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happy valentine's day

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 3:53 pm
by dave eberhardt
"A touch a glance" the ad says, and soon
Sex may ensue- will you be ready then?

But also, in the same ad, please make sure
A sudden loss of hearing does not occur.

I still find the lovers in this cialis ad-they
Still seemed forced, of course the way

To sex could be "a touch, a glance",
Could be the happy happenstance

That leads the lusty couple up to bed-
They toss the book aside they could have read

Like Dante's Paolo and Francesca- but what if hearing loss caused him instead
Of hearing what she really said:

"I want you and me kissing very soon,"?
He heard, "Have you found that missing spoon?"

for studio 8 readers- Doreen Peri and I are friends- i usually post on the "Poetry in Baltimore" site- finally figured out how to get on this one- wish all a lusty v day

my bk available on amzaon- "Poems from the Website- Poetry in Baltimore"

Re: happy valentine's day

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 4:19 pm
by mnaz
is this the one with those cute little matching hiz 'n herz tubs?

will yer troops be ready for action?

(jeez, there i go with the sex / war thing again . . .)

Re: happy valentine's day

Posted: February 11th, 2012, 4:22 pm
by dave eberhardt
exactimento- r u on cialis right now- u have a window- go jump in the tub

21st Century Man, a Portrait

Double space
He stands outside the Dr.'s office- his only useful function-
A coat/towel rack- because a four hour erection
Has left him permanently stiff-
The side effect of sex enhancing drugs-

After the vasectomy, he'd contemplated matching tubs-
A lady friend- a sunset that's sublime-
And now he stands there; even health care reform
Can't cheer him, the drug has also left him blind!