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the heart of 4 a.m.

Posted: December 6th, 2014, 2:47 pm
by saw
something is intrinsically wrong
the electrical circuits are faulty,
been chewed on by transparent mice

down at the tear factory the water spews
without red flags

the circuit breakers are kaput
they open the gates without permission,
give me a fucking break Eros !

can't I even watch a sappy B movie
without your interference

isn't penance, a few hail mary's enough
must you also jam your long green toes in my door
barge your way on in, only to whisper in the ear

of my pain, as your salty residue persists
over my idle lips

my tongue twists and stretches upward
tries to keep up with the flash flood from the corners,
my eyes burn like campfires of memories

your are a lousy actor, I'd cut all of your scenes
if it were up to me

thanks for my bit part tho, my cameo of blood
I used to be your hero.... and how do you repay me
you strut upon the stage, your ostentatious Shakespearean flair rooster proud

turning your back as misery and acid roll across my cheeks
Emote, Emote ! you say

oh I see....I am the amusement for the evening

Re: the heart of 4 a.m.

Posted: December 7th, 2014, 9:42 pm
enjoyed the struttin and frettin on this poetry stage steve.... 8)

Re: the heart of 4 a.m.

Posted: December 7th, 2014, 11:06 pm
by 68degrees
"'re are a lousy actor, I'd cut all of your scenes…"

Enjoyed the sentiments. If only it were this easy :)

Willy Shakespeare had it right back in the day...

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
As You Like It / Act II Scene vii


Re: the heart of 4 a.m.

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 11:13 am
by saw
thanx Mark & 68degrees.... :)