the quizzical hours before dawn

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the quizzical hours before dawn

Post by saw » February 25th, 2019, 10:15 pm

are there truths beyond
the mountains of science ?
I wonder how many believe
their consciousness lives
inside their head......what
about levitation, is quantum mechanics
fiction ? about that
Maharishi Effect ?

i have a ton of questions tonight
my mind is a pinball without a wizard
lighting all the lights, scoring
ungodly points, slammed by the flippers
in the dark, back
to the spectacle of near misses
I can ricochet with the best, I'm
a silver ball of energy
looking for a safe place to land

take me away from the brutal bells
and the whistling teapots that demand
ten-hut !....oh confused one,
are you ready ? !
to solve the jigsaw
contestant number nine
damn !
no matter how clever i am

there always seems to be,

a missing piece
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: the quizzical hours before dawn

Post by gypsyjoker » February 26th, 2019, 6:31 am

the missing piece just over the horizon of consciousness
I am not aware of too many things
but I am aware of being unaware

just barely aware of that consciousness that lives in my body

that was a terrific poem, it struck home for me 8)
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Re: the quizzical hours before dawn

Post by theirishsea » February 26th, 2019, 9:51 am

We really----deep inside must admit----we know nothing about the big questions----we hope, we postulate, hypotheticize, (whatever that verb is) and build a wall of faith-conviction around ourselves. Though they have some good tribal wisdom, I'm so down on traditional religions at the moment---they obfuscate rather than enlighten---they are the barracks of bullies----they pretend sweetness and light but muster troops and you are in bad luck if you don't keep step, do eyes right when they call and stand at attention.

I like your poem. Puts the questions out there. Describes the basic human conundrum.
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Re: the quizzical hours before dawn

Post by saw » February 26th, 2019, 12:36 pm

thanx for the thoughtful comments...Einstein famously quipped," Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind "
Finding a spiritual place seems like a worthy endeavor, in other words acknowledging there is something bigger than yourself, and that could be any number of things....I worship nature for instance as a starting point....that grounds me ( no pun intended ).....
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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