snowed-in ice verses

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Doreen Peri
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snowed-in ice verses

Post by Doreen Peri » January 21st, 2005, 12:30 am

snowed in ice verses

virgin snow white lays
down with seven inches
coming; earth cold hardened,
molding angel wings on porch
swings; branches reach to embrace
her; she, enLightned by virtue of
a new blanket; thankful for god's
pure weep; clothed in the keeping
of a winter promise.

hyptnotize me with eye shine -
i dine on your glistening,
listening to time silenced,
following your path dug in,
my hand ready to give,
gloved perfect, held to your

the rest of the world has disappeared.
all i see are snowflake tears,
each unique; all i hear is
your voice singing
cardinal songs, red
with a background
of white jazz.

i, the virgin breath of life
read by you, bloodied,
undefiled, never truly touched
or seen until you saw through
passages, shoveled away
dare and doubt, allowing
my drift, skating over
pooled ice on a protective
reflection pool, discovering
warm fire placed inside

i am the virgin hope,
the unrefined scope
of storm, finally adorned
by your squall;

and i came,
sheer, simple, called
to a snow kiss, diamond
eyes, pristine sighs, each
flake, each flake awakening,
faces turned up to catch

there are fence posts
buried below inches of pain;
you uncover me aglow, snowrain
making halo rainbows
atop of ice miracles.

you thaw me.
you thaw me.

fences can keep out unwelcome
visitors or help protect spring's
garden now being saturated
with immaculate ice, crystalized

the tempest is fresh fallen,
laden with trust; rue the force;
imbue the surprise, the forecast
never accurate, forever compromised

there are buds blooming on evergreens;
purple blossoms not to be pruned;
soon comes the melting, in tune
with comfort, sped in, slowly seasoned.

we reason the falling - eve on her back -
virginal tracks of cats dance on keys, playing bass
to accompany the upcoming sacrifice.
ice will melt. there will be the digging out.

i touch debussy's reverie with unrehearsed fingers
trying to locate appropriate notes to linger
as witness to miracles, whispered.
a goddess never shouts. she
offers instead a snowkiss.

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Post by WIREMAN » January 21st, 2005, 12:48 am

positive fences that are
made of sculpted steel
like New Orleans or
William Paley create +
never - ....a wrought &
welded security blanket
to the serenity of the
nevermore and when
blanketed by the white
crystalline existence all
views become bliss..................

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