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Posted: March 2nd, 2022, 5:26 pm
by creativesoul
I just don’t feel good
I’m one …… I know better I do

of those girls that likes : wants to feel good all the time
Like - more is better ..

I was by the ocean today
It was beautiful

My throat hurts

My lungs feel like I smoked for 40 years

- there is a leash on the collar to my neck that looks like the electric chair is zapping me sometimes
Watching bad television is like therapy.

I leave it on for noise
My teeth hurt
I want serious pain medicine
Apparently there is not an opiate crisis in Chile

Where are they when you need them?

I want to shout out to God please help me out here
Not so
Much for the drugs.. can you get rid of this pain
The bugs and kinks in the old outdated computer
I never did spend $ on make up
Sure could use a little bit of plastic surgery

Under the eyes please the dark circles have started to
I think I became a vegetarian
Except for shrimp

Lungs can itch
Kidneys can just kind of go to someone else’s house
Until salt or sugar busts you out of an insulin coma
You told me it did not matter anymore I know better I do

Re: Sic

Posted: March 2nd, 2022, 10:18 pm
by Arcadia
wine, paltas, frozen sea, big empanadas, become blind seeing the horizon at sunset and cuecas maybe can help you (sic) 🤣🤣😁 Enjoy Chile!!! 😃💗😉

Re: Sic

Posted: March 3rd, 2022, 1:39 am
by creativesoul
Muchas gracias

Re: Sic

Posted: March 5th, 2022, 10:24 am
by saw
it seems everything catches up to us
the past asserts itself, some things
can be expected i suppose given our choices
but there are many surprises around each new bend
so how do we handled that with grace ?