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the lock box

Posted: November 4th, 2018, 2:36 pm
by sasha
up in the attic
amidst the clutter of the past
(the christmas ornaments
the baby paraphernalia
the broken lamps i haven't yet
gotten around to fixing)
there's a small wooden box
padlocked shut

i chanced upon the key one day
somewhere near my heart
so i opened it
and within
found her

as raindrops pattered overhead
dancing on the roof
with a thousand tiny feet
as gray daylight
through rivulets on the panes
cast misty shadows in the dust
i sat in the attic
examining the treasures
this box

it held the moment
we sat on her bed
turning one by one
the cards
telling us what we already knew
that the warmth
within that room
was love

and also the time
our lips first touched
frightened of the desires
seething within

it contained her giggle
the way she chewed her lip
in concentration

the images
of her large gray eyes
the mole by her left eyebrow
and the one
on the slope of her breast

and oh,
the exquisite curves
of her hips
and cheekbones

it recalled the day
on the old railroad grade
when she took my hand
and refused to budge
until i'd kissed her

and how
on a chilly april evening
she'd pressed against me
for warmth

it held the moment
my hands first felt
the warm skin of her back

the way she so fearlessly
pressed ahead of me
exploring the woods by the pond

the way she squealed with delight
the first time i made her
dippy eggs

the way her fingers
would twirl twirl her hair
the way she'd nibble the russet strands
the way they'd so playfully dance
in a gentle breeze

the way she held
with such infinite care
and tenderness
an injured bird

the way our bodies
swayed in perfect time
and synchrony
to the music

the way she sighed
whenever i rubbed her feet

the way she gasped
whenever i entered her

the way her hair
tickled my nose
upon awakening

and now these tears
running freely down my cheeks
assure me
that every smile she graced me with
every laugh she anointed me in
every endearment she returned
is a gift
i shall cherish

RIP, Holly... 1968-2015

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 4th, 2018, 2:59 pm
by judih
gorgeous, Roy.
may she rest in peace and blossom further within your creative homage

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 4th, 2018, 4:08 pm
by sasha
thanks, judi - I posted an early draft of this at Arcanum long after we'd fallen out of touch, but long before I learned of her death. She altered my trajectory through life and I've never forgotten her. Unwisely, I followed a LinkedIn friend-of-a-friend trail that led eventually to her obituary. In the photo she's wearing the necklace I'd given her on our last Christmas together... no grief (I'd worked that out long ago), just a profound sadness that someone so young & lovely, someone I'd loved, was taken away so early... She was on my mind today because Friday is the anniversary of her passing...

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 5th, 2018, 6:45 pm
by saw
the honesty, the love
simply terrific
best thing I've read in a good while
the images were searing
thank you

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 10th, 2018, 3:09 pm
by mnaz
What saw said. Amazing piece.

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 11th, 2018, 10:53 am
by sasha
steve, mark - thank you

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 12th, 2018, 2:26 pm
by Doreen Peri

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 12th, 2018, 6:27 pm
by creativesoul

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 13th, 2018, 10:02 am
by Terri
moved me to tears. a wonderful piece.

i'm so sorry for your loss.

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 13th, 2018, 11:49 am
by sasha
doreen, jana, terri - thanks all, glad I was able to touch you

well, you know what I mean

Re: the lock box

Posted: November 13th, 2018, 12:26 pm
by creativesoul
Ha ha you did