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A place of peace ...

Posted: April 28th, 2015, 10:58 pm
by Doreen Peri
Six simple lines
with Hallmark rhyme:

Here we have
a place of peace
where love for words
and art will never cease,
for all our energies project
our guarantee of mutual respect.

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 28th, 2015, 11:15 pm
by justwalt
this wasn't here a few minutes ago...
nice surprise


Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 28th, 2015, 11:25 pm
by Doreen Peri
I just now wrote it.... typed it directly into the posting window. That's how much I love Studio8. It's a place of solace, a place of peace, a place of respect each other, and a place of love for writing and all of the arts. Is it OK to love this website and those who participate? I hope so. Because I do.

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 29th, 2015, 12:20 am
by justwalt
planning my escape from manhattan,
gotta get back home before summer...
got some spare time there

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 29th, 2015, 12:31 am
by Doreen Peri
The longest time I can spend in Manhattan is maybe 4 days, tops. Then, I'm ready to go home. I love the action, the smell of different types of foods, the almost-too-hip-to-be-hip scene, so many places to go, things to see.... looking up at the skyscrapers...OMG, you can always tell a tourist, they're always looking up.. that's me. I love the off-broadway shows, the clubs & bars, hailing a taxi, walking and walking, the sights and sounds.... and then... and then.. all of a sudden all those yellow taxi cabs look and sound like bumble bees just whizzing and buzzing around and there are too many people and it's too crowded and I start getting a migraine and I feel trapped and I can't WAIT to get OUT of the City and go home to at LEAST the suburbs but even preferably, out to the mountains somewhere where I can find some peace and quiet. All cities are too much for me after a certain period of time. NYC is 4 days, tops. That's it. If I stay longer? I go insane. I need rivers and mountains and lakes and the ocean and silence and solitude. Sigh... I'm a country girl at heart living in suburbia which is far superior to me than living in any city. I just couldn't do it. My idea of a party is 10 friends sitting outside on my deck having wine together and cooking out. 20 friends is a HUGE party to me. Haha! Have a good trip back home and enjoy your summer.

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 29th, 2015, 1:16 am
by fuchsiafestival!
Art and peace.

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 29th, 2015, 1:22 am
by Doreen Peri
fuchsiafestival! wrote:Art and peace.
YES! .... that's Studio8. Art and peace. Thank you for being here!

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 29th, 2015, 11:53 pm
by justwalt
the Back Fence on bleeker street is gone now,
love the city anyway, mostly work in the soho area...
on broadway now, above canal, who can't love it.
I make it home most weekends... (to the woods and mountains),
ten years now working out of state or out of town, I love...
the diversity of this planet... even the people too.

S8 and all ya'll... hell, who needs a planet...

but I'm anywhere I want to be, anytime Doreen, in my mind.
it is a reality, and you should know I know you know I know about it,

it's all good, that's all

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 12:00 am
by Doreen Peri
Oh man... the Back Fence is gone? Crap! I went there... performed some poetry with the Litkicks gang way back when, 10 years ago? Something like that. I felt the ghosts of the Beats sitting in the seats. It was AWWWsome! Famous place for beat poetry. I'm sad it's gone.

Glad you make it home most weekends .. woods and mountains are great ... and sounds like you enjoy working in the City. I'm with you, too... btw... I travel wherever I want in my mind. The mind is a very powerful vehicle. And yeah, I know you know about it.

Everything is good, for sure. Life is a pain in the ass sometimes, but it's GOOD... Life is GOOD.. every day is a blessing. :)

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: May 12th, 2015, 3:25 pm
by Steve Plonk
Doreen, the above poem is one of your best short poems. 8) I really enjoyed the positive nature of it. ( Oh, hey, twenty people is a big party for me, too... :) )

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: May 12th, 2015, 7:55 pm
by Doreen Peri
Steve Plonk wrote:Doreen, the above poem is one of your best short poems. 8) I really enjoyed the positive nature of it. ( Oh, hey, twenty people is a big party for me, too... :) )
Well, thanks, but I wrote it in about 30 seconds. If this is one of my best, I'm giving up writing entirely. :mrgreen:

Re: A place of peace ...

Posted: May 12th, 2015, 7:57 pm
by Doreen Peri
No, but seriously... I have a sarcastic sense of humor sometimes... please forgive me. ;) I truly appreciate you reading this and I promise you, if I have a party and I invite you, we're only having 10 people over here... max! ;)