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It's like the blind leading the blind

Posted: February 11th, 2019, 1:23 am
by Doreen Peri
One time my dad said that to me,
NO! ... more than once, a hundred times probably,
maybe a thousand, who could keep track?
It's like the blind leading the blind, he'd say
when I tried to convince him that there was a way for
me to help others or for others to help me at a minimal
cost, but my dad thought I was lost and he thought all the others
who were in this gig, this big plan, this fantastic clearinghouse
of healing, were all pitiful souls who he didn't know how to help,
despite the fact that he would have wanted to, and he didn't
believe any of us could help each other either.
"It's like the blind leading the blind," he said.
So apropos.
Well, all these years later,
it's time to let it go
because he was probably right.
After all, I still need a flashlight to find my way
to the bathroom at 4am.

Re: It's like the blind leading the blind

Posted: February 11th, 2019, 10:36 am
by saw
not a glass is full kind of guy , huh ?
there are many expressions to try to cover up one's lack of imagination and positivism
sometimes the labeling can have very adverse results on the folks nearby

just get one of those little nightlight thingies.... :D :D :D

Re: It's like the blind leading the blind

Posted: February 15th, 2019, 4:27 am
by mnaz
Well we're all blind in various ways at various times, (our "blind spots," etc.) so in one sense it's like a pretty good synopsis of just about the entire history of life at one time or another.. Yet it seems possible to help others at minimal cost, as you say. Funny, I heard that expression quite a bit growing up, but associated it with technical knowledge (lack thereof); never thought about it in quite this context. Probably should, though..

Re: It's like the blind leading the blind

Posted: February 16th, 2019, 4:24 pm
by Doreen Peri
I actually don't know exactly what he meant. I just felt like he was always judging me. Misjudging me, actually. He didn't divvy out a lot of praise. But I don't think most men offer praise very often. This is not an anti-men statement. It's just what I've observed. Women seem to be the ones who praise people more often than men do. Men are often critical, seems to me.

Aww hell, who knows? The phrase "blind leading the blind" popped into my head the other night and I felt compelled to write this. That's a good thing because I haven't been writing at all for several years and the desire to write is coming back.

I often don't know what's going to happen in the piece. I write them to find out what I'm thinking about. Hah! Does that make sense?

And at the conclusion of the poem, I discover that I he was right! I am blind! (At least at 3am in the dark, anyway) ;)

Thanks for reading and for your comments, Steve and Mark.

Re: It's like the blind leading the blind

Posted: February 16th, 2019, 6:33 pm
by mnaz
"I write them to find out what I'm thinking about."

Makes sense. I do that too. (And others can give their take as well.) Write it out !

Re: It's like the blind leading the blind

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 11:02 am
by the mingo
Fucking Righteous !