If only for the sake of karma...

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Doreen Peri
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If only for the sake of karma...

Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2015, 7:56 pm

Respect your elders, fella,
'cause ya know it all comes back,
karma's a fact, and if you don't,
when you get old, some young punk's
gonna shove you down on the railroad track
and when that train comes, it'll run ya over,
or he'll grab your cane, hit ya upside the head,
steal your wallet, ID, and money, honey,
and leave ya there on the damn sidewalk
bleeding 'til yer dead. I ain't kiddin, kid.

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Re: If only for the sake of karma...

Post by saw » April 15th, 2015, 7:45 am

aging in america is a scary proposition where extensive poverty often leads to violent crime, and who you gonna pick on, some buff young hunk, or some old codger with a cane...the choice is obvious....I have noticed a certain arrogance amongst the millennials that they are immune to old age, but maybe that was always there and I just didn't notice it, because even I was young once....ha ha

you paint a grim picture, but not an unrealistic one

I was coming out of the drugstore one day, and this fight erupted between two young men in their twenties, and i have never in my life seen so many punches both thrown and landed in a few seconds...and even though I am very good shape for my age, it hit me like a piano on the head, if they they mark me one day, I won't have a chance

folks that grow up in violent neighborhoods, know how to hurt....and their goal is to kill you
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: If only for the sake of karma...

Post by Doreen Peri » April 15th, 2015, 9:00 am

I can't imagine living in a neighborhood where I come out of a drugstore and witness a fist fight. I feel very lucky to be out here in the suburbs. That would scare the shit outa me.

And yeah, the elderly are often targeted. Easy targets because they're weaker and older and usually have money in their pockets. Sad, but true.

This poem was more inspired by how some young people treat older people in general, the way they talk to older people, the way they are disrespected.

When people are young, they don't understand how short life is and how soon they'll be older. It happens fast. When they get old, which will be sooner than they think, the way they treated their elders will come back to them. I believe in karma.

I'm still waiting for mine, but I believe in it, nonetheless. Thanks for reading and commenting, Steve! I appreciate your comments. Stay in shape!

I'm in luck! My new insurance which starts May 1st includes a free gym membership. I'm going to become a body builder. heh.... I'm sorta kidding... but sorta NOT! I can't WAIT.

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Re: If only for the sake of karma...

Post by saw » April 16th, 2015, 7:43 am

feed your head...feed your body..... :D ........pump it up.....you go girl !

instant karma' gonna git you....whippersnappers
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Re: If only for the sake of karma...

Post by whoaisme » April 16th, 2015, 5:40 pm

go go gadget Doreen!

this was fun to read, and i am taking the advice with a full heart.
"From the sudden invasion of a mind not my own in the world. This I will record. For whom? For m y s e l f, beyond denial and beyond indifference." - Philip Lamantia

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