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hey hey hey ya hoh

Posted: May 21st, 2008, 1:11 pm
by the mingo
anyone remember that?
perhaps after the garden but surely before Genesis
the damp forest mornings
the cold
the furs held tight to our skins
pissing outside of camp
checking the embers to see
if enough heat remains to
ignite today's wood into flame
for we are on a journey and
we must eat before we move on

the first graffiti had
sacred purpose -
the first poets dressed
in pelts with the skulls
of deer and antlers strapped to their heads
and held in their hands staffs
topped with the likeness of birds
as they danced & filled the air with chants
for all in the clan for all in the tribe
hey hey hey ya hoh
hey hey hey ya hoh
o the trance was the word godless
and the first poems were paintings
made from red earth mixed with animal fat
brushed & spit onto cave walls by the light of fire
carried deep beneath the earth's thin grass skin
by us hey hey hey ya hoh

seeing us emerge from our poems
our eyes squinted almost closed against the light
the animals came up to us and said "Here, feed on us,
for you are the Strange Ones,having the knowledge of
Good & Evil,and the knowing you will die,
feed on us,for by so doing some of you,
someday,long after we have passed from the earth,
and from your memories,
will walk on the moon."

so we did & so we have
hey hey hey ya hoh

anyone remember that?
perhaps after the garden but surely before Genesis
the damp forest mornings
the cold
the furs held tight to our skins
pissing outside of camp
checking the embers to see
if enough heat remains to
ignite today's wood into flame
for we are on a journey and
we must eat before we move on

the very first poem
was the very first baby
held within reach
of the very first breast
and the only sound since that time
the only sound that ever was is or shall be
is the sound of helplessly small mouths
with helplessly small lips

hey hey hey ya hoh
hey hey hey ya hoh

Posted: May 21st, 2008, 1:19 pm
by Lightning Rod
mingo, I'm enchanted

hey hey hey ya go

Posted: May 21st, 2008, 4:23 pm
by hester_prynne
Indeed, enchanting, connective poem Mingo....
Ancient memory we all know.....can't forget.
some try....

H 8)

Posted: May 21st, 2008, 7:23 pm
by mtmynd
"Here, feed on us,
for you are the Strange Ones,having the knowledge of
Good & Evil,and the knowing you will die,
feed on us,for by so doing some of you,
someday,long after we have passed from the earth,
and from your memories,
will walk on the moon.

anyone remember that?

you gotta be shittin' me! hell, yes, i remember!! like it was yesterday...

bingo, mingo...! do it some more!

let me join you :

hey hey hey ya hoh
hey hey hey ya hoh

Good Mornin' Lightning,Hester,mtmynd

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 6:12 am
by the mingo
Lightning, i;m goin' i'm goin'!
Hester, yes, you're still a doll!
mtmynd, by God yes join in ya got all the welcome in the world!

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 10:39 am
by westcoast
hey! dig this muchly



Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 11:11 am
by the mingo
westcoast wrote:hey! dig this muchly

well & thank you muchly too- glad you enjoyed it,westie!

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 12:49 pm
by gypsyjoker
wish I had wrote it
hey hey hey ya hoh
Sounds like a native american song

hey gypsy!

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 10:48 pm
by the mingo
gypsyjoker wrote:excellent
wish I had wrote it
hey hey hey ya hoh
Sounds like a native american song
hey gypsy! thx for dropping by and giving it a was a high blessing ya gave it by saying ya wish you had wrote it...i know the feeling...i get it alot around here reading what people put up on this site...this place has the admirable habit of attracting folks who have some sweet swing in their hearts...i pop around reading this one & that one and i've never failed to find two or three or more pieces that make me go"God! i wish i had written that!...i come here looking to get blown away on a regular basis and you can count on the folks here doing that without how about this, you write the next piece and give me a break so i can finish exploring the place and maybe catch up with some more old friends and hopefully make new you for

Posted: May 23rd, 2008, 3:52 am
by gypsyjoker
One Million Years B.F.
An African Genesis
I remember mama

before the forest
was the savannah

Before the savannah
was the ocean

before the beginging
but after the end
was the void

first artists,and musicians
best killers

before the first people
but After Ford
was the abomination
on the mountain top
don't she make you
want to rock and roll all night long

"Tutti Frutti, aw rutti"

just because you asked me to mingo :roll:
It is a Brave New World
And I am a stranger in it.
Liked your poem a lot.
Sorry about this lot.
but you asked me to.
those who remember
the past
are doomed to repeat it
in the eternal re-runs
of the meat machine
et tu spiritu

The continuity of all life runs in our veins
our brains recapitulate phylogeny

hey gypsy

Posted: May 23rd, 2008, 10:10 am
by the mingo
Alright Gypsy Alright!! you bet she does all your following remarks you said "Sorry about this lot"...i looked assiduouslly thru your work but failed to find any reason for you to be sorry about anything there...besides, this is studio 8 & there is nothing here by anyone that is not the best...believe it...and here's to hoping we'll be talking more as we all share the road together here...its a good road...

Posted: May 23rd, 2008, 5:42 pm
by saw
loved the ceremonial history...reads like significant ancient lore and should be taught in public schools....we have nearly eliminated rites of passage, and the one you describe is a beautiful rendering of the poet's importance....very enjoyable read, mingo...

Posted: May 24th, 2008, 9:10 pm
by sooZen
Mingo, this one touched the core of my tribal soul. Thanks. ( And thanks to mtmynd for steering me to this.) I really enjoyed your drum dance, sing song.

Posted: May 24th, 2008, 10:27 pm
by goldenmyst
Mingo, this brought my genetic memory back many Millennia. You brought into existence an enjoyable poem. I feel nostalgic.


sooZen & goldenmyst

Posted: May 24th, 2008, 11:28 pm
by the mingo
thx for reading & i'm glad ya'll enjoyed it...i had a ball wrestling with the spirits on this one...& thx again for your response