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Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 5th, 2022, 12:38 pm
by the mingo
Bringing up the list I overshot by one
and had to backtrack
I love like anyone to arrive right on the money
taking my finger off the key in the nick of time, like that is best
makes ya feel you are swimming in titties & milk for eternity
with a shiny device of calculation in your pocket
and maybe a functional hobby or two strapped to the rear rack
but these things pass through my mind so fast I'm left to deal with afterimages only

so there you are totally macabre under ready skies

I stir & creep and pull erratic briefs from my handsome plod
I sit and look smart without opening my mouth
admiring a thought silently becoming a wish
and just as infested

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 5th, 2022, 2:52 pm
by judih
writing it, sharing it, lessening the intensity on the mind
allowing movement and air to circulate among the syllables
tension is the antithesis of hope

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 5th, 2022, 5:32 pm
by sasha
thoughts & prayers ain't worth the hot air they're printed on
but they're all I've got for ya
even though they sound lame while that roulette wheel spins around
I'm thinking of you out there on the Tug
and hoping for the best

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 6th, 2022, 2:16 am
by mnaz
Hope. The sky high "limit," as always. I am thinking of you now, and I hope, starting to understand a little more about your strength. Thoughts, hope, and prayers.

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 6th, 2022, 8:38 am
by saw
I've heard those words myself.....2016....bladder cancer......and well, I do under stand how unsettling those words are and I sure hope this is manageable for you and you'll be able to kick some ass....keep the faith brother.....sending some healing vibes your way.....

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 7:13 am
by the mingo
judih wrote:
January 5th, 2022, 2:52 pm
writing it, sharing it, lessening the intensity on the mind
allowing movement and air to circulate among the syllables
tension is the antithesis of hope

Radiation treatments begin later today. If they prove out ineffective, then surgery.

To quote the world's greatest zen master:
Of course, you know this means war
~ Bugs Bunny

Thx, judih * 8) *

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 7:28 am
by the mingo
Thx, Roy - I appreciate it - stay warm & cozy over there - been cold here, ain't been out on the bike for the past three days -

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 7:32 am
by the mingo
Thx, Mark, I appreciate it - where you at these days? I think I heard mention you weren't in Nevada anymore. You wrote a lot of good stuff from there.

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 8:20 am
by the mingo
Thx, Steve - when the Doc gave me the results from the biopsy and the "options" available I told him I needed a couple of days to decide which way I wanted to go. I walked back out to the VA parking garage and wandered around for almost an hour looking for my car. I couldn't remember where I had parked it.
The VA garage is HUGE and has several stories to boot.
An attendant noticed me and asked me if I needed help.

Something crawled up out of me right then. I faced the poor attendant and howled out F-U-C-K which echoed demonically all over that garage. He stepped back a bit and said, "Sir, do I have to call Security?" I said, Security? Security? That fucking word needs to be banned from the fucking language and you know why? Because it makes us all STUPID!"

I turned my back to his astonished & anxious face and walked off.

I found my car on the next level. Drove home. Walked inside. Told Nancy the results of the biopsy. Told her I was going for a bike ride and we would talk when I got back. I locked the battery into the bike. Dialed up an energy-eating pedal-assist level and tore up the hill. I took every change of direction I came to. Came to the old railbed and flew down it until I came to the trestle bridge over Grindstone Creek. And stopped. The bridge is high over the stream. There are many stones of all sizes in the stream bed. They make the water talk as it passes over them. I stood there listening. As I listened I remembered something. I remembered a King once told me that I would continue whether I made it through or not.

I breathed out. Mounted up, turned around, opened the circuit between the lithium-ion battery and the wheels. Keyed in a peaceful pedal-assist level and headed home on my time & enjoyed the ride. Walked through the door, hugged Nancy, and told her I was going to kick her ass all over the Parchesi board. She wiped the board with my ragged prophecy 3-0.

Best game of Parchesi I ever had.

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 11:38 am
by saw
wonderful story mingo.....worth sharing somehow with the world....when/ if you are ready ....because it is the truth in a brutally poetic manner that cannot simply be my case my doc said they need to do this scraping in my son went with me....the doc adding 85 % of the time it's nothing to worry when the results were in I went to see my urologist alone expecting no big deal....He was fidgeting is his chair like I had never seen him so before....and then whammo.....stage 3 cancer and "they're" gonna want to remove your bladder."....the only thing I could think of to say was " You've got to be kidding !".....which of course you know a doctor would never kid about such a thing

and they took it out pretty quickly.......and 5 years passed this last June my attitude was always Cancer You gotta go !......sure i have a bag to contend with but this has been the richest 5 years of my go in there and give it hell...i hope the radiation is successful for you, but if not let 'em cut it out....'cause it don't belong there !.....

Best to you and Nancy in the interim....take good care brother

ps...I too have lost my car at the VA hospital....haha

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 2:02 pm
by sasha
So far I've got nothing to contribute to the medical stories - but I once lost my car in the parking garage at Bradley International in Hartford CT. I'd written down the location on the ticket stub before my flight out, but the layout is kind of funky - the level numbers change halfway up each of the ramps. Eventually I hid my bags so I could travel lighter during my hunt, & when I eventually found the car, I couldn't find my bags! And when I finally DID find them, I had trouble finding the car again. I was soaking wet by the time the three of us (me, car, luggage) were finally reunited. It only occurred to me later that I should have used the remote alarm on the key fob.....

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 5:43 pm
by stilltrucking
Doc said..."death wish"
After years as a culprit life can seem pointless especially when pain is at hand. I wish to hell I knew,
fingers on the trigger/keys of Hemingway's keyboard papa said his keyboard was his shrink. and virginia woof had her friends, and I think about my medicine cabinet as a friend.
I think about Freud's infested jaw and arriving too late.
if I am here the day you take your finger off the key that would be a lonely street trip for me
FWiH" I think mediating waves of medicine art at this textbox
titties and milk
freud's breakfast
2 over easy

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 8th, 2022, 5:05 am
by mnaz
Getting ready to go back to Nevada. I've been back in the dark north for a few years, taking care of endless issues, but soon that will end, and I'll be trucking across the desert, or at least that's the idea.

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 8th, 2022, 9:35 pm
by the mingo
titties and milk
freud's breakfast
2 over easy
... crack me up, Jack - good to hear from you 8)

Re: Doc said "Cancer"

Posted: January 8th, 2022, 9:38 pm
by the mingo
taking care of endless issues, but soon that will end, and I'll be trucking across the desert, or at least that's the idea.

ya know, I think that's a good thing - hope it happens & I wish you well -