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old black kettle

Posted: April 24th, 2017, 5:22 pm
by saw
old black kettle hisses,
obnoxious roommate !
I yell at it ! ok! ok!
I'll be there in a second !
but it doesn't care, it just
keeps screaming, this
inanimate banshee...
zombie alive by fire,
chaotic molecules of water,
steamy ado, snorting like Toro
pissed at the color red
and I just continue to write...
two can play this stubborn game
so I write faster....this poem
you are reading, knowing I'm stalling,
aware that I'm a cheater
delaying the inevitable display
of the meaningless men
who write into brick walls.... waste your time
I very much wanted to say something

Re: old black kettle

Posted: April 24th, 2017, 10:09 pm
by judih
technological bullies
shapes, sizes, demands
one needn't submit!

Re: old black kettle

Posted: April 25th, 2017, 1:17 am
by Diana Moon Glampers
thanks for a few moments of reading pleasure 8)
really need them.

I suppose my reply to your poem was inevitable
damn those brick walls :shock:

Re: old black kettle

Posted: April 25th, 2017, 9:38 am
by saw
judih, truck....thanx fer da feedback..... 8)