?

Post by scharlott » February 6th, 2008, 10:13 pm

Why are people saying "good story," as if you made it up? I know it's true. I was sitting behind you holding Angelina Jolie's hand.

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Post by hester_prynne » February 7th, 2008, 2:45 am

A grand memory, a good tale to tell, wonderfully told....
H 8)
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Post by e_dog » February 7th, 2008, 5:32 am

Richard Gere was great in Pretty Woman. He looked so sweet in that bmini skirt and wig!

He was even betta in tha Pelican Briefs.
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Post by gypsyjoker » February 7th, 2008, 8:57 am

I have no doubt that the story is true, I was there too, sitting with Norman Bates holding his mother's hand.

Lisa Simpson is my hereo, if Richard is cool with her he is cool with me. Truly he is a Buddhist prince, an Officer and A Gentleman
Where is jimboloco when I need him.

If I did not really like it a lot D I would need feel the compulsion to ramble with it. I am not much for scary movies anymore. Nothing supernatural about evil for me. What interests me is how men and women help each other with their fears. I think their are dfferent physiological expression of fear based on body type. there are some that are the same but their are gender specific fears too.

I never shake when I am fearful, only anger does that to me.
Funny women never give me the shakes, they just make me sweat, sometimes cold and some time hot sweat, but if I am really smitten I get faint, as if all the blood in my body has rushed to my feat :lol:
cause that is where it seems to go these days. Do not pass GO, do not collect two hundred dollars, no side trip to male appendage, right to my got dam feat.

is it time to say high jack again? :?
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Post by Terri » March 13th, 2008, 8:22 pm

Damn! This is good. I've only just got here, guys, and I'm reading the archives, so forgive if I bring older poems up again? The language, the writing-how-you-talk, yet seeing into the depths of what-it-meant, this is something I'm wrestling with, too, Doreen. NICE.

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 13th, 2008, 11:32 pm

this is a piece of fluff... i reposted here after writing it as a reply to someone else's poem on another site...

pure fictional fantasy fluff... lol

sincerely though.. thanks so much!

i'm glad my fluff is fluffy enough
to garner some attention...


Post by Totenkopf » March 15th, 2008, 10:58 am

Ah yr an ahhtiste as well as poetess! Kewl. Enjoy your banner paintin'.

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