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when the muse is busy

Posted: March 1st, 2020, 12:31 pm
by saw
I want to say something profound
Right this very moment
I have this urge that insists
I throw a battleaxe to the heart

that elusive target....yes i can see the blade
spinning end over end through the air
seemingly with no intention of ever slowing down
end over end over end goes my mind

to that thunk in the metrical circle............
but most days the edge refuses to stick,
hold-fast in the lyrical wooden eye
falling ingloriously to the hungry earth

I put the pen back in the drawer...............
stringing together desire and creativity
is like weaving colorful patterned strips of cloth
into a piece of art

suitable for the wall on a hanging-day
a tapestry that doesn't offend the eyes
a heavy textile woven dream
presented there for all to gaze upon

as they walk through their one-of-a-kind lives not that kind of day
maybe it's because i'm a stubborn old ass...................
a man insisting his quatrains needn't rhyme

maybe,'s because Calliope can't be bothered

Re: when the muse is busy

Posted: March 9th, 2020, 11:51 pm
by wylde
eye sense your rhythm bored strumming.

"a line is a dot that went for a walk"

~paul klee~

peace & power to you.

Re: when the muse is busy

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 12:41 am
by wylde



Re: when the muse is busy

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 1:15 pm
by saw
aah yes wylde....Indeed they are separate animals

Re: when the muse is busy

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 11:18 pm
by wylde
saw. Is it fair to say perhaps that poets, artists in general, by emoting; feeling; from all sides of the emotional spectrum - live?

Re: when the muse is busy

Posted: March 11th, 2020, 9:32 am
by saw
I think that's fair wylde that the desire to communicate, shed light, create beauty, shock, requires one to get outside simply going through the motions