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the weather

Posted: October 4th, 2017, 11:58 am
by saw
this newspaper is only documentation
murder, rape, robbery, debauchery...
even the sports page, full of cheating and drug use
and adults behaving like spoiled children
why am I reading this shit
I can get the weather on my phone
or better yet sit still in the back yard
experience it firsthand...jimi sed,
Are You Experienced ?
this is what he was talking about
and how can anyone predict the future
with any kind of certainty, and yet
tv meteorologists get a quarter mil
to look sexy.....make guesses
give me the forest and a granola bar
spring water and creatures better than shooters

Re: the weather

Posted: October 4th, 2017, 4:45 pm
by Ann Bingham
Give me the great outdoors near a lake, listening to the birds and watching as the sun rises over the trees; the ways of the worlds evilness but a distant memory.

Re: the weather

Posted: October 6th, 2017, 8:44 am
by saw
I'm with you Ann...the woods is the only thing making any sense to me...

Re: the weather

Posted: October 6th, 2017, 9:17 am
by beekaay
Right on, Ann:

creek roars, wind sings, trees whisper
rocks think their long thoughts
and offer silence

(Inspired by Pine Creek Wilderness, Cleveland National Forest, California)

Re: the weather

Posted: October 6th, 2017, 5:09 pm
by sasha
bump stocks
rocket man
russian hackers
redneck nation
led by an orange madman
chastising storm victims
for stressing his budget
it's just too much
too fucking much
maybe I'm running
maybe I'm hiding
here in the woods
or on the quiet banks
of the Millers River
or on the blueberry ledges
of Gap Mountain...
but I don't care...
I've had enough...
the real world
has become surreal
a nightmare
I'll talk to the trees instead
the turkeys
the chipmunks...
they make more sense
then that lunatic
with the nuclear codes...

Re: the weather

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 8:28 am
by saw
enjoyed the thoughtful comments, poem....we seem to be in agreement here...long live the woods !