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the tonic of stillness

Posted: September 27th, 2017, 4:14 pm
by saw
Huxley knew about the doors
but there are windows as well
and hatches and chimneys and chutes
and ladders, secret panels in bookcases

gateways to perceptions of ultraviolet light
it's up to us to keep the hallways clear of junk
accumulated over decades of mindless consumption...
maybe we can try to forget the toil of daily work

so little time for meditations of the universe back then
just lots of schlepping the kids, endlessly mowing the grass
trimming the overgrown boxwoods, rashes of poison ivy...
.......and these were all noble endeavors of course.......

making the ends meet, connecting the dots of necessity.....
circles... of existence in a world where we no longer hunt
for rabbits and squirrel like our granddaddies, as we hike
along the paths to longer teeth and less hair

but these days I want a little more
I want to stare at a elm with total disregard for the bark of time
I want to keep my sidewalk clear of ice and twigs, set out
the Welcome mat,..... wait for inspiration to knock

Re: the tonic of stillness

Posted: September 29th, 2017, 9:36 am
by sasha
When I was deleted from the work force, I thought I might miss the day to day - the (all too) occasional sense of accomplishment - the structure, the routine that even a crappy job can provide

Boy, was I wrong.

Re: the tonic of stillness

Posted: September 30th, 2017, 4:38 am
by dadio
Hit the target well

Re: the tonic of stillness

Posted: October 1st, 2017, 3:25 am
by Doreen Peri
Powerful! You said it!

Re: the tonic of stillness

Posted: October 2nd, 2017, 4:03 am
by mnaz
"the bark of time".. love that!

What the hell do we know about time, always running around?

Re: the tonic of stillness

Posted: October 4th, 2017, 4:55 pm
by Ann Bingham
Never played chutes and ladders, but did a Clue or two. I preferred Battle Ship. I miss the days of watching my girls cheer or play in high school games. I miss the days of camping with them too. The workforce still beckons me, and will for another decade or two. . .then what will I do? I hope to find the gusto to sit and watch a sunset while drinking my coffee and listening to the birds bring in a new day. :)