hip as we went along

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hip as we went along

Post by revolutionrabbit » November 25th, 2011, 3:41 am

making up the hip as we went along
I lived in the tiger tears of tomorrow
in the psychedelic rain drops of now
and then it all seemed so happening
surreal it seemed to wild mellow
it's not just what we wanted when
hip poets and poets of hip danced
in the beat light and the pulse of zeros
when flowers stood for something like
a future without war and machine madness
we had that flash of freedom in our stony eyes
we reached for the purple days and green nights
and smiles were free and cools cats handed
them out like they were going out of style
we held that gaze at the rainbow broken
for a while looking for a fix on reality for fun of it
as we groked that poetry was like the easy breeze
the flowed through out thoughts on how it all came
along, but years rolled the joints and things are
not always what they seem and the revolution
of dreams rolled over and things come to pass
and this revolving peace and love dream must
find a even more powerful way to make change
and isn't strange how strange it has all been
and will be, yet the message is still at the heart of it
still making up the hip as it went we are not hell bent
just searching for the way to vent what tells it like it is
even so what way the ragged halo blows down the play
what is out of sight is out of mind looking for the truth
behind the grind looking for words to move people again

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Re: hip as we went along

Post by dadio » November 26th, 2011, 3:44 pm

V good poem & theme.

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Re: hip as we went along

Post by saw » November 27th, 2011, 9:59 am

I think you summed up the era quite well.....only those that lived it understand really....my older boy has read about it, but he misses the impact, thinks it was all silly I think.....but those free spirits stopped the Vietnam war.....and the artist were front and center, the music the poetry, the black light posters, the writers, and of course the drugs.....having done a lot of communal living, I remember how connected we seemed to the world....couldn't veg out playing world of warcraft, so we talked to each other........

the occupy movement is closest thing I've seen since.....so I'm hopeful
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: hip as we went along

Post by Lani » November 27th, 2011, 9:42 pm

I remember too and miss those days of free love and searching for ourselves and the meaning of Life. I remember the feeling of brotherhood and sharing, a real movement for change. I found myself in lush Kauai- the original fantasy Isle and remember people living in treehouses and caves on the beaches- it was Utopia. Where did it go? The world is a different place now... but the Occupy movement is also giving me hope! At least people are finally standing up to speak their minds and coming together for change.
Be still and know I am God...

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