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cat scan

Posted: February 11th, 2019, 11:13 am
by saw
it's too icy this morning
for me to get to my cat scan
it's such a foolish endeavor anyway
looking around for more cancer
with this toxic dye in your veins
inside this monstrous machine,
and it doesn't make me feel very safe
when the technician is hiding in another room
looking through bulletproof glass, I mean
the dye and the scans will likely kill me first
and some nurse will mumble to a loved one
yes, sometimes the side effects
from the procedures can be quite serious
in their own right...What ?!.... death
is now a side effect ?... and I'm quite sure
I don't have any cats inside me to begin with !
and my inner voice is telling me
you are very healthy
stop trying to kill yourself with things doctors tell you
are a good idea
they're trying to cover their asses
while your ass is hanging out of a nightgown
getting baked on a moving plastic table

Re: cat scan

Posted: February 11th, 2019, 4:02 pm
by sasha
yeah, the medical factories are geared more for generating revenue than healing the sick... once got billed for a procedure I never had - figured since it was covered by insurance, I wouldn't notice. But I noticed. We recently moved our mom from a big (by NH standards) regional Medical Center to a little run-down clinic closer by, where she's receiving better, more personalized care. Sometimes less truly is more.

That said - hope the C-demon has been sent packing.... all the best

Re: cat scan

Posted: February 12th, 2019, 10:19 am
by creativesoul
And waiting for their answers
I had to kind of not believe them
I think that we all have it
That they just want to pretend not to see it

Until it is gone or too late
I don’t like it
The whole game
I’m sorry that this is happening to you as well