The Hotel

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The Hotel

Post by e_dog » January 25th, 2005, 12:56 am

i entered the room
went straight
for the window
opened the shutters
and the mismatched windows
that couldn't lock
felt the cold air
hit my face
as i
looked down
at an alley
with its sharp dumpsters
and thought
you don't wanna go out
like this!

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 26th, 2005, 11:20 pm

i've done the same and wrote about it only you did much better!

well done! -

i dig your poetry all the time even though i may not reply all the time.... hell, i've got over 1000 posts here ... i'm trying to cut back! most have been announcements and arguments trying to run the darn place so i'm sorry i don't reply when i see a really good piece all the time, but i really love this piece... and just remember...

don't let this happen to you! ;)


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Post by bennie » January 27th, 2005, 5:51 am

nice poem man. I've been there too. Not high buildings, but "there".

Nice poem.

And doreen, question: if no one is around to see them, do dancing emoticons still dance?

How Zen am I? haha, techno Zen. it's the philosophy of the future.
well I write music review so I do:

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Post by stilltrucking » January 27th, 2005, 1:46 pm

Ross, Nashville
went straight
for the window
I raised the shade, and it was pitch black, not a bit of light, dark as a jungle

I fell down on a bed for the first time in months, slept until I woke
went straight
for the window
dark as a jungle
I slept so long I was starting to hurt, the penalties longevity, joints to concrete if I sleep long enough,

finaly got dressed and went down stairs, broad daylight outside, it seems someone had built a high rise right up to my room, the sky was straight up fourteen stories and visible thougrh a six inch slot.

what a perfect dark pit it made,

All I was thinking was"when will this night ever end."

Albion, Baltimore

my only time with black tar
my room at the end of the hall, last door on the left
went straight
for the window
Medical Arts building straight across Reed St, to the right I could see that Room I was in, was connected to another wing. I found it curious that the hall way ended at my room. Then I noticed the fire blackened windows and the burned out shell. Later I was curious about my pillow. I took the pillow case cover off and looked at the cigarette burn marks on it. Later I smoked my tar and had semiconscious dreams
nice work, appreciate the inspiration from it.

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